1. Generall instructions of the musters, for the men of warre in seruice, of th'United Prouinces of the Low Countries as the same is corrected and augmented the xxviii of Septembre, MDLXXXVII Author/Creator: Leicester, Robert Dudley, Earl of, 1532?-1588 Publication/Creation: Imprinted at Leyden : By Thomas Basson, MDLXXXVII. [1587] Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
2. The glasse of vaine-glorie: faithfully translated (out of S. Augustine his booke, intituled, Speculum peccatoris) into English, by W.P. Doctor of the Lawes Publication/Creation: Printed at London : By Iohn Windet, dwelling at the signe of the white Beare, nigh Baynards Castle, 1587 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
3. A golden chaine, taken out of the rich treasurehouse the Pslames of King Dauid: also, the pretious pearles of King Salomon published for the adorning of al true Christians which are the right nobilitie, against the triumphant returne of our blessed Sauiour, which is nigh at hande. By Thomas Rogers. Allowed according to hir Maiesties iniunctions Author/Creator: Rogers, Thomas, d. 1616 Publication/Creation: London : by H. Middleton, 1587 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
4. The good husvvifes ievvell VVherein is to be found most excellent and rare deuises for conceits in cookerie, found out by the practise of Thomas Dawson. Whereunto is adioyned sundry approued reseits for many soueraine oyles, and the way to distill many precious waters, with diuers approued medicines for many diseases. Also certaine approued points of husbandry, very necessarie for all husbandmen to know Author/Creator: Dawson, Thomas Publication/Creation: Imprinted at London : By Iohn Wolfe for Edward White, dwelling at the litle North doore of Paules at the signe of the Gunne, 1587 Format: Book Edition: Newly set forth with additions. 1587. Access & Availability: Loading
5. La grammatica di M. Scipio Lentulo Napolitano Author/Creator: Lentulo, Scipione, 1525 or 1526-1599 Publication/Creation: Imprinted at London : By Thomas Vautrollier for William Norton, 1587 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
6. La grammatica di M. Scipio Lentulo Napolitano da lui in latina lingua scritta, & hora nella Italiana, & Inglese tradotta da H.G. = An Italian grammer written in Latin by Scipio Lentulo a Neapolitane: and turned into Englishe by Henry Granthan Author/Creator: Lentulo, Scipione, 1525 or 6-1599 Publication/Creation: Imprinted at London : By Thomas Vautrollier dwelling in the Blackefriers, 1587 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
7. La grammatica di M. Scipio Lentulo Napolitano da lui in latina lingua scritta, & hora nella Italiana, & Inglese tradotta da H.G. = An Italian grammer written in Latin by Scipio Lentulo a Neapolitane: and turned into Englishe by Henry Granthan Author/Creator: Lentulo, Scipione, 1525 or 6-1599 Publication/Creation: Imprinted at London : By Thomas Vautrollier for Ihon Harison, 1587 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
8. Grammaticæ Latinae, de etymologia, liber secundus, ex vetustissimis artis, et linguae auctoribus, depromtus, ea methodo quam senatus literatorum, regia auctoritate Sterlingi habitus, Scoticæ juventuti facillimam censuit. : Addita sunt, sed minoribus characteribus, in provectiorum gratiam, ex intimis artis penetralibus, pleráque à nemine priùs congesta, quibus auctor pueris properantibus interdici velit.. Author/Creator: Carmichael, James, fl. 1587 Publication/Creation: Cantebrigiae, Ex officina Thomae Thomasii Inclytae Academiae Typographi., 1587.. Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
9. Greenes Carde of fancie. Wherein the folly of those carpet knights is deciphered, which guiding their course by the compasse of Cupid, either dash their ship against most dangerous rocks, or else attaine the haven with pain & peril. Wherein also is described in the person of Gwydonius, a cruell combate between nature and necessitie Author/Creator: Greene, Robert, 1558?-1592 Publication/Creation: At London, Printed for William Ponsonby, 1587 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading