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2. Las raíces históricas de los conflictos armados actuales
3. Rajaraja Chola : king of kings
4. Ramsīs al-Thānī bariʼa min ittihāmāt al-Yahūd
رمسيس الثاني برئ من اتهامات اليهود
5. Rasāʼil al-Bārūnī : al-Bāshā Sulaymān ibn ʻAbd Allāh al-Bārūnī : al-aʻmāl al-kāmilah - al-awrāq al-khāṣṣah
رسائل الباروني : الباشا سليمان بن عبد الله الباروني : الأعمال الكاملة - الأوراق الخاصة
6. The Rays before Satyajit : creativity and modernity in colonial India
7. Reading Nepali transition (2006-2015)
8. Reading texts and narrating history : collected essays III
9. Rebellion and diplomacy in early modern Europe
10. Rebirth of historical cultural village in China : case study of Wuyan Ancient Village
11. Reconceptualizing the archaeology of Southern India : beyond periodization and toward a politics of practice
12. Reconsidering postwar Japanese history : a handbook
13. Records of medieval Newmarket : manor court rolls 1399-1413 and manor account rolls 1403-1483
14. Recuerdos marroquíes del Moro Vizcaíno
15. Red fire : growing up during the Chinese Cultural Revolution
16. Red orchestra : the Berlin underground and the circle of friends who resisted Hitler
17. Redescubrimiento y conquista de las Afortunadas : con los documentos originales de la época de la conquista de las Islas Canarias por los normandos
18. Das Reichskonkordat : Ein Staatskirchenvertrag Zwischen Diktatur und Demokratie 1933-1957
19. The reign of Constantius II
20. Reimagining the Jews of Ireland : historiography, identity and representation
21. Reinventing the Amphiareion at Oropos
22. Relatos de viajes por Egipto en la época de los Reyes Católicos
23. Reluctant partner : the complete story of the French participation in the Dardanelles expedition of 1915
24. The remarkable life, death, and afterlife of an ordinary Roman : a social history
25. Repensar el "procés" a través del diálogo
26. Réponses à Pierre Loti, ami des massacreurs : Printed Book 1919
27. Report of the American Commission for the Protection and Salvage of Artistic and Historic Monuments in War Areas
28. Report of the Bryce Committee on Alleged German Outrages : Pamphlet; Official Papers 1915
29. Report of the Committee on Civil and Political Rights
30. Report on projects funded by the Adelaide Milton de Groot Fund 1980-1983 in memory of the de Groot and Hawley families
31. Report on projects funded by the Adelaide Milton de Groot Fund in memory of the de Groot and Hawley families 1971-1977
32. Report on projects funded by the Adelaide Milton de Groot Fund, in memory of the de Groot and Hawley families 1987-1989
33. Report on the work of the High Commission for Refugees
34. Representations of collective memory in Georgia, Armenia, Abkhazia and Nagorno Karabakh : the political, memory and power
35. Representations of violence in the Eighteenth-Century Pacific : from Dampier to Cook
36. The Republic in danger : Drusus Libo and the Succession of Tiberius
37. A republic of sympathy : Sophie de Grouchy's politics and philosophy, 1785-1815
38. Republicanism and socialism in Ireland : from Wolfe Tone to James Connolly
39. El republicanismo español : raíces históricas y perspectivas de futuro
40. Researches in ancient Indian archeology, history and culture : Prof. B.K. Jamuar commemoration volume
41. Resistance and liberation : France at war, 1942-1945
42. Respectable Muslims : morals and manners of minority citizens in France
43. Responses to 7 October : antisemitic discourse
44. Responses to 7 October : universities
45. The responsibility of the war ; French thought in Alsace-Lorraine : Printed Book 1915
46. Rethinking global history
47. Rethinking modern Polish identities : transnational encounters
48. Rethinking the Carolingian reforms
49. Retter und Verräter : Paul Von Hindenburg, Philippe Pétain und die Grenzen des Politischen im Zeitalter der Weltkriege
50. Return to laughter : an anthropological novel
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