Search Results
2. Maʻamadah ṿe-heḳafah shel "Yehud medinta" bi-teḳufah ha-Parsit
3. Maʼamin ṿe-zoreʻa : etgere dat ṿe-tarbut be-moshve 'ha-Poʻel ha-Mizraḥi' ha-rishonim bi-teḳufat ha-mandaṭ = Believing and sowing : religious and cultural challenges in the first 'ha-Poel ha-Mizrachi' agricultural settlements in Palestine during the British Mandate period
מאמין וזורע : אתגרי דת ותרבות במושבי 'הפועל המזרחי' הראשונים בתקופת המנדט = Believing and sowing : religious and cultural challenges in the first 'ha-Poel ha-Mizrachi' agricultural settlements in Palestine during the British Mandate period
4. ha-Maʼavak ha-nikhzav : ʻAvodah ʻivrit, 1929-1939
5. ha-Maʼavaḳ neged ha-Briṭim, 1945-1947
6. al-Madīnah al-Filasṭīnīyah fī fatrat al-intidāb al-Barīṭānī : taṭawwurāt wa-taḥawwulāt ijtimāʻīyah wa-iqtiṣādīyah : Ḥīfā namūdhajan
المدينة الفلسطينية في فترة الانتداب البريطاني : تطورات وتحولات اجتماعية واقتصادية : حيفا نموذجا
7. Maduʻa beʼemet huḳmah medinat Yiśraʼel
מדוע ׳באמת׳ הוקמה מדינת ישראל
8. Mafteaḥ Halbanon le-nośʼim, meḥabrim ve-ḥiburim ha-danim be-yishuv ha-Yehudi be-Erets-Yiśraʼel
9. The Magic Carpet
10. The Magnes-Philby negotiations, 1929 : the historical record
11. Mahpekhaniyot be-ʻal korḥan : nashim u-migdar ba-Tsiyonut ha-datit bi-teḳufat ha-Yishuv
מהפכניות בעל כורחן : נשים ומגדר בציונות הדתית בתקופת היישוב
12. Mahpekhat ha-ʻanaṿot : ishah ṿe-roveh be-Erets Yiśraʼel,1907-1945 = The modest revolution : women and defense in Palestine, 1907-1945
מהפכת הענוות : אישה ורובה בארץ ישראל, 1907־1945 = The modest revolution : women and defense in Palestine, 1907-1945
13. Maḥteret be-madim : ha-"Haganah" ṿeha-ḥayalim ha-Erets-Yiśreʼelim ba-tsava ha-Briṭi, 1939-1946
מחתרת במדים : ה"הגנה" והחיילים הארץ-ישראלים בצבא הבריטי, 6491-1939
14. Majāzir wa-mumārasāt 1936 - 1983
مجازر وممارسات 1936 - 1983
15. al-Majlis al-tashrīʻī al-filasṭīnī fī al-Ḍiffah al-Gharbīyah wa-Qiṭāʻ Ghazzah 1996-2010
المجلس التشريعي الفلسطيني في الضفة الغربية وقطاع غزة 1996-2010
16. al-Majmūʻāt al-Sāmiyah fī al-Urdun fī Asfār al-Tawrāh : bayna wāqiʻ al-tārīkh wa-al-buʻd al-ḥikāʼī
المجموعات السامية في الأردن في أسفار التوراة : بين واقع التاريخ والبعد الحكائي
17. Major Farran's hat : the untold story of the struggle to establish the Jewish state
18. The making of a new Eastern Question : British Palestine policy and the origins of Israel, 1917-1925
19. The making of Israel
20. The making of Israel
21. The making of Israel
22. al-Malaf al-amnī bayna al-Sulṭah al-Filasṭīnīyah wa-Isrāʼīl
الملف الأمني بين السلطة الفلسطينية وإسرائيل
23. Mamtsiʼim u-meʼamtsim : meḥolele ha-mahpekhah be-darkhe ha-yitsur ba-Arets
24. Man and his work : historical atlas of tools & workshops in the Holy Land
אדם ועמלו : אטלס לתולדות כלי עבודה ומיתקני ייצור בארץ־ישראל
25. Man near a Roman arch : studies presented to Prof. Yoram Tsafrir
26. Man qatala al-Malik ʻAbd Allah
من قتل الملك عبدالله
27. ha-Mandaṭ ṿe-shivro : ʻal ahavah u-vegidah
המנדט ושברו : על אהבה ובגידה
28. Mandate : the palestine crucible, 1919-1939
29. Mandate days : British lives in Palestine, 1918-1948
30. Mandate for Palestine
31. Mandate for Palestine
32. The mandate for Palestine : a contribution to the theory and practice of international mandates
33. Mandate memories, 1918-1948
34. Mandates. : Final drafts of the mandates for Mesopotamia and Palestine, for the approval of the Council of the League of Nations ...
35. Manners & customs in the Bible : an illustrated guide to daily life in Bible times
36. Manners and customs in the Bible
37. Map notes intended to accompany the landscape map of Egypt, Sinaitic Peninsula and Palestine
38. Mapping Exile and Return : Palestinian Dispossession and a Political Theology for a Shared Future
39. Mapping exile and return : Palestinian dispossession and a political theology for a shared future
40. Mapping the End of Empire : American and British Strategic Visions in the Postwar World
41. Mapping the end of empire : American and British strategic visions in the postwar world
42. Maps and mythology : what Israeli records reveal about the land and the people of Palestine
43. Maritime activity in ancient Israel
44. Martinus Seusenius' reise in das Heilige Land i.j. 1602/03.
45. Masada : the Yigael Yadin excavations 1963-1965 : final reports
46. Masada and the world of the New Testament
47. Masaʻot : bi-shevile ha-arets u-shekhenoteha, mi-tokh reshimot-derekh ṿe-yomanim
48. al-Masār al-tārīkhī lil-niḍāl al-waṭanī al-Filasṭīnī khilāl al-qarn al-ʻishrīn
المسار التاريخي للنضال الوطني الفلسطيني خلال القرن العشرين
49. Masʻe ha-milḥamah be-Erets-Yiśraʼel
מסעי המלחמה בארץ־ישראל
50. Masʻe notsrim le-Erets Yiśraʼel
מסעי נוצרים לארץ־ישראל : רשומות ועדויות לתולדות הישוב היהודי
51. Mashāriʻ al-istiṭān al-Yahūdī fī marḥalat al-takwīn, 1798-1920
مشاريع الاستيطان اليهودي في مرحلة التكوين، ١٧٩٨-١٩٢٠
52. Material culture matters : essays on the archaeology of the Southern Levant in honor of Seymour Gitin
53. Material Culture Matters Essays on the Archaeology of the Southern Levant in Honor of Seymour Gitin
54. Material culture of the land of the Bible in the Persian Period, 538-332 B.C.
55. Material culture of the land of the Bible in the Persian Period, 538-332 B.C.
56. The material culture of the land of the Bible in the the Persian period, 538-332 B.C.
57. The material culture of the Northern Sea peoples in Israel
58. The material culture of the Northern Sea peoples in Israel
59. The material culture of the Northern Sea peoples in Israel
60. Material remains of the Megiddo cult
61. Maṭif Tsiyoni : zikhronot min ha-ʻizavon, Mai 1940-Yuni 1941
מטיף ציוני : זכרונות מן העיזבון : מאי 0491-יוני 1491
62. Matsevot ḳedumot be-Naḥal Ḳidron : toldotehen ṿe-tsurot binyan
מצבות קדומות בנחל קדרון : תולדותיהן וצורות בניין
63. Matsile 1929 : sipure hatsalah shel Yehudim u-Falsṭinim be-Ḥevron uvi-Yerushalayim
מצילי 1929 : סיפורי הצלה של יהודים ופלסטינים בחברון ובירושלים
64. Mavo le-arkheʼologyah shel Erets-Yiśraʼel : mi-shilhe teḳufat ha-even ṿe-ʻad kibushe Aleksander = Archaeology of the Land of Israel : from the Neolithic to Alexander the Great
מבוא לארכיאולוגיה של ארץ-ישראל : משלהי תקופת האבן ועד כיבושי אלכסנדר = Archaeology of the Land of Israel : from the Neolithic to Alexander the Great
65. Mawqif al-Urdun tujāha al-qaḍīyah al-Filasṭīnīyah fī ʻahd al-Malik ʻAbd Allāh al-Thānī ibn al-Ḥusayn, 1999-2015 M
موقف الأردن تجاه القضية الفلسطينية في عهد الملك عبد الله الثاني ابن الحسين، 1999-2015 م
66. al-Mawrūth al-shaʻbī al-Filasṭīnī : qirāʼah fī uṣūlihi al-ūlá
الموروث الشعبي الفلسطيني : قراءة في أصوله الأولى
67. al-Mawsūʻah al-Filasṭīnīyah. Al-Qism al-thānī : al- dirāsāt al-khāṣṣah
68. al-Mawsūʻah al-Filasṭīnīyah al-muyassarah
الموسوعة الفلسطينية الميسرة
69. Meʼah shenot Tsiyonut : rishonim mesaprim
70. Measuring Jerusalem : the Palestine Exploration Fund and British interests in the Holy Land
71. Medien im antiken Palästina : materielle Kommunikation und Medialität als Thema der Palästinaarchäologie
72. Medinah ba-derekh : ha-tokhniyot ha-Tsiyoniyot la-ḥaluḳat Erets Yiśraʼel ṿela-haḳamat medinah Yehudit
73. Medinat ha-Ḥashmonaʼim : le-toldoteha ʻal reḳaʻ ha-teḳufah ha-Helenisṭit : ḳovets maʼamarim
74. ha-Mediniyut ha-tsiyonit le-aḥar hatsʹharat Balfur, 1917-1922
75. Meet the Arab
76. ha-Mefaḳed : Menaḥem Begin ke-manhig shel irgun gerilah ʻironit
המפקד : מנחם בגין כמנהיג של ארגון גרילה עירונית
77. Megiddo
78. The Megiddo ivories
79. Megiddo tombs
80. Me-hatam le-hakha : sipur ḥayim shel ʻoved eḥad
מהתם להכא : סיפור חיים של עובד אחד
81. Meḥḳar Erets-Yiśraʼel ṿeha-yishuv ha-Yehudi bah, be-universiṭaʼot Yiśraʼel : reshimat ʻavodot le-toʼar doḳṭorṭaʼot Yiśraʼel
82. Meḥḳarim ba-arkheʼologyah uva-hisṭoryah shel Erets-Yiśraʼel : mugashim le-Mosheh Dotan
83. Meḥḳarim be-hisṭoriah ʻolamit, biḳoret ha-yehudim ṿe-Erets-Yiśraʼel
מחקרים בהיסטוריה עולמית, בקורות היהודים וארץ־ישראל
84. Mehrköpfige Wesen in der Bibel und im syrisch-palästinischen Raum
85. Meilenstein : Festgabe für Herbert Donner zum 16. Februar 1995
86. Me-intifadah le-mered 1939-1947 : ha-shilṭon ṿeha-tsava ha-Briṭi be-Erets Yiśraʼel, ha-eḳdaḥ, ha-petsatsah, ṿeha-moḳesh ha-Yehudi
מאינתיפאדה למרד 9391-1947 : השלטון והצבא הבריטי בארץ-ישראל, האקדח, הפצצה והמוקש היהודי
87. Meḳorot u-meḥḳarim be-toldot Yiśraʼel. : [Kerekh 1.].
88. Memoir on the geology and geography of Arabia Petraea, Palestine, and adjoining districts. : With special reference to the mode of formation of the Jordan-Arabah depression and the Dead Sea
89. The memoirs of Sir Ronald Storrs
90. Memorable places among the Holy hills
91. Memorandum on acts of Arab aggression submitted to the United Nations Palestine Commission
92. Memorandum on British policy in Palestine since the adoption of the General Assembly's Palestine resolution : with particular reference to security
93. Memorandum on the "Report of the Commission on the Palestine Disturbances of August 1929".
94. Memories of revolt : the 1936-1939 rebellion and the Palestinian national past
95. Memories of revolt : the 1936-1939 rebellion and the Palestinian national past
96. Memory activism : reimagining the past for the future in Israel-Palestine
97. Mered Bar-Kokhva, ʻotsmato ṿe-heḳefo
98. Meri ṿe-masoret be-Erets-Yisraʼel bi-teḳufat ha-Mandaṭ
99. Metsadah : ha-haganah ʻal Erets-Yiśraʼel be-Milḥemet ha-ʻolam ha-sheniyah
100. Mi atah, ha-maʻapil mi-Tsefon Afriḳah? : ha-haʻapalah meha-Magreb Ogusṭ 1946-Maʼi 1948
מי אתה, המעפיל מצפון אפריקה? : ההעפלה מהמגרב אוגוסט 1946-מאי 1948