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2. X-- the problem of the Negro as a problem for thought
3. X-- the problem of the Negro as a problem for thought
4. Xiipúktan (First of all) : three views of the origins of the Quechan people
5. Xiipúktan (first of all) : three views of the origins of the Quechan people
6. Xin shi qi de Meiguo she Tai zheng ce ji qi bian hua qu shi
7. X-marks : native signatures of assent
8. X-marks : native signatures of assent
9. Xodus : an African American male journey
10. X-rated! : the power of mythic symbolism in popular culture
11. Xuande jin pai qi shi lu : Ming dai kai tuo Mei Zhou
宣德金牌啟示錄 : 明代開拓美洲
12. Xun meng de li liang : 1949, Mao Zedong, Dulumen yu xian dai Zhongguo de dan sheng = A force so swift : Mao, Truman, and the birth of modern China, 1949
迅猛的力量 : 1949, 毛澤東, 杜魯門與現代中國的誕生 = A force so swift : Mao, Truman, and the birth of modern China, 1949
13. Xun meng Zhongguo : Zhong Mei ren wen jiao liu tan fang lu
寻梦中国 : 中美人文交流探访录
14. Xun qiu zheng yi : 1905-1906 nian de di zhi Mei huo yun dong = In search of justice : the 1905-1906 Chinese anti-American boycott
寻求正义 : 1905-1906年的抵制美货运动 = In search of justice : the 1905-1906 Chinese anti-American boycott