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2. Activities of the Corregidor-Bataan Memorial Commission : message from the President of the United States, transmitting a report of the activities of the Corregidor Bataan Memorial Commission, pursuant to Public Law 193, Eighty Third Congress
3. Adam Usk
4. Addressing injustice in the medieval body politic
5. Adventures in propaganda : letters from an intelligence officer in France : Printed Book; Correspondence 1919
6. Adygi : adygeĭt︠s︡y, kabardint︠s︡y, cherkesy, shapsugi
Адыги : адыгейцы, кабардинцы, черкесы, шапсуги
7. The Afghan patchwork state : political ideology, infrastructural power, and the critical juncture of 1929
8. Afghanistan : a history from 1260 to the present
9. Aforismos de las Cartas y relaciones
10. Africa and emerging global dynamics
11. Africa as method : a handbook of sources and epistemologies
12. Africa in the Cold War
13. The African origin of civilization : myth or reality
14. Afrocentric innovations in higher education
15. Afrontar los pasados controversiales y traumáticos : aproximaciones desde la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de la historia
16. Afropolitan encounters : literature and activism in London and Berlin
17. The afterlife of Mary, Queen of Scots
18. The aftermath of the Bangladesh Liberation War of 1971 : enduring impact
19. Age, gender and status in Macedonian society, 550-300 BCE : intersectional approaches to mortuary archaeology
20. The age of conquest : Wales, 1063-1415
21. Air raid damage in London : Printed Book; Map; Photograph 1923
22. Alambradas y rifles : el testimonio de un niño que sobrevivió al Holocausto
23. Al-Andalus y su herencia
24. Albert Houtum Schindler : a remarkable polymath in late-Qajar Iran
25. Alemania : una potencia sin anhelos
26. Alexander the Great : the making of a myth
27. Alfonso X
28. Alfred the Great
29. The Almoravid Maghrib
30. Al-Muʻtamid y los Abadíes : el esplendor del reino de Sevilla (s. XI)
31. Along the Nile : early photographs of Egypt : September 11-December 30, 2001, the Howard Gilman Gallery, the Metropolitan Museum of Art
32. Álvarez de Quindós (1751-1812), biografía : algunas páginas de la historia de mi pueblo
33. Amados vasallos míos : los hombres del motín
34. Amarna : city of the sun god
35. Ambedkar : the attendant details
36. The Amergin step : an exploration in the imagination of Iveragh
37. American diplomacy and the Boer War
38. American Progressivism: Its Relation to German Kultur From the Standpoint of a Progressive and Pro-German : Pamphlet
39. America's relation to the World War : Shall our nation live or perish? : Pamphlet 1918
40. El amor, la política y la vida : memorias en la España predemocrática (1954-1980)
41. Anaḥnu ba-derekh : sipure gevurah shel ezraḥim she-hitsilu ḥayim be-7 Oḳṭober = We're on our way : the civillians who saved lives on October 7th
אנחנו בדרך : סיפורי גבורה של אזרחים שהצילו חיים ב-7 באוקטובר = We're on our way : the civillians who saved lives on October 7th