Search Results
2. Tabula Imperii Romani Iudaea-Palestina : Eretz Israel in the Hellenistic , Roman and Byzantine Periods; Maps and Gazetteer
3. Taḥat kipat ha-leʼom : bate keneset u-leʼumiyut be-Erets Yiśraʼel bi-teḳufat ha-Mandaṭ
תחת כיפת הלאום : בתי כנסת ולאומיות בארץ ישראל בתקופת המנדט
4. Taḥīyah ilá ruḥ Hishām Sharābī : mukhtārāt min muơallafātihi wa-dirāsāt li-bāḥithīn ʻArab ḥawla fikrihi wa-aʻmālih
تحية إلى روح هشام شرابي : مختارات من مؤلفاته ودراسات لباحثين عرب حول فكره وأعماله
5. Tahwīd Filasṭīn : min ʻām 1948 ḥattá al-Intifāḍah
تهويد فلسطين : من عام ٨٤٩١ حتى الانتفاضة
6. Taking root : Israeli settlement in the West Bank, the Golan, and Gaza-Sinai, 1967-1980
7. The tale of the Tell : archaeological studies
8. ha-Ṭalit ṿeha-degel : ha-Tsiyonut ha-datit ṿe-ḥazon medinat ha-Torah bi-yeme reshit ha-medinah
9. Talmudische archäologie
10. Tangled roots : the emergence of Israeli culture
11. Tangled roots : the emergence of Israeli culture
12. al-Taqrīr al-istirātījī al-Filisṭīnī li-sanat 2006 = The Palestinian strategic report 2006
التقرير الإستراتيجي الفلسطيني لسنة 2006 = The Palestinian strategic report 2006 = The Palestinian strategic report 2006
13. al-Taqrīr al-istirātījī al-Filisṭīnī li-sanat 2010
التقرير الإستراتيجي الفلسطيني لسنة 2010
14. al-Taqrīr al-naẓarī wa-al-siyāsī wa-al-tanẓīmī "al-Muʼtamar al-Waṭanī al-ʻĀmm al-Thānī" Ayyār, 1981
التقرير النظري والسياسي والتنظيمي "المؤتمر الوطني العام الثاني" ايار، 1981
15. Tārīkh al-ḥarakah al-waṭanīyah al-filasṭīnīyah wa-dawr al-marʼah fīhā
تاريخ الحركة الوطنية الفلسطينية ودور المرأة فيها
16. Tārīkh al-Quds al-qadīm : mundhu ʻuṣūr mā qabla al-tārīkh ḥattá al-iḥtilāl al-Rūmānī
تاريخ القدس القديم : منذ عصور ما قبل التاريخ حتى الاحتلال الروماني
17. Tārīkh Bayt Laḥm fī al-ʻahd al-ʻUthmānī 1517-1917 : dirāsah wathāʼiqīyah tārīkhīyah
تاريخ بيت لحم في العهد العثماني 1517-1917 : دراسة وثائقية تاريخية
18. Tārīkh bilād al-Shām, 255-490 H/870-1097 M
تاريخ بلاد الشام، ٢٥٥-.٤٩⁻g /.٨٧-٩٧.١م
19. Tārīkh Filasṭīn al-ḥadīth
تاريخ فلسطين الحديث
20. Tarpaṭ : shenat ha-epes ba-sikhsukh ha-Yehudi-ʻArvi
תרפ"ט : שנת האפס בסכסוך היהודי־ערבי
21. al-Taṭawwurāt al-amnīyah fī al-Sulṭah al-Filisṭīnīyah 2006-2007
التطورات الأمنية في السلطة الفلسطينية 2006-2007
22. al-Tayyār al-thālith fī al-siyāq al-Filasṭīnī : ḥawla al-mafhūm wa-al-taṭbīqāt fī al-tanmiyah wa-al-dīmuqrāṭīyah
التيار الثالث في السياق الفلسطيني : حول المفهوم والتطبيقات في التنمية والديمقراطية
23. The Teheran operation : the rescue of Jewish children from the Nazis : based on the biographical sketches of David and Rachel Laor
24. Der Teich Bethesda zu Jerusalem und Das Jerusalem des Pilgers von Bordeaux : nebst Anhang: Die Grabeskirche zu Jerusalem auf der Mosaikkarte zu Madeba
25. Tel Ḥai, 1920-2020 : ben hisṭoryah le-zikaron = Tel Hai, 1920-2020 : between history and memory
תל חי : בין היסטוריה לזיכרון, 1920-2020 = Tel Hai, 1920-2020 : between history and memory
26. Tel-Aviv-Yafo: ʻir ha-ḥalomot : ʹsekhiyot ḥemdah ba-ʻir
תל-אביב-יפו: עיר החלומות : שכיות חמדה בעיר
27. Tel-Ḳasilah
28. The Tell el Amarna period : the relations of Egypt and Western Asia in the fifteenth century B. C., according to the Tell Amarna tablets
29. Tell el Hesy : (Lachish)
30. Tell el Hesy (Lachish)
31. Tell el Hesy (Lachish)
32. Tell el-Mutesellim. : Bericht über die 1903 bis 1905...veranstalteten Ausgrabungen
33. Tell en-Nasbeh : A re-evaluation of the architecture and stratigraphy of the early Bronze Age, Iron Age and later periods
34. Tell es-Sultan/Gerico, alle soglie della prima urbanizzazione : il villaggio e la necropoli del Bronzo Antico I (3300-3000 a.C.)
35. Tell es-Sultan/Jericho in the context of the Jordan Valley : site management, conservation, and sustainable development. Proceedings of the international workshop held in Ariha 7th-11th February 2005 by the Department of Antiquities and Cultural heritage, Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities UNESCO office-Ramallah Rome "La Sapienza" University
36. Tell it in Gath: studies in the history and archaeology of Israel : essays in honor of Aren M. Maeir on the occasion of his sixtieth birthday
37. Tell Keisan : (1971-1976) : une cité phénicienne en Galilée
38. Tempel und Kultplätze der Philister und der Völker des Ostjordanlandes : eine Untersuchung zur Bau- und zur Kultgeschichte während der Eisenzeit I-II
39. Temples and cult places in Palestine
40. Temples and high places in biblical times : proceedings of the colloquium in honor of the centennial of Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, Jerusalem, 14-16 March 1977
41. Temples, tithes, and taxes : the temple and the economic life of ancient Israel
42. Temps et espaces en Palestine : flux et résistances identitaires = Of times and spaces in Palestine : the flows and resistances of identity
43. Ten myths about Israel
44. Tension and peace in the Middle East : facts that every American should know about the tragedy of the Holy Land
45. The tent and the khan : a journey to Sinai and Palestine
46. Tent life in the Holy Land
47. Tent work in Palestine : a record of discovery and adventure
48. Tent work in Palestine. : A record of discovery and adventure
49. ha-Tenuʻah ha-Tsiyonit ṿi-Yehude ʻIraḳ : 1941-1950
50. Terre du Christ; : archéologie, histoire, géographie
51. Terror out of Zion : the fight for Israeli independence
52. Test of fulfillment : can Zionism be achieved?
53. The testimony of the land to the Book, or, The evidential value of Palestine
54. Ṭeveriah ṿe-toshavehah ha-ʻAravim be-yeme ha-shilṭon ha-briṭi 1918-1948 = Tiberias and its Arab population during the British Mandate
טבריה ותושביה הערבים בימי השלטון הבריטי 1918-1948 = Tiberias and its Arab population during the British Mandate
55. Text zu Land : Palästina im wissenschaftlichen Diskurs 1865-1920
56. Textbuch zur Geschichte Israels
57. Textbuch zur Geschichte Israels
58. Textes du Proche-Orient ancien et histoire d'Israël
59. Textes géographiques arabes sur la Palestine
60. Textos para una historia política de Siria-Palestina, I, El bronce antiguo y medio
61. al-Thawrah al-ʻArabīyah wa-Isrāʼīl : dirāsah tārīkhīyah wa-siyāsīyah ʻan taṭawwur al-qaḍīyah al-Filasṭīnīyah wa-ḥarakat al-taḥarrur al-waṭanī wa-taʼthīr al-thawrah al-ʻArabīyah ʻalá ʻArab Āsiyā wa-Afrīqiyā
الثورة العربية واسرائيل : دراسة تاريخية وسياسية عن تطور القضية الفلسطينية وحركة التحرر الوطني وتأثير الثورة العربية على عرب آسيا وفريقيا
62. al-Thawrah al-Filasṭīnīyah al-Kubrá 1936-1939 = The great Palestinian revolt, 1936-1939
الثورة الفلسطينية الكبرى 1936-1939
63. Thawrat 1936 al-waṭanīyah al-Filasṭīnīyah
ثورة ٦٣٩١ الوطنية الفلسطينية
64. Theatrum Terrae Sanctae et biblicarvm historiarvm, cum tabulis geographicis aere expressis
65. Theologies of liberation in Palestine-Israel : indigenous, contextual, and postcolonial perspectives
66. Things seen in Palestine
67. Thinking Palestine
68. Thinking Palestine
69. Third Palestine : a regional study in Byzantine urbanization
70. The Third Reich and the Palestine question
71. Thirty years' work in the Holy Land : a record and a summary, 1865-1895
72. Thirty years' work in the Holy Land : (a record and a summary) 1865-1895
73. This burning land : lessons from the front lines of the transformed Israeli-Palestinian conflict
74. This is Israel : Palestine: yesterday, today, and tomorrow
75. This is the Holy Land : a pilgrimage in words and pictures
76. Thomas Hodgkin : letters from Palestine 1932-36
77. Three decades of Palestine : speeches and papers on the upbuilding of the Jewish national home
78. Three pilgrimages to the Holy Land : Saewulf, A true account of the situation of Jerusalem ; John of Würzburg, A description of the places of the Holy Land ; Theoderic, A little book of the holy places
79. Three years in the East : being the substance of a journal written during a tour and residence in Greece, Egypt, Palestine, Syria, and Turkey in 1829-1830, 1831, and 1832
80. Through Bible lands
81. Through Bible lands : notes of travel in Egypt, the desert, and Palestine
82. Through David's realm
83. Through the ages in Palestinian archaeology : an introductory handbook
84. Through the eyes of the Mufti : the essays of Haj Amin, translated and annotated
85. Thunder in Gemini : and other essays on the history, language and literature of second temple palestine
86. A tiko ga Jesu
87. ha-Tiḳṿah ʻal ha-gevul : zikhronot me-Erets Yiśraʼel [5]692,1932, morenu ha-Rav (Dr.) Mordekhai Borer, zikhronot mi-Gailingen-Germanyah 1933 'ad1938 , ha-Rabanit Bat Shevaʻ Borer
התקווה על הגבול : זכרונות מארץ ישראל תרצ״ב, 1932 , מורנו הרב (ד״ר) מרדכי בורר, זכרונות מגיילינגן־גרמניה 1933 עד 1938 , הרבנית בת שבע בורר
88. Time suspended
89. A time to gather : archives and the control of Jewish culture
90. A time to gather : archives and the control of Jewish culture
91. To come to the land : immigration and settlement in sixteenth-century Eretz-Israel
92. To come to the land : immigration and settlement in sixteenth-century Eretz-Israel
93. To come to the land : immigration and settlement in sixteenth-century Eretz-Israel
94. To Palestine and back with the children : sketches of travels and thrilling experiences on land and sea with information concerning countries, cities and events in the Orient
95. To see a promised land : Americans and the Holy Land in the nineteenth century
96. To the gates of Jerusalem : the diaries and papers of James G. McDonald, 1945-1947
97. To whom Palestine?.
98. To-day in Syria and Palestine
99. Toldot ʻam Yiśraʼel ba-dorot ha-aḥaronim
100. Toldot ha-hityashvut ha-Yehudit ha-ḥalutsit ba-Negev, 1880-1948
תולדות ההתיישבות היהודית החלוצית בנגב, 0881־8491