1. Historic trail map of the Greeley 1⁰ x 2⁰ quadrangle, Colorado and Wyoming Author/Creator: Geological Survey (U.S.) Publication/Creation: Denver, CO : For sale by Map Distribution Format: Map Access & Availability: Loading
2. Historical potentiometric surface of the Edwards-Trinity Aquifer System and contiguous hydraulically connected units, west-central Texas Author/Creator: Geological Survey (U.S.), cartographer Publication/Creation: Austin, Texas : U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, 1993 Format: Map Access & Availability: Loading
3. Historical saturated thickness of the Edwards-Trinity aquifer system and selected contiguous hydraulically connected units, west-central Texas Author/Creator: Geological Survey (U.S.), cartographer Publication/Creation: Austin, Texas : U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, 1993 Format: Map Access & Availability: Loading