1. Occurrence and distribution of nitrate and herbicides in the Iowa River alluvial aquifer, Iowa--May 1984 to November 1985 Author/Creator: Detroy, Mark G., author Publication/Creation: Iowa City, Iowa : U.S. Geological Survey, 1988 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
2. Surface-water quality of the Cedar River Basin, Iowa-Minnesota, with emphasis on the occurrence and transport of herbicides, May 1984 through No vember 1985 Author/Creator: Squillace, Paul J., author Publication/Creation: Iowa City, Iowa : U.S. Geological Survey, 1988 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
3. Ground-water-quality-monitoring program in Iowa : nitrate and pesticides in shallow aquifers Author/Creator: Detroy, Mark G., author Publication/Creation: Iowa City, Iowa : Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, 1988 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
4. Hydrology of the alluvial, buried channel, basal Pleistocene and Dakota aquifers in west-central Iowa Author/Creator: Runkle, Donna L., author Publication/Creation: [Reston, Virginia?] : U.S. Geological Survey, [1985] Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading