1. The history of the Reformation and other ecclesiastical transactions in and about the Low-countries : from the beginning of the eighth century, down to the famous Synod of Dort, inclusive. : In which all the revolutions that happen'd in church and state, on account of the divisions between the Protestants and Papists, the Arminians and Calvinists, are fairly and fully represented Author/Creator: Brandt, Geeraert, 1626-1685 Publication/Creation: London : Printed by T. Wood, for Timothy Childe, 1720-1723 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
2. The history of the reformation : and other ecclesiastical transactions in and about the Low-countries, from the beginning of the eighth century, down to the famous Synod of Dort, inclusive ... Faithfully translated from the original Low-Dutch Author/Creator: Brandt, Geeraert, 1626-1685 Publication/Creation: London : Printed by T. Wood, for T. Childe, 1720-1723 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
3. The history of the Reformation and other ecclesiastical transactions in and about the low-countries, from the beginning of the eighth century, down to the famous Synod of Dort ... Author/Creator: Brandt, Geeraert, 1626-1685 Publication/Creation: [New York] : [AMS Press], [1979] Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
4. The history of the reformation and other ecclesiastical transactions in and about the low-countries, from the beginning of the eighth century, down to the famous Synod of Dort, inclusive : In which all the revolutions that happen'd in church and state, on account of the divisions between the protestants and papists, the arminians and calvinists, are fairly and fully represented by the Reverend and learned Mr. Gerard Brandt, late professor of divinity, and minister to the Protestant Remonstrants at Amsterdam. Faithfully translated from the original Low-Dutch Author/Creator: Brandt, Geeraert, 1626-1685 Publication/Creation: London : Printed by T. Wood, for Timothy Childe, at the White Hart at the west end of St. Paul's Church-Yard, MDCCXX. [1720] Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
5. The history of the Reformation and other ecclesiastical transactions in and about the Low-Countries : from the beginning of the eighth century, down to the famous synod of Dort, inclusive. ... By the Reverend and Learned Mr. Gerard Brandt, ... Faithfully translated from the original Low-Dutch. ... Author/Creator: Brandt, Geeraert, 1626-1685 Publication/Creation: London : Printed by T. Wood, for Timothy Childe, 1720-23. Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
6. The history of the Reformation, and other ecclesiastical transactions in, and about, the Low-Countries : from the beginning of the eighth century down to the end of the famous Synod of Dort: ... By the learned Gerrard Brandt Author/Creator: Brandt, Geeraert, 1626-1685 Publication/Creation: London : Printed by T. Wood, for Tim. Childe, 1719 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
7. G. Brandts Historie van de rechtspleging gehouden in de jaaren 1618 en 1619 : ontrent de dry gevangene heeren Mr. Johan van Oldenbarnevelt, Mr. Rombout Hoogerbeets, Mr. Hugo de Groot Author/Creator: Brandt, Geeraert, 1626-1685 Publication/Creation: Te Rotterdam : By Barent Bos ..., 1710 Format: Book Edition: De tweede Druk met aanteekeningen vermeerdert. Access & Availability: Loading
8. La vie de Michel de Ruiter ... : où est comprise l'histoire maritime des Provinces Unies, depuis l'an 1652. jusques à 1676 Author/Creator: Brandt, Geeraert, 1626-1685 Publication/Creation: Amsterdam : Waesberge, Boom, à Someren & Goethals, 1698 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
9. La vie de Michel de Ruiter ... : Où est comprise l'histoire maritime des Provinces Unies, depuis l'an 1652. jusques à 1676 Author/Creator: Brandt, Geeraert, 1626-1685 Publication/Creation: Amsterdam : Waesberge, Boom, à Someren & Goethals, 1698 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
10. G. Brandts Verantwoording : Ter saeke van sijne Historie der Reformatie tegens de beschuldigingen van D. Henricus Rulaeus, Predikant tot Amsterdam Author/Creator: Brandt, Geeraert, 1626-1685 Publication/Creation: Tot Amsterdam : Voor Jan Rieuwertsz Hendrik en Dirk Boom, Boekverkoopers, 1676 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading