1. Die räumliche Organisation von Staat und Partei in der NS-Zeit Author/Creator: Pommerin, Reiner, 1943- Publication/Creation: Köln : Rheinland-Verlag, 1992 Format: Map Access & Availability: Loading
2. Reconnaissance geologic map of the west half of the Bend and the east half of the Shevlin Park 7 1/2ʹ quadrangles, Deschutes County, Oregon Author/Creator: Geological Survey (U.S.) Publication/Creation: Denver, CO : For sale by Map Distribution Format: Map Access & Availability: Loading
3. Reconnaissance photogeologic map of young faults in the Goldfield 1° by 2° quadrangle, Nevada and California Author/Creator: Geological Survey (U.S.) Publication/Creation: Denver, CO : For sale by U.S. Geological Survey, Map Distribution Format: Map Access & Availability: Loading
4. Reconnaissance photogeologic map of young faults in the Millett 1° by 2° quadrangle, Nevada Author/Creator: Geological Survey (U.S.) Publication/Creation: Denver, CO : For sale by Map Distribution Format: Map Access & Availability: Loading