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2. Lafayette et la révolution de 1830 : histoire des choses et des hommes de juillet
3. The Lake counties
4. The lake of Menteith, its islands and vicinity : with historical accounts of the priory of Inchmahome and the earldom of Menteith
5. The lake regions of Central Africa : a picture of exploration
6. The lakes to Tyneside
7. Lancashire and Yorkshire
8. Lances down : between the fires in Moscow
9. The land and people of Rhodesia
10. The land of promise, or, The Bible land and its revelation : illustrated with several engravings of some of the most important places in Palestine and Syria
11. The land of the Blessed Virgin : sketches and impressions in Andalusia
12. The land of the lingam
13. Land of Yeats' desire : Sligo
14. Landfræðissaga Íslands. : Hugmyndir manna um Ísland, náttúruskoðun þess og rannsóknir, fyrr og siðar
15. Landgraf Philipp und die Toleranz : ein christlicher Fürst, der linke Flügel der Reformation und der christliche Primitivismus
16. Lanterne magique nationale
17. Lark Rise to Candleford : a trilogy
18. Last chance in Africa
19. The last day
20. The last days of Hitler
21. The last journals of David Livingstone, in Central Africa. : From eighteen hundred and sixty-five to his death
22. The last of the nomads
23. The last of the Nuba
24. The late picture of Paris, or, A faithful narrative of the revolution of the tenth of August, of the causes which produced, the events which preceded, and the crimes which followed it
25. The latest pocket guidebook to Luxor & environments, including also Tut-Ankh-Amen : with comments on Memphis, Sakkara, Tel el Amarna, Assiout, Abydos, Dendera, Esna, Edfu, Komombo, Assuan & Nubia
26. Laws and explanation in history
27. Lays, artiste du Théâtre des arts, a ses concitoyens
28. Lectures of Lola Montez (Countess of Landsfeld) : including her autobiography
29. Lectures on history, and general policy : to which is prefixed, An essay in a course of liberal education for civil and active life. And an additional lecture on the Constitution of the United States. The whole corrected, improved and enlarged: with a chart of history and a chart of biography
30. Leeds other paper
31. Left-wing democracy in the English Civil War : a study of the social philosophy of Gerrard Winstanley
32. The legacy of Persia
33. Legal curbs on racial incitement. Legislation in other countries
34. Leges atticae
35. Lehrbuch der historischen Methode und der Geschichtsphilosophie : mit Nachweis der wichtigsten Quellen und Hilfsmittel zum Studium der Geschichte
36. Leinster, Munster and Connaught
37. Lend-lease, weapon for victory
38. Lenin : albbom : sto fotograficheskikh snimkov
39. Lenin, Trotsky and the Vanguard Party : a contemporary view
40. Leon Blum : man and stateman
41. Léopold Sédar Senghor : an intellectual biography
42. Léopold Sédar Senghor et la naissance de l'Afrique moderne
43. Lessons of October
44. Lest we forget : a war anthology
45. Lest we forget : Gladstone, Morley and the Confederate loan of 1863
46. L'Estrange his appeal humbly submitted to the Kings Most Excellent Majesty and the three estates assembled in Parliament
47. Let my people go
48. Letres du cardinal d'Ossat
49. Let's look at Russia honestly : speech of Hon. Michael A. Feighan of Ohio in the House of Representatives, Tuesday, August 2, 1955
50. A letter from the Hon. Thomas Hervey, to Sir Thomas Hanmer, Bart
51. A letter to the examiner, suggesting proper heads, for vindicating his masters
52. Letters and diary of Alan Seeger
53. Letters concerning the present state of the French nation. : Containing a comprehensive view of the political state, agriculture ... theatre, literature and writers; with a complete comparison between France and Great Britain in respect of extent, fertilit
54. Letters containing a sketch of the scenes which passed in various departments of France during the tyranny of Robespierre, and of the events which took place in Paris on the 28th of July, 1794
55. Letters from abroad to kindred at home
56. Letters from France : containing a great variety of original information concerning the most important events that have occurred in that country in the years 1790, 1791, 1792, and 1793
57. Letters from Iceland
58. Letters from Mrs. Delany (widow of Doctor Patrick Delany,) to Mrs. Frances Hamilton, from the year 1779, to the year 1788 : comprising many unpublished and interesting anecdotes of their late Majesties and the royal family : now first printed from the original manuscripts
59. Letters from the mountains : being the real correspondence of a lady, between the years 1773 and 1807
60. Letters from the north of Europe, or, A journal of travels in Holland, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Russia, Prussia, and Saxony
61. Letters home from nowhere : new poems and selected translations
62. Letters in exile : the life and times of Yun Chʻi-ho
63. Letters of Baron Bielfeld, secretary of legation to the King of Prussia, Preceptor to Prince Ferdinand, Chancellor of the Universitys in the Dominions of his Prussian Majesty, F. R. A. B. &c., author of the Political Institutes : containing original anecdotes of the Prussian court for the last twenty years
64. The letters of Disraeli to Lady Bradford and Lady Chesterfield
65. Letters of eminent men, addressed to Ralph Thoresby. : Now first published from the originals
66. The letters of Junius
67. Letters of Lady M. W. Montague : written during her travels in Europe, Asia, and Africa
68. The letters of Madam de Maintenon, and other eminent persons in the age of Lewis XIV. : to which are added, some characters : translated from the French
69. Letters of state
70. Letters on Iceland : containing observations on the civil, literary, ecclesiastical, and natural history, antiquities, volcanos, basaltes, hot springs, customs, dress, manners of the inhabitants, &c. &c.
71. Letters on the English nation
72. Letters on the study and use of history
73. Letters, speeches and tracts on Irish affairs
74. Letters to the Right Honourable Edmund Burke : occasioned by his Reflections on the revolution in France
75. Letters to the Right Honourable Edmund Burke : occasioned by his Reflections on the revolution in France, &c.
76. Letters written during a short residence in Sweden, Norway, and Denmark
77. Lettre a M. Charles Chabroud, sur son rapport de la procédure du Châtelet, fait les 30 septembre et 1er octobre 1790, à l'Assemblée nationale
78. Lettre a M. de Mirabeau, en réponse à son adresse aux François, relative à la Constitution civile du clergé
79. Lettre a M. le président du Comité des recherches, a l'Assemblée nationale
80. Lettre amicale du roi des Indes, (Tipoo-Say) au roi de France
81. Lettre au roi, du 15 juin 1790
82. Lettre authentique du roi a M. Necker, suivie de celle de M. Necker, que Sa Majesté a reçue le 26 juillet
83. Lettre aux commettans du comte de Mirabeau
84. Lettre d'Arthur-Dillon rentier de l'état, a Monsieur de Lessart, ministre : portant dénonciation au Conseil du Roi, des abus introduits dans l'administration du département de Paris
85. Lettre de Camille Desmoulins, député de Paris à la Convention, au général Dillon, en prison aux Madelonettes
86. Lettre de Gros-Jean a son curé
87. Lettre de la nation française, a nosseigneurs de la cabale, et avis au roi
88. Lettre de l'abbé Maury au vicomte de Mirabeau, a son régiment
89. Lettre de l'abbé Raynal, a l'Assemblée nationale : Marseille, ce 10 décembre
90. Lettre de M. Bouillé, lue a l'Assemblée nationale, dans la séance du jeudi 30 juin 1791
91. Lettre de M. Burke, membre du parlement d'Angleterre, aux François
92. Lettre de M. de Calonne, ministre d'État, a M. l'évêque de Blois, sur le cahier de Madon
93. Lettre de M. Després, canonnier au premier régiment d'artillerie, a M. Lasource, membre de l'Assemblée nationale
94. Lettre de M. Duportail, ministre de la guerre a l'Armée
95. Lettre de M. Laclos, écrite de Paris à M. Forsh à Londres
96. Lettre de M. le c. de Caraman, commandant en Provence, a M. le c. de Mirabeau et la réronse [sic] : suivi d'une lettre d'un citoyen de Marseille à un de ses amis, sur M. de Mirabeau, & l'abbé Raynal
97. Lettre de M. Necker a M. le Président de l'Assemblée nationale
98. Lettre de M. Rolland, ministre de l'intérieur, à l'Assemblée nationale
99. Lettre de Monsieur, et de M. le comte d'Artois, au roi leur frère, avec la Déclaration signée a Pilnitz le 27 aoust 1791, par l'empereur et le roi de Prusse : lettre au roi, par M. le prince de Condé, M. le duc de Bourbon, M. le duc d'Enguhien
100. Lettre de Monsieur le duc d'Orléans, a l'Assemblée nationale, sur son retour a Paris, ou Extrait de la séance du 6 juillet 1790
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