1. Charles Cuvier, 1798-1881 Author/Creator: A. S. Publication/Creation: Strasbourg : [Eglise libre française du Pont-Saint-Martin], 1922 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
2. Li̓mmaculée conception : histoire dʼun dogme catholique-romain : ou, Comment lh̕érésie devient un dogme Author/Creator: A. S. Publication/Creation: Paris : Ch. Meyrueis, 1855 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
3. The gentleman's compleat jockey: with the perfect horse-man and experienc'd farrier : containing, I. The nature of horses; their breeding, feeding and management in all paces, to fit them for war, racing, travel, hunting, or other recreations and advantages. II. The true method with proper rules and directions to order, diet and physick the running-horse, to bring him to any match or race, with success. III. The methods to buy horses, and prevent being cheated noting the particular marks of the good and b[a]d horses, in all their circumstances. IV. How to make blazes stars, and snips: to fatten a horse with little charge, and to make him lively and lovely. V. The whole art of farrier in curing all diseases, griefs, and sorrances incident to horses; with their symptoms and causes. VI. The methods of shooing, blooding, rowling, purging and prevention of diseases, and many other things from long experience and approved practice. By A.S. gent Author/Creator: A. S. Publication/Creation: London : Printed by T. Norris, at the Looking-Glass on London-Bridge, for Peter Parker, in Duck-Lane, near West Smithfield, 1717 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
4. The gentleman's compleat jockey : with the perfect horse-man and experienc'd farrier. ... To which is added, the art of vermine-killing. By A. S. gent Author/Creator: A. S. Publication/Creation: London : Printed by T. Norris, [1715?] Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
5. The reconciler of religions ; or, A brief decider of all controversies in matters of faith ... Author/Creator: A. S. Publication/Creation: [London?] : [publisher not identified], 1711 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
6. The gentleman's compleat jockey with the perfect horseman, and experienc'd farrier. Containing, I. The nature of horses; their breeding, feeding and management in all paces, to fit them for war, racing, travel, hunting, or other recreations and advantages. II. The true method, with proper rules and directions to order, diet and physick the running-horse, to bring him to any match, or race, with success. III. The methods to buy horses, and prevent being cheated; noting the particular marks of the good and bad horses, in all their circumstances. IV. How to make blazes, stars and snips: to fatten a horse with little charge, and to make him lively and lovely. V. The whole art of a farrier, in curing all diseases, griefs and sorrances incident to horses; with their symptoms and causes. VI. The methods of shooing, blooding, roweling, purging, and prevention of diseases, and many other things, from long experience and approved practice. by A. S. gent Author/Creator: A. S. Publication/Creation: London : printed for Henry Nelme, at the Leg and Star, over-against the Royal Exchange in Cornhil, 1697 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
7. God glorified, and the wicked snared in a thanksgiving sermon for the most happy preservation of His Majesty, King William III. from a most horrid and barbarous assassination, in order to an invasion from France Author/Creator: A. S. Publication/Creation: London : Printed, and are to be sold by R. Baldwin ..., 1696 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
8. Miracles not ceas'd to His Grace George Duke of Buckingham &c., of his miraculous cure and of the rest of all the most wonderfull and glorious miracles and cures wrought by a Roman Catholick priest in and about the cities of London and Westminster, in the moneths of Iune and Iuly 1663, in confirmation of the holy Roman Catholick faith Author/Creator: A. S. Publication/Creation: London : [s.n.], 1663 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
9. The reconciler of religions: or, a brief decider of all controversies in matters of faith Dedicated to his honoured friend Mr. Laurence Dibusty, merchant of London. And presented to all such schismatiques, sectaries, and heretiques as truly penitent, heartily desire to walk in the true way, and humbly beg of God to lead them thereunto, and direct them therein. By A.S. Hereunto is added a true relation of the great miracles, and admirable wonders of God, now daily wrought by a Roman Catholick priest, in and about the cities of London and Westminster Author/Creator: A. S. Publication/Creation: [London : s.n.], Printed in the year, 1663 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
10. [Magnificentiss. Dominis,] dom[inis] Oliverio St. John Gvaltero Stricland ser. reipublicae Anglicanae ad foederatos belgas legatis anno Dom. M. DC. LI. Author/Creator: A. S. Publication/Creation: London : s.n., 1651 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading