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2. L'76 [i.e. Sechsundsiebzig].
3. La Fayette
4. La Fayette
5. La Fayette : a bibliography
6. La Rochelle and the French monarchy : conflict and order in seventeenth-century France
7. Les La Trémoille pendant cinq siècles
8. Labby : (the life and character of Henry Labouchere)
9. Labels : a Mediterranean journal
10. Labor and the war : American federation of labor and the labor movements of Europe and Latin America; from the Proceedings of the conventions of 1914-15-16-17-18 American federation of labor and from the American federationist and Labor's book of all colors as published in the American federationist, November and December, 1916, January, May and November, 1917, and April, 1918
11. The Labour Government, 1945-1951
12. The Labour governments, 1945-51
13. Labour in power, 1945-1951
14. The Labour Party's political thought : a history
15. Labour, race, and colonial rule : the Copperbelt from 1924 to independence
16. Labour regulation and black workers' struggles in South Africa
17. Labrador looks at the Orient : notes of travel in the Near and the Far East
18. The labyrinth : memoirs
19. The labyrinth of exile : a life of Theodor Herzl
20. Lacerda's journey to Cazembe in 1798
21. Lacock Abbey charters
22. Lacunar basilicae Sancti Macarii, aberdonensis : the heraldic ceiling of the Cathedral Church of St. Machar, old Aberdeen
23. Ladakh and western Himalayan politics, 1819-1848 : the Dogra conquest of Ladakh, Baltistan, and west Tibet, and reactions of the other powers
24. The Ladakhi : a study in ethnography and change
25. The ladder of progress in Palestine : a story of archaeological adventure
26. Ladies and gentlemen in Victorian fiction
27. Ladies' chain
28. "Ladies from hell,"
29. Ladies in the sun : the memsahibs' India, 1790-1860
30. Ladies of Llangollen : letters and journals of Lady Eleanor Butler (1739-1829) and Sarah Ponsonby (1755-1831) from the National Library of Wales
31. Ladies third : six weeks in Europe for six hundred dollars
32. The lady and the Tigers
33. Lady Anne Barnard : the court and colonial service under George III and the Regency
34. Lady Augusta Stanley : reminiscences
35. Lady Bessborough and her family circle
36. Lady Charlotte Guest : extracts from her journal, 1833-1852
37. Lady Charlotte Schreiber : extracts from her journal, 1853-1891
38. Lady Elizabeth and the Grosvenors : life in a Whig family, 1822-1839
39. Lady Hamilton and Lord Nelson. : An historical biography based on letters and other documents in the possession of Alfred Morrison, esq. of Fonthill, Wiltshire
40. Lady Hester Lucy Stanhope : a new light on her life and love affairs
41. Lady Hester Stanhope
42. Lady Hester Stanhope : a biography
43. Lady historian, Martha J. Lamb
44. Lady Huntington and her friends; or the revival of the work of God in the days of Wesley, Whitefield, Romaine, Venn, and others in the last century
45. Lady Jane Grey : October 1537-February 1554
46. Lady Jane Grey and the House of Suffolk
47. Lady Jane Grey: the setting of the reign
48. Lady John Russell : a memoir with selections from her diaries and correspondence
49. Lady Login's recollections, court life and camp life, 1820-1904
50. Lady Louisa Stuart : selections from her manuscripts
51. Lady Luxborough goes to Bath
52. Lady Margaret
53. Lady Mary Wortley Montagu : her life and letters (1689-1762)
54. Lady Mary Wortley Montagu and her times
55. Lady Morgan in France
56. The lady next door
57. The lady next door
58. The lady of beauty, Agnes Sorel : first royal favourite of France
59. A lady of the old régime
60. Lady Ottoline's album : snapshots and portraits of her famous contemporaries (and of herself), photographed for the most part by Lady Ottoline Morrell : from the collection of her daughter, Julian Vinogradoff
61. Lady Palmerston and her times
62. Lady Rachel Russell : "one of the best of women"
63. Lady Sarah Lennox : an irrepressible Stuart, 1745-1826
64. Lady Suffolk and her circle
65. A lady travels : journeys in England and Scotland from the diaries of Johanna Schopenhauer
66. The lady was a terrorist : during Israel's war of liberation
67. A lady who loved herself : the life of Madame Roland
68. Lady-in-waiting : the romance of Lafayette and Aglaé de Hunolstein
69. A lady's tour in Corsica
70. Ladysmith
71. Lae, village and city
72. The Laecanius amphora stamps and the villas of Brijuni
73. Lafayette : a guide to the letters, documents, and manuscripts in the United States
74. Lafayette : a life
75. Lafayette : documents conservés en France : catalogue
76. Lafayette, a revolutionary gentleman
77. Lafayette and three revolutions
78. Lafayette comes to America
79. Die Lage der alten Davidsstadt und die Mauern des alten Jerusalem
80. Das Lagerdorf des Kastells Butzbach : die reliefverzierte Terra Sigillata
81. Lageri smerti : sbornik dokumentov o zlodei͡anii͡akh nemet͡sko-fashistskikh zakhvatchikov v Belorussii
82. Lagos : the development of an African city
83. The Lagos consulate, 1851-1861
84. Lahore : past & present
85. Lahore (Capital of the Punjab) : A guide to places of interest, with history and map
86. The laird of Lag : a life-sketch
87. The lairds of Dun
88. The laity and the Church : religious developments in Beverley in the first half of the Sixteenth Century
89. The Lake counties
90. Lake Ngami : or, Explorations and discoveries during four years' wanderings in the wilds of southwestern Africa
91. The lake of the royal crocodiles
92. The lake regions of Central Africa
93. Die Lakedaimonier und ihre Bundesgenossen : bis zur Begründung der athenischen Seehegemonie
94. The lakes and rivers of the Bible
95. Lake's parochial history of the county of Cornwall
96. Lalmai, a cultural center of early Bengal : an archaeological report and historical analysis of the sites in the Lalmai hills of East Pakistan
97. The Lalung society : a theme for analytical ethnography
98. Lamah pirḳu et ha-Palmaḥ : ha-koaḥ ha-tsevaʼi be-maʻavar mi-yishuv la-medinah
99. Lamaḥāt min al-ḥayāh al-ijtimāʻīyah fī al-Sharq al-Adná al-qadīm : Īrān wa-al-Anāḍūl
لمحات من الحياة الإجتماعية في الشرق الأدنى القديم : إيران والأناضول
100. Lamaḥāt min dhikrayāt al-ṭufūlah
لمحات من ذكريات الطفولة