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Search Results
2. Geochemical maps showing the distribution and concentration of selected elements in nonmagnetic heavy-mineral-concentrate samples from stream sediment from the Craig, Dixon Entrance, and western edges of the Ketchikan and Prince Rupert quadrangles, southeast Alaska
3. Geochemical maps showing the distribution and concentration of selected elements in stream-sediment samples from the Craig, Dixon Entrance, and western edges of the Ketchikan and Prince Rupert quadrangles, southeast Alaska
4. Geochemical reconnaissance of the Blue Hill and Gregory Hill gold mines and vicinity, Tallapoosa County, Alabama
5. Geochemical reconnaissance of the Carroll County Gold Belt and southwestern part of the Dahlonega Gold Belt, western Georgia
6. Geohydrologic systems in Kansas, geohydrology of the Great Plains aquifer system
7. Geohydrologic systems in Kansas, geohydrology of the lower aquifer unit in the western interior plains aquifer system
8. Geohydrologic systems in Kansas, geohydrology of the upper aquifer unit in the western interior plains aquifer system
9. Geologic and structure map, with contours on top of the Pierre Shale, for the north half of the Powder River Basin, southeastern Montana and northeastern Wyoming
10. Geologic and structure map, with contours on top of the Pierre Shale, for the south half of the Powder River Basin, northeastern Wyoming
11. Geologic and structure-contour map of the Raton 30ʹ x 60ʹ quadrangle, Colfax and Union counties, New Mexico, and Las Animas County, Colorado
12. Geologic map and structure sections of the Sierra Juárez, Chihuahua, Mexico
13. Geologic map of Alamagan Volcano, northern Mariana Islands
14. Geologic map of Glass Mountain, Mono County, California
15. Geologic map of large rock block slides at Sinking Creek Mountain, Appalachian Valley and Ridge Province, southwestern Virginia, and comparison with the Colorado Front Range
16. Geologic map of late Cenozoic deposits and faults in the southern part of the Davis Mountain 15ʹ quadrangle, Esmeralda County, Nevada
17. Geologic map of Precambrian rocks of parts of Iron Mountain and Escanaba 30ʹ x 60ʹ quadrangles, northeastern Wisconsin and adjacent Michigan
18. Geologic map of science study area 8, Apollinaris Patera Region of Mars (special MTM -10186 quadrangle)
19. Geologic map of the Big Timber stock and vicinity, southern Crazy Mountains, Sweet Grass and Park counties, south-central Montana
20. Geologic map of the Brannan Gulch 7 1/2ʹ quadrangle, Baker County, Oregon
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