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2. X Congress of the International Organization for Septuagint and Cognate Studies, Oslo, 1998
3. Xă̄stvānīft : studies in Manichaeism
4. To Xeiphos [sic] ton martyron. : Or, a brief narration of the mysteries of state carried on by the Spanish faction in England, since the reign of Queen Elizabeth to this day for the supplanting of the magistry and ministry, the laws of the land, and the religion of the Church of England ... declaring, how, when and where, Cromwell and his party were confederate with the Spanish faction ... Together with a vindication of the Presbyterian party, both of church-men and states-men in the Kingdom of England, Scotland and Ireland, against the Independent and Popish party
5. Xenoglossy : a review and report of a case
6. Xenophon ... : with an English translation
7. Xenophon : with an English translation
8. Xenophon's Ephesiaca : a paraliterary love-story from the ancient world
9. Xenophon's Expedition of Cyrus : with English notes, prepared for the use of schools and colleges, with a life of the author
10. Xenophon's memorabilia of Socrates
11. Xhosa fireside tales
12. A xhosa grammar : rev. and rewritten in the new orthography, by J. McLaren. Edited by G. H. Welsh
13. Xhosa manual
14. XI. choice sermons, preached upon selected occasions, in Cambridge : viz. I. The preachers dignity, and duty ... II. Christ crucified, the Tree of life ...
15. XII Congress of the International Organization for Septuagint and Cognate Studies, Leiden, 2004
16. XIII Congress of the International Organization for Septuagint and Cognate Studies: Ljubljana, 2007
17. XIIIth century chronicles
18. Xin yue quan shu
19. Xin yue quan shu : Zhong Xi zi, Guangdong tu bai
20. Xin yue quan shu, Zhong xi zi = The New Testament in English and Mandarin
新約書, 中西字 = The New Testament in English and Mandarin
21. Xiu zhen hua ying zi dian