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2. Taikōki
3. Taiwan : nation-state or province?
4. Taiwan wen hua yu li shi di chong gou
5. Take-off for Taiwan
6. Tales of a grandfather : the history of France (second series)
7. Tales of two cities : a Persian memoir
8. Tambara
9. Les tambours de Katmandou
10. Tamil Nadu
11. Taming democracy : models of political rhetoric in classical Athens
12. T'an Ssu-t'ung, 1865-1898 : life and thought of a reformer
13. Tʻan Ssu-tʻung, 1865-1898 : life and thought of a reformer
14. Tʻang studies
15. Tanzania
16. Tanzania : koloniale Vergangenheit und neuer Aufbruch
17. Tarbiz; : riv'on le-mada'e ha-yahadut
18. Tarbiẕ / תרביץ
19. Tarih dergisi
20. Tarih incelemeleri dergisi
21. Tarikh
22. Tārīkh Abī Zurʻah al-Dimashqī
تاريخ أبي زرعة الدمشقي
23. Tasrīḥ al-abṣār fī mā yaḥtawī Lubnān min al-āthār
تسريح الأبصار في ما يحتوي لبنان من الآثار