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2. Gazetteer of hydrologic characteristics of streams in Massachusetts : Blackstone River basin
3. Gazetteer of hydrologic characteristics of streams in Massachusetts : Taunton and Ten Mile River basins and coastal river basins of Mount Hope Bay, Narragansett Bay, and Rhode Island Sound
4. Gazetteer of hydrologic characteristics of streams in Massachusetts : Thames River basin
5. Generalized thickness and configuration of the top of the intermediate aquifer, west-central Florida
6. Geochemistry and geohydrology of the West Decker and Big Sky coal-mining areas, southeastern Montana
7. Geohydrologic conditions in the Vekol Valley, Pinal and Maricopa counties, Arizona-1983
8. Geohydrology and chemical quality of water in Middle and Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous rocks, western Kansas
9. Geohydrology of rocks penetrated by test well UE-25p#1, Yucca Mountain area, Nye County, Nevada
10. Geohydrology of test well USW H-1, Yucca Mountain, NYE County, Nevada
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