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2. Altitude and configuration of the potentiometric surface in the Triassic sandstones and shales, northeastern Chester County, Pennsylvania, September 1987 through January 1988
3. Altitude of the potentiometric surface and changes in water levels in the Sparta-Memphis aquifer in eastern and southern Arkansas, spring 1986
4. Changes in saltwater intrusion in the Biscayne aquifer, Hialeah-Miami Springs area, Dade County, Florida
5. Depth to the water table on Long Island, New York, in March 1979
6. Flood boundaries and water-surface profile for the computed 100-year flood, Swift Creek at Afton, Wyoming, 1986
7. Flood of December 25, 1987, in Millington, Tennessee and vicinity
8. Geohydrologic sections of Louisiana
9. Ground-water levels spring 1985, and ground-water level changes spring 1983 to spring 1985, in three basalt units underlying the Columbia Plateau, Washington and Oregon
10. Ground-water use by public-supply systems in Tennessee in 1985
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