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2. Altitude and configuration of the potentiometric surface in the crystalline and metasedimentary rocks, northeastern Chester County, Pennsylvania, May through October 1990
3. Altitude and configuration of the potentiometric surfaces of the upper and lower aquifer systems in Bridgeton, Nockamixon, and Tinicum townships, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, April 1991 through April 1992
4. Altitude and generalized configuration of the top of the Floridan aquifer, St. Johns County, Florida
5. Altitude, depth, and thickness of the Galena-Platteville bedrock unit in the subcrop area of Illinois and Wisconsin
6. Altitude of the base of freshwater in Louisiana
7. Altitude of the freshwater-saltwater interface in a regionally extensive coastal plain aquifer of Mississippi, Alabama, and Georgia
8. Altitude of the potentiometric surface and changes in water levels in the Sparta-Memphis aquifer in eastern and southern Arkansas, spring 1986
9. Altitude of the potentiometric surface in the Manchester Aquifer at Arnold Air Force Base, May 1991, Coffee and Franklin counties, Tennessee
10. Approximate location of the 10,000-milligram-per-liter dissolved-solids boundary in the Silurian and Devonian carbonate-rock aquifer, southwestern and northern Indiana
11. Approximate potentiometric surface for the aquifer unit A2, southeastern coastal plain aquifer system of the United States, prior to development
12. Approximate potentiometric surface for the aquifer unit A3, southeastern coastal plain aquifer system of the United States, prior to development
13. Approximate potentiometric surface for the aquifer unit A4, southeastern coastal plain aquifer system of the United States, prior to development
14. Areal extent of freshwater in major aquifers of Louisiana
15. Areal variation in recharge to and discharge from the Floridan aquifer system in Florida
16. Availability of ground water in the unconsolidated aquifers in the Mid-Hudson River Basin, New York
17. Bedrock-surface altitude in the midwestern basins and arches region of Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, and Illinois
18. Chemical characteristics of water in the surficial aquifer system, Broward County, Florida
19. Chemical quality of water in the basin-fill aquifer, Milford area, Utah, July and August, 1994
20. Configuration and hydrology of the Pre-Cretaceous rocks underlying the southeastern coastal plain aquifer system
21. Delineation of saltwater intrusion in the surficial aquifer system in eastern Palm Beach, Martin, and St. Lucie Counties, Florida, 1997-98
22. Depth to the water table on Long Island, New York, in March 1979
23. Difference between the potentiometric surface of the Aquia aquifer in Spring of 1979 and Fall of 1986 in southern Maryland
24. The difference between the potentiometric surfaces of the Aquia aquifer of September 1986 and September 1988 in southern Maryland
25. Distribution and thickness of unconsolidated deposits in Schuyler County, New York
26. Distribution of dissolved-solids concentrations and temperature in ground water of the Gulf Coast aquifer systems, south-central United States
27. Distribution of selected chemical constituents in water from the Floridan aquifer, Southwest Florida Water Management District
28. Estimated thickness and potential well yield of stratified-drift deposits in selected areas of northern Westchester County, New York
29. Generalized altitude and configuration of the water table in parts of Larimer, Loogan, Sedgwick, and Weld Counties, Colorado
30. Generalized potentiometric surface of shallow aquifers in southern Mississippi, 1982
31. Generalized potentiometric surface of the aquifers in the Cockfield Formation, southeastern Arkansas, spring 1980
32. Generalized potentiometric surface of the Catahoula aquifer in central Louisiana, 1980
33. Generalized potentiometric surface of the Sparta-Memphis aquifer, eastern Arkansas, spring 1980
34. Generalized potentiometric surfaces of the Red River alluvial aquifer, pool 1, Red River Waterway Area, central Louisiana
35. Generalized thickness and configuration of the top of the intermediate aquifer, west-central Florida
36. Geohydrologic framework of the coastal plain aquifers of South Carolina
37. Geohydrology of the glacial-outwash aquifer in the Batavia area, Tonawanda Creek, Genesee County, New York
38. Geohydrology of the High Plains Aquifer system, Cheyenne urban area, Wyoming, 1991
39. Geohydrology, yield, and water quality of stratified-drift aquifers in the Pemigewasset River Basin, central New Hampshire
40. Geology and hydrology of the deep bedrock aquifers in eastern Colorado
41. Geology, structure, and thickness of hydrogeologic units in part of the Columbia Plateau, Oregon
42. Ground-water availability from the unconsolidated deposits of the St. Lawrence River Basin, New York
43. Ground-water availability in the Black River Basin, New York
44. Ground-water flow system and aquifer-storage monitoring networks : aquifer-storage change in the lower Canada del Oro subbasin, Pima County, Arizona, 1996-98
45. Ground-water levels and flow directions in the buried valley aquifer around Dayton, Ohio, September 1993
46. Historical potentiometric surface of the Edwards-Trinity Aquifer System and contiguous hydraulically connected units, west-central Texas
47. Historical saturated thickness of the Edwards-Trinity aquifer system and selected contiguous hydraulically connected units, west-central Texas
48. Hydrogeologic and geochemical characteristics of the Ogallala and White River aquifers, Cheyenne, Wyoming
49. Hydrogeologic and water-quality characteristics of glacial-drift aquifers in Minnesota
50. Hydrogeologic and water-quality characteristics of the Ironton-Galesville aquifer, southeast Minnesota
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