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3. A catechisme briefly opening the misterie of our redemption by Christ hauing the proues of euery point so annexed, and ioined vnder euery answer, that the ruder sort of people may be much furthered thereby, if they would vse a little diligence and endeuor to commit it to memory, or be much conuersant in reading thereof, or if they cannot read in hearing it read by others, vnto knowledge, and godlinesse

4. The censure of a loyall subiect upon certaine noted speach & behauiours of those fourteen notable traitors, at the place of their executions, the xx. and xxi. of September, last past. As also, of the Scottish queen, now (thanks be to God) cut off by iustice, as the principal roote of al their treasons. On Wednesday the 8. of Februarie 1586. Wherein is handled matter of necessarie instruction and comfort for al duetiful subiectes: especially, the multitude of ignoraunt people. Feare God: be true to thy Prince: and obey the lawes

5. The censure of a loyall subiect vpon certaine noted speach and behauiours, of those fourteene notable traitors, at the place of their executions, the xx. and xxi. of September last past. Wherein is handled matter of necessarye instruction for all dutifull subiectes: especially, the multitude of ignorant people

9. A Christian and learned exposition vpon certaine verses of that eight chapter of the Epistle of that blessed Apostle Paule to the Romanes, and namely, vpon verse, VVritten long agoe, by T.W. for a most deare friend of his in Christ, and now lately published in print, for the benefite and good of Gods people wheresoeuer

10. A Christian and learned exposition vpon certaine verses of that eight chapter of the Epistle of that blessed Apostle Paule to the Romanes, and namely, vpon verse, VVritten long agoe, by T.W. for a most deare friend of his in Christ, and now lately published in print, for the benefite and good of Gods people wheresoeuer

16. The common almanacke or kalender, drawen foorth for this yeere. 1587. beyng the thyrde from the leape yeere. VVhereunto is annexed, and diarily compared the new kalender of the Romans ... and also a prognostication for the same yeere, diligently calculated and referred to the longitude and elevation of the pole articke of the citie of Dubline, and may serue likewyse for Englande

18. The complaint of England Wherein it is clearely prooued that the practises of traitrous papists against the state of this realme, and the person of her Maiestie, are in diuinitie vnlawfull, odious in nature, and ridiculous in pollicie. In the which they are reprooued of wilfull blindnes, in that they see not the filthines of the Romish gouernment: and conuinced of desperate madnesse, in that they feare not the mischiefe of Spanish inuasion: the former whereof is exemplified by the Popes practises both here in England, and abroad in other countries: the later by the Spaniards outrages, in his exactions raised vpon Naples, and his tyrannies executed in the Indies. Lastly the necessitie, equitie, and benefits of the late proceeding in iustice are set downe; with a friendly warning to seditious papists for their amendment; and an effectuall consolation to faithfull subiectes for their incouragement. Seene and allowed

21. The conuersion of a gentleman long tyme misled in poperie, to the sincere and true profession of the Gospell of Christ Iesus VVherunto is annexed a short repetition of the whole, and an exhortation to his good countrymen in England or elswhere, to embrace this trueth with all the heauenly doctrine of Christes religion. Written with his owne hand as an euient witnesse of his vndoubted resolution. W.C. Esquire

23. The copie of a letter vvritten by M. Doctor Allen: concerning the yeelding vp of the citie of Dauentrie vnto his Catholike Maiestie, by Sir VVilliam Stanley knight. VVherin is shevved both hovve lavvful, honorable and necessarie that action vvas; and also that al others, especiallie those of the English nation that detayne anie tovvnes, or other places, in the lovve countries from the King Catholike are bound, vpon paine of damnation, to do the like. Before vvhich is also prefixed a gentlemans letter, that gaue occasion, of this discourse