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2. Pacific focus
3. Pacific news
4. Pacific places, pacific histories
5. Pacific places, Pacific histories : essays in honor of Robert C. Kiste
6. The Pacific review
7. Pacific romanticism : Tahiti and the European imagination
8. Pacific skies : American flyers in World War II
9. Pacific skies : American flyers in World War II
10. The Pacific War papers : Japanese documents of World War II
11. The Pacific War Papers Japanese Documents of World War II
12. Pacific War stories : in the words of those who survived
13. Il paesaggio storico delle Cinque Terre : individuazione di regole per azioni di progetto condivise
14. Paginae historiae : sborník Státního ústředního archivu v Praze
15. Paideia : the world of the second sophistic
16. Paideia : the world of the second sophistic
17. Pakistan almanac : essential data on Pakistan
18. Pakistan horizon
19. Pakistan horizon
20. Pakistan journal of history and culture
21. Pakistan on the brink : politics, economics, and society
22. Pakistan vision
23. Palatino, Velia e Sacra via : paesaggi urbani attraverso il tempo
24. Il Palazzo Orsini di Pitigliano nella storia e nell'arte : dai conti Aldobrandeschi ai conti Orsini, dai Granduchi di Toscana ai Vescovi di Sovana : Museo Diocesano di Pitigliano
25. Palazzo Taffini d'Acceglio a Savigliano : il cantiere seicentesco : committenti, decorazioni, modelli
26. Palestine exploration quarterly
27. Palestine exploration quarterly
28. Palestine-Israel journal of politics, economics, and culture
29. Palestine-Israel journal of politics, economics, and culture
30. Palestinian identity in Jordan and Israel : the necessary 'other' in the making of a nation
31. Palmerston, "the people's darling"
32. Pami͡atʹ : istoricheskiĭ sbornik
33. Pamie̦ć i sprawiedliwość
34. Panchsheel and the future : perspectives on India-China relations
35. Die Pan-Grotte von Vari
36. Pannonische Glanztonware aus dem Auxiliarkastell von Carnuntum : Ausgrabungen der Jahre 1977-1988
37. Pannonische Glanztonware aus dem Auxiliarkastell von Carnuntum : Ausgrabungen der Jahre 1977-1988
38. Panorama of the classical world
39. Papeles recortados
40. Papers from the conference "The fragile tradition"
41. Papers of the British School at Rome
42. Papers of the British School at Rome
43. Papers on Chinese history
44. Papyrology and the History of Early Islamic Egypt
45. Papyrology and the history of early Islamic Egypt
46. Par la plume ou le fusil : les intellectuels-soldats dans la guerre d'Algérie
47. Le paradis des infidèles
48. Una paradoja histórica : Hitler, Stalin, Roosevelt y algunas consecuencias para España de la Segunda Guerra Mundial
49. Paradoxes of power : the Kano "mamluks" and male royal slavery in the Sokoto Caliphate, 1804-1903
50. The paradoxes of self-determination in the Cameroons under United Kingdom administration : the search for identity, well-being, and continuity
51. Pardès
52. Paris : biography of a city
53. Le Paris Asie : 150 ans de présence de la Chine, de l'Indo-Chine, du Japon dans la capitale
54. Paris et Ile-de-France
55. Paris et ses cafés
56. Paris libre, 1871
57. Paris, the provinces and the French Revolution
58. Parliament and foreign policy in the eighteenth century
59. Parliament and foreign policy in the eighteenth century
60. Parliament and foreign policy in the eighteenth century
61. Parnell and his island
62. Paroles de Dien Bien Phu : les survivants témoignent
63. Parting ways : the crisis in German-American relations
64. Parting ways : the crisis in German-American relations
65. The partition of Bengal and Assam, 1932-1947 : contour of freedom
66. PAS news and events
67. Pasado y memoria : revista de historia contemporánea
68. Pascal Paoli, ou, La leçon d'un "citoyen du ciel"
69. Passato e presente
70. Passau : Quellen zur Stadtgeschichte
71. Passing through
72. Passion Napoléon : par l'épée et par la plume
73. Past & present
74. Past & present
75. The past : the organ of the Ui Ceinnsealaigh Historical Society
76. Past futures : the impossible necessity of history
77. Past futures : the impossible necessity of history
78. The past is not dead : facts, fictions, and enduring racial stereotypes
79. The Paston women : selected letters
80. The path to mass rebellion : an analysis of two intifadas
81. The path to victory : the Mediterranean Theater in World War II
82. A Pathan odyssey
83. Paths to a new Europe : from premodern to postmodern times
84. Patra-widya : seri penerbitan penelitian sejarah dan budaya
85. Patrimoine fribourgeois revue du Service Cantonal de la Conservation des Monuments Historiques et des Inventaires du Patrimoine = Freiburger Kulturgüter
86. Patrin : the Patrin Web journal, Romani culture and history
87. Patterns of prejudice
88. Patterns of prejudice
89. I patti con l'impero latino di Costantinopoli : 1205-1231
90. Paul Doumer, gouverneur général de l'Indochine : 1897-1902 : le tremplin colonial
91. Paul Kagame and Rwanda : power, genocide and the Rwandan Patriotic Front
92. Paul von Hatzfeldt (1831-1901) : politische Biographie eines kaiserlichen Diplomaten
93. Le pays : quotidien indépendant d'informations générales du Burkina
94. Le pays mentonnais à travers les actes notariés à la fin du Moyen âge
95. Peace signs : the anti-war movement illustrated = Zeichen des Friedens : die Illustrationen der Antikriegs-Bewegung = Signes de la Paix : le mouvement contre la guerre illustré
96. Peace under fire : Israel/Palestine and the International Solidarity Movement
97. Peace without power : Ghana's foreign policy, 1957-1966
98. Peʻamim
99. Pe'amim: Studies in Oriental Jewry / פעמים: רבעון לחקר קהילות ישראל במזרח
100. Pearl Harbor
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