1. Parabolæ siue Similia Des. Eras. Rot. ex diligenti auctorum collatione nouissimum regognita, cum vocabulorum aliquot non ita vulgarium explicatione. Accesserunt annotationes longè vtilissime, vna cum indice, quæ adolescentia vsum manifestè commonstrabunt, auctore Ioanne Artopæo Spirense. Similitudines aliæ etiam collectaneæ ex Cicerone, aliisque scriptoribus additæ Author/Creator: Erasmus, Desiderius, d. 1536 Publication/Creation: Londini : [T. Orwin] impensis Guilielmi Nortoni, [1587?] Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
2. A path-vvay to military practise Containinge offices, lawes, disciplines and orders to be obserued in an army, with sundry stratagems very beneficiall for young gentlemen, or any other that is desirous to haue knowledge in martiall exercises. Whereunto is annexed a kalender of the imbattelinge of men: newlie written by Barnabe Rich souldiour, seruaunt to the right honorable Sir Christopher Hatton Knight. Perused and allowed Author/Creator: Rich, Barnabe, 1540?-1617 Publication/Creation: At London : Printed by Iohn Charlewood, for Robert Walley, 1587 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
3. Penelopes vveb vvherein a christall myrror of fæminine perfection represents to the viewe of euery one those vertues and graces, which more curiously beautifies the mynd of women, then eyther sumptuous apparell, or iewels of inestimable valew: the one buying fame with honour, the other breeding a kynd of delight, but with repentance. In three seuerall discourses also are three especiall vertues, necessary to be incident in euery vertuous woman, pithely discussed: namely obedience, chastitie, and sylence: interlaced with three seuerall and comicall histories. By Robert Greene Maister of Artes in Cambridge Author/Creator: Greene, Robert, 1558?-1592 Publication/Creation: Imprinted at London : [by Thomas Orwin?] for T[homas]. C[adman]. and E[edward]. A[ggas]., [1587] Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
4. Peplus. Illustrissimi viri D. Philippi Sidnaei supremis honoribus dicatus Publication/Creation: Oxonii : Excudebat Iosephus Barnesius, anno salutis humanæ 1587 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
5. Peters fall Two sermons vpon the historie of Peters denying Christ, wherein we may see the causes of mans falling from God, and the maner how: both of the wicked thorow incredulitie, and of the godly by infirmitie: and also the way that God hath set downe in his word to rise againe Author/Creator: Udall, John, 1560?-1592 Publication/Creation: At London : Printed [by Robert Waldegrave] for Thomas Man, dwelling in Paternoster-row, at the signe of the Talbot, [1587?] Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
6. The petie schole with an English orthographie, wherin by rules lately prescribed is taught a method to enable both a childe to reade perfectly within one moneth, & also the vnperfect to write English aright. Hereto are newly added 1. verie necessary precepts & patterns of writing the secretary & romaine hands, 2. to number by letters, and figures, 3. to cast accomptes, &c. Author/Creator: Clement, Francis Publication/Creation: Imprinted at London : By Thomas Vautrollier dwelling in the black-fryers, 1587 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
7. Petri Baronis Stempani Sacræ Theologie in Academia Cantabrig[ia] Doctoris ac Professoris de præstantia & dignitate diuinæ legis libri duo in quibus ... Lege errores refeluntur, & quomodo ... Dei cum hominibus fœdus, ac ... etiam ipsum comprehendar, fide ... nobis requirat explicatur: ... Author/Creator: Baro, Peter, 1534-1599 Publication/Creation: Londini : Excudebat Henricus Midletonus impensis G.B[ishop], [1587?] Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
8. La piazza universale di tutte le professioni del mondo Author/Creator: Garzoni, Tomaso, 1549?-1589 Publication/Creation: In Venetia : Appresso Gio. Battista Somasco, 1587 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
9. Placcaet Ons Heeren des Conincx, daerbij eenen yegelijken verboden wort te studeren, leeren, residentie te houden, oft graet in eenige faculteyten te nemen in andere vniuersiteyten : dan in de gene va[n] den landen van herwerts ouere, oft andere bij Zijne Maiesteyt conincrijcke[n] ... Author/Creator: Netherlands. Sovereign (1555-1598 : Philip II) Publication/Creation: Tot Bruessel : Bij Rutgheert Velpius ..., 1587 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
10. Placcart concerning the musters and other commandements ouer the men of warre as it is corrected and resoluid by His Excelcie the xxviij. of Septembre 1587 Author/Creator: Leicester, Robert Dudley, Earl of, 1532?-1588 Publication/Creation: Imprinted at Leyden : By Thomas Basson, MDLXXXVII. [1587] Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
11. Platonis Menexenus, sive, Funebris oratio [exhortatio ad patriam amandam atq[ue] defendendam]. Author/Creator: Plato Publication/Creation: Cantabrigriæ : Ex officina Thomae Thomasii inclytæ academiæ typographi, 1587 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
12. A Pleasant Enterlude, Intituled, Like Will To Like Quoth the Deuill To the Collier Wherin Is Declared What Punishments Followe Those That Will Rather Liue Licentiously: Then Esteeme and Followe Good Councell. And What Benefits They Receiue That Apply Them Selues To Vertuous Liuing and Good Exercises. Made By Vlpian Fulwel Author/Creator: Fulwell, Ulpian Publication/Creation: London : Printed by Edward Allde [etc.], 1587 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
13. A pleasant enterlude, intituled, Like will to like quoth the Deuill to the collier Wherin is declared what punishments followe those that will rather liue licentiously: then esteeme and followe good councell. And what benefits they receiue that apply them selues to vertuous liuing and good exercises. Made by Vlpian Fulwel. Fiue may easily play this enterlude. ... Author/Creator: Fulwell, Ulpian, fl. 1586 Publication/Creation: London : Printed by Edward Allde, and are to be solde at the Long Shop adioyning vnto Sainte Mildreds Church in the Pultrie, 1587 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
14. The pleasauntest workes of George Gascoigne Esquyre newlye compyled into one volume, that is to say: his flowers, hearbes, weedes, the fruites of warre, the comedie called Supposes, the tragedie of Iocasta, the Steele glasse, the complaint of Phylomene, the storie of Ferdinando Ieronimi, and the pleasure at Kenelworth Castle Author/Creator: Gascoigne, George, 1542?-1577 Publication/Creation: London : imprinted by Abell Ieffes [for R. Smith], dwelling in the Fore Streéte, without Creéplegate, neere vnto Grubstreete, 1587 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
15. The popes canons vvherein the venerable and great masters of the Romish Church are confuted in these ten discourses following, with diuers other matters, as appeareth in the page next ensuing. Of the holy Supper. Of the one onely Mediator. Of Purgatory. Of the Councell of Tollete. Of the confession vnto God. Of the Church. Of freewill. Of mariage and vowes. Of fasting and meates. Of images. Written in the French tongue by Theodore de Beza, and translated into English by T. S. Gentleman. ...Seene and allowed according to the order appoynted in the Queenes Maiesties iniunctions Author/Creator: Bèze, Théodore de, 1519-1605 Publication/Creation: Imprinted at London : By George Robinson for Iohn Perin, dwelling in Paules Church-yard at the signe of the Angell, and are there to be sould, 1587 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
16. Praescientia non tollit rerum contingentiam. ; Occisorum in bello pro repub. liberi de publico, fires postulet, sunt alendi Author/Creator: University of Cambridge Publication/Creation: Cambridge : s.n., 1585-1590? Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
17. A prayer and thanksgiuing fit for this present: and to be vsed in the time of common prayer Author/Creator: Church of England Publication/Creation: Imprinted at London : by Christopher Barker, printer to the Queenes most excellent Maiestie, 1587 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
18. Prematica en que se sube el precio del pan : y se acrecientan las penas contra los que lo vendieren a mas precio, y fueren terceros, o lo mezclaren con otras semillas, o lo mojaren par vendello Author/Creator: Spain Publication/Creation: Madrid : Querino Gerardo : Vendese en casa de Blas de Robles ..., 1587 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
19. A prognostication for this yeere. 1587. Wherein is declared the original ground of the late alteration of the yere, and also briefly touched the state of this yeere, both by the yeerely reuolution, and by the reuiuall of the great coniunction of Saturne and Iupiter in anno 1583. And the declaration of the eclipse of the moone, which shall happen this yeere. Also certayne necessarie rules for ministration of medicines Author/Creator: Farmer, William, fl. 1587-1614 Publication/Creation: Imprinted at London, : By Richarde VVatkins and Iames Robertes [1587] Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
20. Protestantibus non licet cum papistis matrimonium contrahere. ; Bonus vsus liberi arbitrij post gratiam non est causa consequendae salutis Author/Creator: University of Cambridge Publication/Creation: Cambridge : s.n., 1585-1590? Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
21. The Psalter or Psalmes of Dauid after the translation of the great Bible, pointed as it shall be said or soong in churches Publication/Creation: Imprinted at London : By the assigne of William Seres, 1587 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
22. Pseudographia G. Gossenii natione Brabanti, anno 1586. In Euangelicæ veritatis maximum præiudicium edita; a I. Ængelrammo vero in defensionem eiusdem veritatis, & christianæ ipsius professionis ac famæ, quæ per eiusdem pseudographi erroneos, falsos ac famosos libellos nimis vellicatæ sunt, deiecta ac refutata.. Author/Creator: Aengelramnus, Johannes Publication/Creation: Londini : Apud Iohannem Iacksonum., 1587 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
23. Pseudographia G. Gossenii natione Brabanti, anno 1586 In Euangelicæ veritatis maximum præiudicium edita; a I. Ængelrammo vero in defensionem eiusdem veritatis, & christianæ ipsius professionis ac famæ, quæ per eiusdem pseudographi erroneos, falsos ac famosos libellos nimis vellicatæ sunt, deiecta ac refutata Author/Creator: Aengelramnus, Johannes Publication/Creation: Londini : Apud Iohannem Iacksonum, 1587 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading