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2. Xcp : cross-cultural poetics
3. X-efficiency : theory, evidence, and applications
4. Xenobiotica
5. Xenophobia in united Germany : generations, modernization, and ideology
6. Xenotransplantation : the transplantation of organs and tissues between species
7. Xerographic photoreceptors and organic photorefractive materials II : 28-29 July 1997, San Diego, California
8. The X-files. Season five
9. XI Congreso Peruano del Hombre y la Cultura Andina : "Augusto Cardich" actas y trabajos científicos
10. Xi li sui yue : 77 · 78 ji da xue sheng qiu xue li cheng
洗礼岁月 : 77・78级大学生求学历程