1. Project for taking post at Crown Point, 13th May 1774 Author/Creator: Montrésor, John, 1736-1799 Publication/Creation: 1774 Format: Map Access & Availability: Loading
2. A general and particular plan of the island of Castle William near Boston shewing the works in their original and present state, together with sections through the same Author/Creator: Montrésor, John, 1736-1799 Publication/Creation: 1771 Format: Map Access & Availability: Loading
3. A draught of the harbour of New Providence and the circumjacent country, shewing the situation of the Forts Nassau and Montagu Author/Creator: Montrésor, John, 1736-1799 Publication/Creation: New York? : s.n., 1770? Format: Map Access & Availability: Loading
4. A particular plan of the Forts Nassau and Montagu and the two batterys on the Island of New Providence shewing the repairs lately made to them Author/Creator: Montrésor, John, 1736-1799 Publication/Creation: New York : [s.n.], 1770 Format: Map Access & Availability: Loading
5. Plan of the town and harbour of New Providence in the Bahama's, with Fort Nassau, and its circumjacent country Author/Creator: Montrésor, John, 1736-1799 Publication/Creation: New York? : s.n., 1770? Format: Map Access & Availability: Loading