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2. Baalbek, Palmyra
3. Bāb edh-Dhrāʻ : excavations at the town site (1975-81)
4. Bāb edh-Dhrāʻ : excavations in the cemetery directed by Paul W. Lapp (1965-67)
5. Bâb edh-Dhrāʻ, Sardis, Meiron, Tell el Hesi, Carthage (Punic)
6. Baba of Karo : a woman of the Muslim Hausa
7. Babaylanism in Negros, 1896-1907
8. Babel und Bibel
9. The Babington plot
10. Babur: diarist and despot
11. Babur, the Tiger : first of the great Moguls
12. Babylon
13. Babylon and the Bible
14. Babylon and the Old Testament
15. Babylon of Egypt : a study in the history of Old Cairo
16. Babylonia 689-627 B.C. : a political history
17. Babylonia, c. 2120-1800 B.C.
18. The Babyloniaca of Berossus
19. Babylonian and Assyrian laws, contracts and letters
20. The Babylonian conception of heaven and hell
21. The Babylonian entitlement narûs (kudurrus) : a study in their form and function
22. Babylonian historical texts relating to the capture and downfall of Babylon
23. Babylonian life and history
24. Babylonian life and history
25. Babylonians
26. Babylonians
27. Babylonians and Assyrians : life and customs
28. Babylonians and Assyrians : life and customs
29. Babylonien und Israel : historische, relgiöse und sprachliche Beziehungen
30. Babylonien und seine Nachbarn in neu- und spätbabylonischer Zeit : wissenschaftliches Kolloquium aus Anlass des 75. Geburtstags von Joachim Oelsner, Jena, 2. und 3. März 2007
31. The background and beginnings of the Gospel story
32. Background for Queen Anne
33. The background of international relations : our world horizons: national and international
34. The background of the knights' revolt, 1522-1523
35. Background of the Middle East
36. Bad moon rising : a chronicle of the Middle East today
37. The Bafokeng : history, culture, religion and education in perspective from the first three Hermannsburg missionaries until 1940
38. The Baganda : an account of their native customs and beliefs
39. The Bagesu and other tribes of the Uganda protectorate : the third part of the report of the Mackie ethnological expedition to Central Africa
40. Bajirava Ballala alias Bajirava I, second Peshva
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