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2. Patterns and sources of fecal coliform bacteria in three streams in Virginia, 1999-2000
3. Peak-discharge frequency and potential extreme peak discharge for natural streams in the Brazos River basin, Texas
4. Peak-flow characteristics of small urban drainages along the Wasatch Front, Utah
5. Peak-flow characteristics of Wyoming streams
6. Peak-flow frequency and extreme flood potential for streams in the vicinity of the Highland Lakes, central Texas
7. Percentage change in saturated thickness of the High Plains aquifer, west-central Kansas, 1950 to average 1983-85
8. Percentage change in saturated thickness of the High Plains aquifer, west-central Kansas, 1950 to average 1985-87
9. Percentage change in saturated thickness of the High Plains aquifer, west-central Kansas, 1950 to average 1988-90
10. Percentage entrainment of constituent loads in urban runoff, south Florida
11. Percentile distributions of median nitrite plus nitrate as nitrogen, total nitrogen, and total phosphorus concentrations in Oklahoma streams, 1973-2001
12. Performance characteristics of a bulk precipitation collector with respect to measurement of water isotopes oxygen-18 and deuterium
13. Periphyton communities in streams of the Ozarks plateaus and their relations to selected environmental factors
14. Permeability of soils in Mississippi
15. Pesticide concentrations in surface waters of New York State in relation to land use - 1997
16. Pesticide data for selected Wyoming streams, 1976-78
17. Pesticides and pesticide degradates in the East Fork Little Miami River and William H. Harsha Lake, southwestern Ohio, 1999-2000
18. Pesticides and volatile organic compounds in surface and ground water of the Palouse subunit, Central Columbia Plateau, Washington and Idaho, 1993-95
19. Pesticides detected in urban streams during rainstorms in King and Snohomish Counties, Washington, 1998
20. Pesticides in soils and ground water in selected irrigated agricultural areas near Havre, Ronan, and Huntley, Montana
21. Pesticides in storm runoff from agricultural and urban areas in the Tuolumne River Basin in the vicinity of Modesto, California
22. Pesticides in streams in New Jersey and Long Island, New York, and relation to land use
23. Pesticides in streams in the Tar-Pamlico drainage basin, North Carolina, 1992-94
24. Pesticides in streams of the United States-initial results from the National Water-Quality Assessment Program
25. Pesticides in surface water from three agricultural basins in south-central Georgia, 1993-95
26. Pesticides in surface water in the Connecticut, Housatonic, and Thames River basins, 1992-95
27. Pesticides in surface water in the lower Illinois River Basin, 1996-98
28. Pesticides in surface water measured at select sites in the Sacramento River basin, California, 1996-1998
29. Pesticides in surface water of the Mid-Atlantic region
30. Pesticides in the lower Clackamas River basin, Oregon, 2000-01
31. PH measurement of low-conductivity waters
32. Phase I summary and phase II plan for comparing regulated with unregulated streamflow in the Yakima River at Union Gap, Washington
33. Phenolic contamination in the sand-and-gravel aquifer from a surface impoundment of wood treatment wastes, Pensacola, Florida
34. Phosphorus and E. coli and their relation to selected constituents during storm runoff conditions in Fanno Creek, Oregon, 1998-99
35. Phosphorus and E. coli in the Fanno and Bronson Creek subbasins of the Tualatin River basin, Oregon, during summer low-flow conditions, 1996
36. Phosphorus and nitrogen concentrations and loads at Illinois River south of Siloam Springs, Arkansas, 1997-1999
37. Phosphorus concentrations, loads, and yields in the Illinois River basin, Arkansas and Oklahoma, 1997-2001
38. Phosphorus dynamics in Delavan Lake Inlet, southeastern Wisconsin, 1994
39. Phosphorus loading to McGrath and Ellis ponds, Kennebec County, Maine
40. Photogrammetric data set, 1957-2000, and bathymetric measurements for Columbia Glacier, Alaska
41. PHRQINPT : an interactive computer program for constructing input data sets to the geochemical simulation program PHREEQE
42. Physical and chemical characteristics of Lake Powell at the forebay and outflows of Glen Canyon Dam, northeastern Arizona, 1990-91
43. Physical and chemical characteristics of Terrace Reservoir, Conejos County, Colorado, May 1994 through May 1995
44. Physical and chemical limnology of Ides Cove near Rochester, New York, 1970-1982
45. Physical and hydrologic properties of outcrop samples from a nonwelded to welded tuff transition, Yucca Mountain, Nevada
46. Physical and water-quality characteristics affecting trout-spawning habitat in the Quashnet River, Cape Cod, Massachusetts
47. Physical characteristics and chemical quality of selected springs in parts of Juab, Millard, Tooele, and Utah counties, Utah
48. Physical characteristics and quality of water from selected springs and wells in the Lincoln Point-Bird Island area, Utah Lake, Utah
49. Physical, chemical, and biological characteristics of the Boise River from Veterans Memorial Parkway, Boise to Star, Idaho, October 1987 to March 1988
50. Physical, chemical, and biological characteristics of three reservoirs in west-central Missouri, 1991-93
51. Physical extent, recharge areas, relative potential for recharge and contamination, and quality of water in the principal aquifers, western Kane County, Utah
52. Physical, hydrological, and biological characteristics of the Loxahatchee River estuary, Florida
53. Physical processes, salinity characteristics, and potential salinity changes due to freshwater withdrawals in the tidal Myakka River, Florida
54. Plan of study for the Puget-Willamette Lowland regional aquifer system analysis, western Washington and western Oregon
55. Plan of study for the regional aquifer systems analysis of the upper Colorado River Basin in Colorado, Utah, Wyoming, and Arizona
56. Plan of study for the regional aquifer-system analysis, Columbia Plateau, Washington, northern Oregon, and northwestern Idaho
57. Plan of study for the regional aquifer-system analysis of the Appalachian Valley and Ridge, Piedmont, and Blue Ridge physiographic provinces of the eastern and southeastern United States, with a description of study-area geology and hydrogeology
58. Plan of study for the Regional Aquifer-System Analysis of the northern Rocky Mountains Intermontane Basins, Montana and Idaho
59. Plan of study to quantify the hydrologic relations between the Rio Grande and the Santa Fe Group aquifer system near Albuquerque, central New Mexico
60. Plan to evaluate the effects of hydrogeologic conditions and human activities on water quality in the coastal plain of New York and New Jersey
61. Planning report for the Edwards-Trinity regional aquifer-system analysis in central Texas, southeast Oklahoma, and southwest Arkansas
62. Planning report for the Gulf Coast Regional Aquifer-System Analysis in the Gulf of Mexico coastal plain, United States
63. Pneumatic testing in 45-degree-inclined boreholes in ash-flow tuff near Superior, Arizona
64. Polychlorinated biphenyl concentrations in Hudson River water and treated drinking water at Waterford, New York
65. Pore-water extraction from unsaturated tuff by triaxial and one-dimensional compression methods, Nevada Test Site, Nevada
66. Possible changes in ground-water flow to the Pecos River caused by Santa Rosa Lake, Guadalupe County, New Mexico
67. Possible extent and depth of salt contamination in ground water using geophysical techniques, Red River Aluminum site, Stamps, Arkansas, April 2003
68. Possible sources of nitrate in ground water at swine licensed-managed feeding operations in Oklahoma, 2001
69. Postaudit of head and transmissivity estimates and ground-water flow models of Avra Valley, Arizona
70. Potential effects of anticipated coal mining on salinity of the Price, San Rafael, and Green rivers, Utah
71. Potential effects of climate change on streamflow, eastern and western slopes of the Sierra Nevada, California and Nevada
72. Potential effects of coal mining and road construction on the water quality of Scofield Reservoir and its drainage area, central Utah, October 1982 to October 1984
73. Potential effects of large floods on the transport of atrazine into the alluvial aquifer adjacent to the lower Platte River, Nebraska
74. Potential effects of structural controls and street sweeping on stormwater loads to the lower Charles River, Massachusetts
75. Potential effects of surface coal mining on the hydrology of the Bloomfield coal tract, Dawson County, eastern Montana
76. Potential effects of surface coal mining on the hydrology of the Corral Creek area, Hanging Woman Creek coal field, southeastern Montana
77. Potential effects of surface coal mining on the hydrology of the Greenleaf-Miller area, Ashland coal field, southeastern Montana
78. Potential effects of surface coal mining on the hydrology of the Little Bear Creek area, Moorhead coal field, southeastern Montana
79. Potential effects of surface coal mining on the hydrology of the upper Otter Creek-Pasture Creek area, Moorhead coal field, southeastern Montana
80. Potential errors associated with stage-discharge relations for selected streamflow-gaging stations, Maricopa County, Arizona
81. Potential flood and debris hazards at Katherine Landing and Telephone Cove, Lake Mead National Recreation Area, Mohave County, Arizona
82. Potential flood hazards and hydraulic characteristics of distributary-flow areas in Maricopa County, Arizona
83. Potential for and possible effects of, artificial recharge in Carson Valley, Douglas County, Nevada
84. Potential for chemical transport beneath a storm-runoff recharge (retention) basin for an industrial catchment in Fresno, California
85. Potential for ground-water contamination from movement of wastewater through the unsaturated zone, upper Mojave River Basin, California
86. Potential for ground-water development in central Volusia County, Florida
87. Potential for leakage among principal aquifers in the Memphis area, Tennessee
88. Potential for pollution of the Upper Floridan aquifer from five sinkholes and an internally drained basin in west-central Florida
89. The potential for saltwater intrusion in the Potomac aquifers of the York-James Peninsula, Virginia
90. Potential for saltwater intrusion into the lower Tamiami aquifer near Bonita Springs, southwestern Florida
91. Potential for saltwater intrusion into the Upper Floridan Aquifer, Hernando and Manatee counties, Florida
92. Potential for updip movement of salinewater in the Edwards Aquifer, San Antonio, Texas
93. Potential hazards from floodflows in Grapevine Canyon, Death Valley National Monument, California and Nevada
94. Potential hazards from floodflows within the John Muir House National Historic Site, Franklin Creek drainage basin, California
95. Potential hydrologic effects of a drainage system in McMillan delta and water impoundment in Brantley Reservoir, Eddy County, New Mexico
96. Potential hydrologic effects of mining in the Humboldt River basin, northern Nevada
97. Potential impacts of discharging tertiary-treated wastewater into Port Royal Sound, South Carolina
98. Potential well yields from unconsolidated deposits in the lower Hudson and Delaware River basins, New York
99. Potential yields of wells in unconsolidated aquifers in upstate New York--Adirondack sheet
100. Potential yields of wells in unconsolidated aquifers in upstate New York--Hudson-Mohawk sheet
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