1. By-laws of the Kennebec Company Author/Creator: Plymouth Company (1749-1816) Publication/Creation: Augusta : W.T. Johnson, printer, 1845 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
2. Advertisement. The Proprietors of the Kennebeck Purchase from the late colony of New-Plymouth, having much at heart the settlement of the eastern country;--and knowing how greatly the settlement of their particular tract would conduce thereto, have been at a very great expenc in promoting the settlement of it.-. Author/Creator: Plymouth Company (1749-1816) Publication/Creation: [Boston] : [s.n], [1760] Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
3. Remarks on the plan and extracts of deeds lately published by the proprietors of the township of Brunswick (as they term themselves) agreable [sic] to their vote of January 4th 1753 : N.B. by virtue of these deeds the Plymouth Company on one part, and Sir Byby Lake and others in opposition to them claim certain tracts of land lying upon the River Kennebeck at the eastward Author/Creator: Plymouth Company (1749-1816) Publication/Creation: [Boston, Mass.] : [publisher not identified], [1753] Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
4. At a meeting of the Proprietors of the Kenebeck Purchase : from the late colony of New-Plymouth, on the 12th of January, 1753, unanimously voted, that the following votes be printed Author/Creator: Plymouth Company (1749-1816) Publication/Creation: [Boston] : [publisher not identified], [1753] Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
5. A defence of the remarks of the Plymouth Company on the plan and extracts of deeds published by the proprietors, as they term themselves, of the township of Brunswick : being a reply to their answer to said Remarks, lately published, according to their vote of March 28, 1753 Author/Creator: Plymouth Company (1749-1816) Publication/Creation: Boston : [publisher not identified], 1753 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
6. Forasmuch as there have been many disputes and controversies for a long time, concerning the titles to a great part of the lands in the eastern parts of this province : many of which are claimed by vertue of ancient grants and conveyances from the native Indians, most of which controversies are occasioned by said conveyances; and many of them are still subsisting, to the great disquiet and vexation of such as are concerned in those titles; and since the acts and laws of the several governments of the late colonies of New-Plymouth, the Massachusetts-Bay, and of this province, relating to such grants and conveyances, are in the hands of but few people, especially of those who are most nearly concerned therein; it is therefore apprehended, that the printing and dispersing of extracts and collections of those acts, laws and orders, made from the first and earliest settlement of those colonies, down to the present times, will be of considerable service to the concerned, more especially such of them as dwell in those eastern parts, by giving them at once, a clear and full view of the laws, in any manner or degree affecting those conveyances and titles, as follows, viz Author/Creator: Plymouth Company (1749-1816) Publication/Creation: [Boston] : [publisher not identified], [1753?] Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
7. A defence of the Remarks of the Plymouth Company, on the plan and extracts of deeds published by the Proprietors (as they term themselves) of the Township of Brunswick : Being a reply to their answer to said Remarks, lately published, according to their vote of March 28. 1753 Author/Creator: Plymouth Company (1749-1816) Publication/Creation: Boston: N.E. : [publisher not identified], Printed in the year MDCCLIII. [1753] Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
8. A patent for Plymouth in New-England : to which is annexed, extracts from the records of that colony, &c. &c. Author/Creator: Plymouth Company (1749-1816) Publication/Creation: Boston, New-England : Printed by John Draper, 1751 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading