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2. X. Iubilate Deo ; XI. Surge propera ; XII. Domine exaudi : aus Concerti Ecclesiastici (1642) : Alto, Tenore, e Basso (Basso continuo)
3. X rated : the greatest adult movies of all time
4. Xch'och'el li Kiib' Tenamit : tierra de las Dos "Razas"
5. Xcp : cross-cultural poetics
6. Xenobiotica
7. Xenocracy : state, class, and colonialism in the Ionian Islands, 1815-1864
8. Xenophon's Ephesiaca : a paraliterary love-story from the ancient world
9. The X-Files and philosophy : the truth is in here
10. Xhosa poets and poetry
11. Xi bei bian sai Han jian bian nian = Xibei biansai Hanjian biannian
西北邊塞漢簡編年 = Xibei biansai Hanjian biannian
12. Xi feng luo ye : hai shang jiao hui ji gou xun zong
西风落叶 : 海上教会机构寻踪
13. Xi Jinping tan zhi guo li zheng. Di er juan
习近平谈治国理政. 第二卷
14. Xi lu du shi fa
15. Xi min sheng yan
16. Xi wan = West bay
西湾 = West bay
17. Xi wang chang an
18. Xi you, fu yao pian
西游, 伏妖篇
19. Xi you ji ci hui dui Han yu da ci dian shu zheng yan jiu
20. Xi you ji yan jiu