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2. al-Sadd al-ʻĀlī wa-tahjīr al-Nūbah
السد العالي وتهجير النوبة
3. Ṣalāḥ al-Dīn al-Ayyūbī fī al-dirāsāt al-istishrāqīyah al-Barīṭānīyah wa-al-Amrīkīyah : ḥiwār bayna al-maṣādir al-ʻArabīyah wa-al-muqārabāt al-istishrāqīyah : dirāsah taḥlīlīyah, naqdīyah, muqāranah
صلاح الدين الأيوبي في الدراسات الاستشراقية البريطانية والأمريكية : حوار بين المصادر العربية والمقاربات الاستشراقية : دراسة تحليلية، نقدية، مقارنة
4. Samnites
5. Die Särge des Karenen : Untersuchungen zu Pyramidentexten und Sargtexten
6. Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates : foreign policy and strategic alliances in an uncertain world
7. Savarkar unmasked
8. Savaşin sultanları : Osmanlı padişahlarının meydan muharebeleri
9. Saving Europe : first World War relief and American identity
10. The Saxons in England : a history of the English commonwealth till the period of the Norman conquest
11. Scandal and survival in nineteenth-century Scotland : the life of Jane Cumming
12. The Scariff Martyrs : war, murder and memory in East Clare
13. Scheme for the settlement of Armenian refugees : general survey and principal documents
14. Een schoon historie van Turias ende Floreta
15. The Schüssel era in Austria
16. Scotland : a concise history
17. Scotland's transnational heritage : legacies of empire and slavery
18. Scottish society in the second world war : tradition, tension, transformation
19. "A scrap of paper" : why Great Britain went to war : Pamphlet 1914
20. Scraps of paper : German proclamations in Belgium and France : Printed Book 1916
21. Scribal representations and social landscapes of the Iron Age Shephelah
22. The Search for Alexander. Supplement to the catalogue : the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Oct. 27, 1982 to Jan. 3, 1983
23. Search-lights on the war : Pamphlet 1915
24. Sechs Kriegsreden des Reichskanzlers : Printed Book 1916
25. The secret listener : an ingenue in Mao's court
26. Seeing History : Public History in China
27. Seize the city, undo the state : the inception of Russia's war on Ukraine
28. Sekkanki no kokka to shakai
29. Selected writings
30. Selected writings of D.V. Gundappa
31. Sendas liberales : Ciudadanos para el Progreso
32. Sermons from the Oxbow Lake
33. Servilia and her Family
34. Set adrift : capitalist transformations and community politics along Mumbai's shores
36. Severiano de Heredia el mulato cubano alcalde de París
37. Shaping Medan : the role and impact of prominent Chinese, 1890-1942
38. Sheng Xuanhuai : shi ji dian shi ren wu zhuan ji pian
盛宣怀 : 十集电视人物传记片
39. The shields of the Empire : Eastern Roman military elites during the reigns of the emperors Theodosius II, Marcian and Leo I
40. ha-Shivʻah be-Oḳṭober : 7.10.2023 : sefer zeh notsar be-hitnadvut maleʼah mi-tokh teḥoshet sheliḥut leha-natsiaḥ et yom Shabat ha-shivʻah ba-Oḳṭober ṿeha-milḥamah she-higiʻah bi-ʻiḳvotaṿ
השבעה באוקטובר ־ 7.10.2023 : ספר זה נוצר בהתנדבות מלאה מתוך תחושת שליחות להנציח את יום שבת השבעה באוקטובר והמלחמה שהגיעה בעקבותיו