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2. Pacific Ocean
3. Pacific Ocean
4. Pago Pago
5. Pakistan
6. Pakistan
7. Pakistan
8. Pakistan
9. Pakistan, administrative divisions
10. Pakistan, physiography
11. Palau
12. Palau
13. Paleoseismology of a newly discovered scarp in the Yakima fold-and-thrust belt, Kittitas County, Washington
14. Paleoseismology of a possible fault scarp in Wenas Valley, Central Washington
15. Paleoseismology of the Nephi segment of the Wasatch Fault Zone, Juab County, Utah : preliminary results from two large exploratory trenches at Willow Creek
16. Palma
17. Panama
18. Panama
19. Panama
20. Papeete
21. Papua New Guinea
22. Papua New Guinea
23. Paraguay
24. Paraguay
25. Parksley quadrangle, Virginia : 7.5-minute series
26. Part of a printed map of Chesapeake Bay extending as far north as Philadelphia
27. Part of central Wyoming : U.S. Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories
28. Part of Hudson's River, from the Half Moon to Madgalane's Island
29. Part of Orange County, New York and Bergen County, New Jersey
30. Part of the latitude 45 boundary line between the provinces of New York and Quebec for His Excellency William Tryon, Esqr., Governor of New York &c., &c., &c.
31. A particular plan of the Forts Nassau and Montagu and the two batterys on the Island of New Providence shewing the repairs lately made to them
32. Peak-flow frequency and extreme flood potential for streams in the vicinity of the Highland Lakes, central Texas
33. Penang
34. Pennsylvania
35. Pennsylvania
36. Pennsylvania
37. Per capita income rates in Appalachia, 2004 : (county rates)
38. Per capita market income rates in Appalachia, 2004 : (county rates)
39. Percentage change in saturated thickness of High Plains aquifer, west-central Kansas, 1950 to average ...
40. Percentage change in saturated thickness of the High Plains aquifer, west-central Kansas, 1950 to average 1983-85
41. Percentage change in saturated thickness of the High Plains aquifer, west-central Kansas, 1950 to average 1985-87
42. Percentage change in saturated thickness of the High Plains aquifer, west-central Kansas, 1950 to average 1988-90
43. Permeability of soils in Mississippi
44. Perry West quadrangle, Georgia, 1972, photorevised 1984 : 7.5 minute series (topographic)
45. Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection - UT Library online
46. The Persian Gulf War
47. Persian Gulf War, 1991
48. Perth
49. Peru
50. Peru
51. Peru
52. Petersburg
53. Petroleum resource potential GIS of northern Afghanistan
54. Philadelphia
55. Philippines
56. Philippines
57. Philipsburg
58. Photogeologic map of the Cambridge quadrangle and western half of Council quadrangle, western, Idaho
59. Photomosaics and logs of trenches on the San Andreas Fault near Coachella, California
60. Phreatophytic land-cover map of the northern and central Great Basin ecoregion : California, Idaho, Nevada, Utah, Oregon, and Wyoming
61. Physical, hydrological, and biological characteristics of the Loxahatchee River estuary, Florida
62. Physical map of the world
63. Piceance Creek Basin, Colorado, oil shale geodatabase
64. Pine Mountain quadrangle, Georgia, 1964, photorevised 1985 : 7.5 minute series (topographic)
65. Pioneer quadrangle, Tennessee : 7.5-minute series
66. A plan & profil of the fortifications now erecting to defend the town & harbour of Newport on Rhode Island, March 1755
67. Plan & section of the upper & lower batteries, laid out and begun building 5th March 1771, for protecting the harbour of Pensacola likewise the plans, elevation & section of the block-houses for protecting the rear of the batteries and for lodging the troops which are design'd to guard the batteries, and work the guns
68. Plan and elevation of a pile of barracks proposed to be built at St. Augustine, 1768
69. Plan and elevation of the court house in St Augustine, Florida
70. Plan and sections of Fort Niagara, New York, 1759
71. Plan and sections of the fort at Pensacola
72. Plan de la Riviere de Saguenay, Lac's, Rivieres and Ruisseaux. Ainsi que la qualité du Sol du Terrein et des Bois, situés de chaque coté de la dite Riviere du Saguenay, fait d'apres une Esquise et Informations données par Pascal Taché Ecuier, Seigneur de Kamouraska apres avoir résidé durant t'espace de Vingt deux Unnées a faire le Commerce des Palleteries a la Pointe Bleu, Shékut: imitsh et Tadousac fait parle le Soussigné Clere Arpenteur
73. Plan, elevation and section of new proposed barracks for Pensacola
74. The plan, fort circle parks
75. Plan of a citadel on Cap Diamond for improving the fortification of Quebec
76. Plan of Capt. Gordons project for a citadel at Quebec
77. A plan of Castle William and the island, at Boston
78. Plan of Crown Point and environs, by a scale of 1 mile to an inch
79. Plan of Fort Baton Rouge
80. A plan of fort called the Fort of the Six Nations at Oswego on Lake Ontario
81. Plan of Fort Charlot at Mobile
82. Plan of Fort George and the lower battery in the city of New York the additional works of the rebels are with a yellow edging
83. A plan of Fort King George as it's now fortifyed, 1726
84. Plan of Fort Levy upon one of the islands Gallops in the River St. Laurence, since named the Island Royall from its being fortified besieged from the 22th of August till the 25th wen it surrenderd towards evening
85. A plan of Fort Ontario built at Oswego in 1759
86. A plan of Fort Oswego at Oswego on Lake Ontario
87. Plan of Fort Stanwise
88. Plan of Genl. Washington winter cantonments & environs, in March 1780
89. A plan of Lake-Champlain, exhibiting at one view the claims of the French express'd by dotted black lines, and the grants made to the English reduced officers and disbanded soldiers (in obedience to His Majesty's proclamtion [sic] of the 7th of October 1763) distinguished by red lines plan'd by a scale of four miles in one inch
90. A plan of lands in ye province of New York in America, petition'd for by Peter Vanburgh [i.e. Van Brugh] Livingston, and Samuel Storke, lying on ye Mohocks River, & beginning at Canada Creek about 40 miles from Hudsons River, in the latde. of 43d. 10m. north & 74d. of longde. west, distinguish'd on the map by the square which is colour'd yellow
91. Plan of Louisbourg
92. A plan of New Orleans
93. Plan of Oswego and forts shewing the state of that garrison as it was the 28th May 1756
94. A plan of Oswego on Lake Ontario
95. Plan of Oswego with a projected fort for to contain 500 men
96. Plan of part of Penobscot River, by a scale of two miles to an inch
97. A plan of part of the rivers Tombecbe, Alabama, Tensa, Perdido & Scambia, in the Province of West Florida with a sketch of the boundary between the Nation of Upper Creek Indians and that part of the Province which contigious [sic] thereto, as settled at the Congresses at Pensacola in the years 1765 & 1771
98. A plan of Pitts Fort at Pitt'sburg Octr. 1759
99. A plan of Pittsbourough
100. Plan of Point Ibberville with the situation of the fort
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