1. Atlas of the counties of England and Wales Author/Creator: Saxton, Christopher, b. 1542? Publication/Creation: London : s.n., 1590? Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
2. Atlas of the counties of England and Wales Author/Creator: Saxton, Christopher, b. 1542? Publication/Creation: London : s.n., 1580? Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
3. Isca damnoniorum: britamce [sic] Kaier penhuelgorte; Saxonice Monketon Latine Exonia: Anglice Exeancestre vel Excestre at nunc vulgo Exeter: vrbs peratiqua, et emporium celeberrimum Author/Creator: Hooker, John, 1526?-1601 Publication/Creation: S.l. : Impensis J. Hokeri, 1587 Format: Map Access & Availability: Loading