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10. Newes from Bohemia. A true relation of the now present warres in Bohemia, their manner of proceeding in the same, fortifying and besieging of certaine townes, with such supplies and aide as they haue already receiued, and further expect from other countries. With the troubles and disagreements, betweene them, the Emperor and Empresse

11. Newes from Bohemia. An apologie made by the states of the Kingdome of Bohemia, shewing the reasons why those of the reformed religion were moued to take armes, for the defence of the king and themselues, especially against the dangerous sect of Iesuites. With a plaine declaration, that those who belong unto the monasteries and ecclesiasticall iurisdiction (according unto his Maiesties letters, and agreements made betweene that states of the reformed religion and the Papists) haue good right, as being subjects of the Imperiall Maiestie, to the peaceable exercise of their diuine seruice, and building of churches

12. Newes from Bohemia. An apologie made by the states of the Kingdome of Bohemia, shewing the reasons why those of the reformed religion were moued to take armes, for the defence of the King and themselues, especially against the dangerous sect of Iesuites. With a plaine declaration, that those who belong vnto the monasteries and ecclesiasticall iurisdiction (according vnto his Maiesties letters, and agreements made betweene the states of the reformed religion and the Papists) haue good right, as being subiects of the Imperiall Maiestie, to the peaceable exercise of their diuine seruice, and building of churches

14. Taylor his trauels from the citty of London in England, to the citty of Prague in Bohemia the manner of his abode there three weekes, his observations there, and his returne from thence : how he past 600 miles downe the river of Elue, through Bohemia, Saxony, Anhalt, the bishoprick of Magdeburge, Brandenberge, Hamburgh, and so to England : with many relations worthy of note

15. The 19. of August. The entertainement of Count Mansfield, and the Duke of Brunsvvick, into the seruice of the Duke of Bulloygne, being both dismissed by the King of Bohemia. : As also the inuasion made vpon the countrey of SerBruggen by Count Mansfield, with his arriuall in the prouince of Namure ... with strange tidings from Bergen vp Zome ... likewise the wonderfull proceedings of Monsieur Tilly and Don Cordoua in the palatinate ... moreouer, the late commotion which happened in Turkie, wherein about 60000 Turkes were slayne: with the actions of Bethlem Gabor ...

16. The 19. of Iuly. In this weekly newes is related the great difference or vnlikelihood of agreement betweene the Emperour and Bethlem Gabor. : With the comming downe of the Marquis of Iaggerendorf, with his forces into Silesia, to relieue the cittie Glats, belonging to the king of Bohemia, being alreadie arrived at Gabalonica. : As also the recovery of the Great cittie Chur in Switzerland by the Protestants..

17. The 20th. of September. The newes which now arrive from diuers parts, translated out of Dutch copies, with some aduertisements sent hither, vnto such as correspond with friends on the other side. In seuerall letters from honourable and worshipfull personages, residing at Skink Sconce, in the leager of his excellencie at Breda, in the campe of Count Mansfield, and from other places..

18. The 25. of September. Nevves from most parts of christendome. Especially from Rome, Italy, Spaine, France, the Palatinate, the Low Countries, and diuers other places. VVherein is contained a full and certaine relation, of the last battle fought at Bergen vp-Zome, and the great ouerthrow which Spinolaes forces receiued from those of the towne. With the lamentable losse of the city of Heidlebergh, after many braue repulses given to the enemie: and the names of some principall leaders, as were slaine in defence of the towne. And diuers other speciall matters, coninued from the last printed newes of the twentieth, to this present..

19. The 27. of August. Mansfeilds arrivall in the dukedome of Brabant, and is alreadie come on this side Bruxelles, burning, spoyling, and ransoming the countrey. Also Gonzales comming towards him with great forces, with the rest of their proceedings. With the destruction of Spinola's forces before Berghen op Zoom; as also the marching of the English forces of the regiment of the Lord Vaus from Antwerpe to Bergen, with the number of them. Likewise, a true relation of the proceedings and circumstances, touching the royall coronation of the most illustrious, most mightie princesse, Lady Eleonora, Empresse of Rome, Queene of Hungaria, Arch-Dutches of Austria, and Dutches of Mantua. Moreover, the straite besieging of Mamora by the Hollanders, with the invasion made by the Protestant grisons vpon the countrey of Tyrolle, and the obtaining of great store of cattell. Lastly, the couragious Sally made by the garrisons in Glatts, vpon the emperialls; with the delivering vp of Hagenaw to Leopoldus; as also [Klin]genbergh to the Emperour

20. The 27. of September. A relation of letters, and other aduertisements of newes, sent hither vnto such as correspond with friends beyond the sea. : From Rome, Italy, Spaine, France, the Palatinate, and diuers other places. : Wherein is contained a journall of what hath passed at Bergen Vp zome, and in Spinolaes campe, almost euery day since the beginning of this moneth. : VVith the lamentable massacre lately committed in the Valtoline. : Vnto which is added, a letter from an English gentleman at Frankford, concerning the render of Heidlebergh to the enemie

22. The certaine newes of this present vveeke. Continued from Rome, Naples, Genoway, France, the Low-Countires, the Palatinate, and many other places. Wherein is truly set downe the manner of the last fight at Bergen-vp-zoam ... with the certaine present state of Count Mansfield ... also other speciall letters and aduertisements concerning a new defeat said to be giuen since to Spinola ... by the Prince of Oranges forces. Lastly is added a speciall relation of the death of that famous and worthy Captaine Fairfax, being slaine at Frankendale..

23. A continuation of more newes from the palatinate, and diuers parts in Europe, and out of Europe, as Brazile, and Barbary. With the remaining of Count Mansfield and the Duke of Brunswicke about Luxembourg, in hope of the expectation of the peace at Brussels. : Likewise relating the strange aduenture which happened to a small English pinnace, in surprizing a great Portugall shippe. The 26 of Iuly..

24. A continuation of more newes from the Palatinate, the 13. of Iune 1622. Relating the surprising of the landtgrave of Dermstadt, with the skirmish betweene Count Mansfield and Mounsieur Tillye in the returne. Together with the expedition of the Duke of Brunswicke: and the reason of the preparations of Bethlem Gabor against the Emperour. In the end is added a comparison of two souldiers letters concerning former occurrences; and some newes from other places..

25. Nouemb. 16. 1622. Numb. 7. A continuation of the nevves of this present weeke. Wherein are fully related, the going of the Emperour and the Princes of Germany, to the Dyet of Regenspurgh, with the imperiall gifts. : The Embassage of Bethlem Gabor, and the old Count Thourne, to solicite the great Turke for aide against the Emperour. : With the resolute holding out of the seige of Glatz. : Together with the articles granted to Generall Veere, vpon yeelding vp of Manheim Castle. : And a particular Iournall of Count Mansfields proceedings in the Bishopricke of Munster, with some other occurences

26. Octob. 22. Nou. 3. A relation of the vveekely occurances of newes, out of Bohemia, Italy, Germany, the Pallatinate, the Low-Countries and other places. VVherein are handled the chiefe businesse now on foote in Euorpe. : As concerning the Dyet appointed for the Princes of the Empire, at Ratisbone. : The discontents of the Duke of Saxonie, with the Duke of Bauaria, and his preparations therevpon. : The present estate of the Generall Veere, besiedged in Manheim. : Together with the great preparations of the Prince of Orange, and the Marquesse Spinola: and other accidents

27. October 30. 1622. No. 4. A continuation of the vveekly newes from Bohemia, Austria, the Palatinate, Italy, Spaine, France, the Low-Countries, and the East-Indies. VVherein is a full and exact discourse of the dyet of Lindaw, vpon the losse of the Valtoline: with the Grisons answer for their libertie, and conscience, to every article. As also the true and last newes of the present estate of Manheim, and the Generall Veere. Besides the diuers reports concerning the peace in France, and the continuation of the siege of Mompellier. Together with Count Mansfields expedition vp towards the Bishop of Cullens countrey: and other occurrences..

28. Propositions made by Captaine Ferentes, sent as deputy by the Earle of Mansfeild, to the King of Bohemia, in the Hage. Thereby shewing the reasons, that moued him to propound the same: : As also amply declaring the state of the warre, both on the enemies side and his, and all the proceedings thereof, in those countryes. : With a declaration likewise made in the name of the King of Bohemia, vnto the lords, the generall states, of the vnited provinces, to moue and exhort them to continue their ayde and assistance vnto the King of Bohemia, towards the warres in the Palatinate

29. The safe arriuall of Christian Duke of Brunswick vnto the king of Bohemia, and the vniting of their forces. With a particular rehersall of diuers notable passages and accidents, as well after as before the battaile betwixt the aforesaid duke and the imperials. : Likewise relating the further intents and designes of both parties; with many other speciall occurrences. Printed this third of July..

30. The surprisall of tvvo imperial townes by Count Mansfield, and the Duke of Brunsvvick, since their arrivall in Alsatia; with the new supplies sent by the Duke of Bulloigne to Count Mansfeild; with the rest of their proceedings vntill tkis [sic] present the nineteenth of Iuly 1622. ; Likewise relating the courageous sally, and great slaughter made by the English Garrisons in Bergen op Zoone ... Together with the vnlookt for attempt of the Prince of Orange vpon certain hundreds of waggons, which were sent from Antwerpe to Spinola's ledger ... Lastly the late occurrences which haue happened between the king and the Protestants. Printed this nineteenth of Iuly..

33. The affaires of Italy, with the crowning and inauguration of the new Pope Barbarino a Florentine in Rome, and other accidents. The occurrents of Hungary, with the affaires of the Prince of Transiluania, concerning his proceedings with the Emperour. Letters from Vienna, with the Emperours preparation against Bethelem Gabor. The siege of Lipstate in Westphalia, with the causes of the same, and many seuerall accidents arising from thence newes from the Hage, with the businesse of the prouinces thereabouts. What they write from Antwerpe, with the particulars of Brussels, as the present time affords..

34. Aug. 27. Numb. 45. More nevves for this present weeke. Relating, the fresh noise of the approach of the Turkes towards the Empire. The agreement of the lower Saxony with the Emperour. The present state of the Duke of Brunswickes, Monsieur Tillyes, and Count Mansfields armies. Many particulars of the Prince of Oranges going into the field. Together, with something about the election of the new Pope and diuers prodigies lately seene in the Empire, with diuers other particulars from seuerall places..

36. Decemb. 13. Number 7. Weekely nevves from Germanie, and other places of Europe. VVith the late proceedings of Bethlem Gabor, with his approaches towards Vienna and Prague, with seuerall armies, and diuers ouerthrowes giuen to the Emperours forces. The lantsgraue of Hessens message to the King of Denmarke. The Emperours sending away of the Empresse and his children to Inspurg from Vienna. The feare that Prague and Vienna is of the Transiluanian armies and others. The Popes new prayer for the Emperours proceedings

37. February the 11. Numb. 18. Weekely newes, containing these particulars: A proclamation published by the states, for the apprehending of the conspirators of the late intented horrible treason against the whole state of the vnited Prouinces, and against the King and Queen of Bohemia, and their children; with seuerall letters concerning the plot, annexed to this present weekes relation, &c. : The generall meeting appointed by the Emperor in Austria and the land of Ens. : The murther committed on the person of the Lord of Polnitz (hauing beene ambassador of the Duke of Saxony) at Regenspurg. : The execution at Ispruck of a Protestant preacher who made a braue end, and died very resolutely. : The propositions made by the ambassadors of the elector of Saxony before the Emperor at Regenspurg. : The answer vpon them in the name of his Imperiall Maiestie. : The resolutions o the electors of Collen, Mentz, and Trier, touching the election of the new elector. : The propositions of the Emperor at the dyet. : With diuers other speciall occurrences

38. [May 30. Number 34. The last newes].

39. The newes of Europe, containing these particulars. the iealousie of Italy concerning Bethelem Gabor, and the Emperour. The distresse of the Emperours army. The proceedings of Bethelem Gabor. The seuerall townes he hath surprised. The diuers ouerthrowes, to which the Imperiall Army hath beene subiect. The affrightings of Prague and Vienna. The calling of Tilly out of Hessen. The preparations of Mansfield and Brunswicke to rise. The solemne Christening of the King of Bohemiaes youngest sonne. A generall fast. and praiers among the States..

40. Nouember 11. Number 3. The wonderfull resignation of Mustapha, and the aduancing of Amarath a younger brother of the lately deposed Osman. The descending of the Tartars into Podolia, and Walachia, who taking some aduantages of the Cossacks vnrulinesse, thought to surprize the towne of Leopolis. The continuing of Bethelem Gabor in Hungarie, not comming thither by a voluntarie incursion, as hath beene coniectured: but by the calling of the nobility, who had long since nominated him King. The state of Count Mansfields armie, with the lamentable accident of Carbason, his sergeant maiors cutting off his wiues head, by reason one called him cuckold. The present estate of Spinola's armie. The present estate of the affaires in Holland, and the armie of the Prince of Orange..

41. October 2. Number 50 Our last nevves containing, a relation of the last proceedings betwixt the Emperour, Bethlem Gabor and other princes. As also, the King of Denmarks, the landgraue of Hessens, and the lower Saxonies preparations for the defensiue. Likewise, the prosecution of the businesse betwixt Tilly and Mansfield, and Tillyes marching vpwards. More also of the siege of Lipstadt. And of a late designe of the Prince of Orange, with the last affaires about the Grisons. At the end is annexed by a reuerend diuine, an admonition touching a relation lately published of the birth of antichrist in Babilon. With many other particulars of consideration..

42. October 28. Number 2. A most true relation: contayning the great inuasion made by Bethlem Gabor in the Emperours dominions, with particular names of those townes he hath taken in already. As likewise, the marching vp of Monsieur Tilly to the Emperour: and the great preparations in defence: with the Emperours further designes to crosse the attempts of Bethlem Gabor. As also, the siege of Brin in Versperimur in Hungary, by the Turkes. With diuers other matters of moment concerning Count Mansfield, the war-like proceedings at the siege of Lipstadt: and the affaires of the low countries

43. A relation of the late horrible treason, intended against the Prince of Orange, and the whole state of the vnited prouinces, according to the Dutch coppy printed at the Hage. Whereunto is added these particulars out of our Weekely Newes: A declaration published by the French king, in behalfe and for the restoring of the Marquesse of Rosny ... The arriuall at Constantinople of the ambassadors of Sweden, Muscouia, and Polonia ... Whereunto is added A most true and wonderfull vision seene by Intien Iansen ... at Oosterzee ... With diuers other particular relations, of many parts of the world..

44. September 12. Numb. 47. Our last weekly newes. Relating the proceedings betwixt the Emperour and Bethlem Gabor. Diuers particulars about religion in the Empire. The last newes of the Counts of Tillie and Mansfield. As also of the Prince of Oranges, and the Marquesse of Spinolaes armies. The present businesse concerning the Valtoline. Together with diuers other very memorable occurrences, from the seuerall parts of the world..

45. September 24. Number 49 more nevves for this present weeke: Kelating [sic], the last businesse betwixt the Emperour & Bethlem Gabor. The manner of the Iesuites peruerting of Protestants in the Palatinate. The preparations of the princes of both Saxonies for their owne defence. The present posture of the warre betwixt Monsieur Tilly, and the Count of Mansfield. The iourney of the prince from Madrid to the port of St. Anderas, and of his imbarking for England. With something also, concerning the present affaires of the lowe Countries, Turkie, &c. And, a further relation of the Protestants synode in France..

46. April 7. Numb. 20. Extraordinary newes: containing many admirable, strange, ioyfull and pitifull accidents and passages: As likewise, The speeches made at the generall meeting of Austria: besides, the imperiall propositions which are aswell in this meeting at Vienna propounded, as in the Land-day of Silisia, which is kept at Breslaw. Moreouer, The abruption of the treaty of peace which was betwixt the Emperor and Bethlem Gabor appointed, and the warlike preparations on each side. The inuasion made on the dominion of the Duke of Brunswicke, and his resolution to defend his subiects, as appeareth by a copy of his owne letter. The commission granted by the Emperor, to settle the Prince Lodowike Philips Duke of Simmeren, being brother of the King of Bohemia into his due inheritance. As likewise the resolution by the Commissioners made vnder their hand writing. Besides diuers other things of moment which happened lately in the Palatinate, Hungaria, Bohemia, Morauia, in the Low Countries, and other parts of Christendome

47. February 24. Number 14. The affaires and generall businesse of Europe more particularly. Seuerall Ambassadors at Rome. The King of Congo in AEthiopia hath sent to Rome for priests to be instructed in true religion ; for they are willing to forsake their idols. A slaughter done vpon Papists at Churr. Bauaria visits Loretto. Three letters from Vienna concerning Bethelem Gabor and the Emperor. The States haue seized upon Mansfields townes in Freesland. Tilly is still in Hessen. More hurt done by the ice. Saxony and Brandenburg much discontented, as hearing the Pope hath reputed them heretiques. My Lord of Kinsington is safely ariued in France..

48. February 27. Numero 15. Newes from Europe, with seuerall occurrences more particularly. A dangerous incursion and attempt of Graue Vanderbergen, Gouernour of Gulick ouer Icell into Gelderland. A fortunate repulse or retreat of the enemy backe againe. The casting away of an English ship going into the port of Venice at Malamoccho. An English marchant takes a Portingall man of warre. The Emperour discontented with the Popes proceedings. Comets, thunder, lightning, and stormes happening in Bohemia. Rome sendeth to Venice, and is iealous of the Spaniards tampering with Italy. The Lord of Wallestein would faine goe into Transiluania with an army of 15000. The ceasure of all the English and Scots ships in all the ports of Spaine

49. January 15. Number 10. The newes and affaires of Europe. The rebellion of the Basshaw of Asia, who yet came to reuenge the murther of Osman, and slew 15000. Ianizaries. New Articles betweene the Emperour and Bethelem Gabor, with their seuerall demaunds, whereby there is no likelihood of their according. Gertaine [sic] skirmishes, wherein the Imperials tooke Gabors wagons, and another wherein the Transiluanians preuailed. The King of Sweden prepares for warre, and his queene is deliuered of a princesse. Mansfields rising, with some hazard and difficulty. The fleets of the Hollanders are put to sea, both for the East and West Indies. A mutinie in Rochell..

50. January 29. Number 12. The affaires and occurrences of Europe: more particularly as they are thus abstracted. The dissoluing of Mansfields army, with his preparation to goe to Venice. The Duke of Brunswick meanes to visit his bishopricke. The Hollanders haue planted in the West Indies. The thriuing and preuailing of the Emperour with his many armies, and principall commanders. A new order of souldiers to be raised, called Militia Sancta Catholica. The last fight betweene the Dunkerkers and Hollanders