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15. L A Riedinger : Catalogue

19. L. Anna Dei flori epitome rerum rommanarum, cum versione anglica, in qua berbum de verbo, quantum per utriusque linguægenium fieri licuit, dedditutr: or, A compendious history of Rome : By L. Florus. With an English Translation, as literal as possible. By John Clarke author of the Essays upon education and study

20. L. Annæi Flori epitome rerum Roman arum cum versione Anglica, in qua verbum de verbo, quantum per utriusque lienguæ genium sieri licuit, redditur : or, A compendious History of Rome, By L. Florus. With and English translation, as literal as possible. By John Clarke, Author of The Essays upon education and study

21. L. Annæi Flori epitome rerum Romanarum : cum versione Anglicâ, in quâ verbum de verbo, quantum per utriusque linguæ genium fieri licuit, redditur. Or, a compendious history of Rome, by L. Florus. With an English translation as literal as possible. By John Clarke, ...

23. L. Annæi Flori. Epitome rerum Romanarum cum versione Anglica, in qua verbum de verbo, quantum per utriusque linguæ&genium fieri licuit, redditur : or, A compendious history of Rome, By L. Florus. With an English translation, as literal as possible. By John Clarke, Author of the essays upon education and study

29. L. Annæi Flori rerum Romanarum epitome : Or, an abridgment of the Roman history by L. Annæus Florus. With the following improvements, viz. I. The words of the author are placed in their grammatical order, in the lower part of the page. ... IV. An alphabetical vocabulary of the words in the author, ... V. The themes of the verbs, ... For the use of schools. By John Stirling, ...

31. L. Annaei Senecae : Ludas de morte Claudii ; Epigrammata super exilio ; De amissis L. Annaei Senecae libris testimonia veterum et fragmenta ex iis servata ; Ad Gallionem de remediis fortuitorum liber ; De paupertate excerpta e Senecae epistulis ; De moribus lib. ; De formula honestae vitae lib. ; Epistolae Senecae ad Paulum apostolum et Pauli apostoli ad Senecam ; Epitaphium Senecae

39. L. Annæi Senecæ philosophi sententiæ morales præcipuæ ex omnibus ejus, quæ extant, operibus diligenter excerptæ: in certa capita, seu locos communes summâ curâ digestæ: in modum brevium orationum variis argumentis ac rationibus amplificatæ: exemplis præclaris, summam prudentiam, summamque utilitatem largè in lectorem fundentibus, ex ipso. Authore totidem verbis illustratæ: omni Christiano homine, tam sene, quàm juvene dignissimæ. Nunc primùm in usum scholarum accommodatæ. Studio & operâ Georgii Sylvani Pannonii medici

40. L. Annæi Senecæ philosophi sententiæ morales præcipue ex omnibus ejus, quæ extant, operibus diligenter excerptæ: in certa capita, seu locos communes summâ curâ digestæ: in modum brevium orationum variis argumentis rationibus amplificatæ: exemplis preclaris, summam prudentiam, summamq; utilitatem largè in lectorem fundentibus, ex ipso authore totidem verbis ilustratæ: omni Christiano homine, tam sene, quàm juvene dignissimæ. Nunc primùm in usum scholarum accommodatæ. Studio & operâ Georgii Salvani Pannonii medici

59. L Brands, Inc. SWOT Analysis

62. L. Colonel Iohn Lilbvrne his letter to his dearly beloved wife Mrs. Elisabeth Lilbvrne March 1652, expressing the just reasons and grounds which have inforced him for the preservation of his deare life & more deare reputation to apologize for himselfe unto the Netherlanders by laying open the true fate of his late fine & banishment eternal from his native countrie ...

63. L. Colonel John Lilburne revived. Shewing the cause of his late long silence, and cessation from hostility against alchemy St. Oliver, and his rotten secretary; as also of the report of his death. With an answer in part, to the pestilent calumniation of Cap: Wendy Oxford (Cromvvels spie upon the Dutch, and upon the English royallists, sojonrning [sic] in the United Provinces) closely couched in a late delusive pamphlet of the said Oxfords, called The unexpected life, & wished for death, of the thing called parliament in England All vvhich, vvith many historicall passages, giveing light into the unvvorthy practises of the English grandees, is contained in three letters (The first to a friend in the United Provinces, The second to a friend in Scotland. And the third, to the honourable, Colonel Henry Martin, in England VVritten by L. Colonel John Lilburne

64. L. Colonel John Lilburns apologetisch verhael, nopende d'onwettelijcke ende ongerechtige sentenie vande verbeurte van 7000 poundt sterlinghs ond' eeuwigh bannissement, tegens hemgewesen onde over hemge-executeert door 't Parlement van Englandt in January 1652. = L. Colonel John Lilburne his apologetical narration, relateing to his illegal & unjust sentence of 7000 pounds fine & perpetuall banishment decreed & executed upon him by the present Parliament of England January 1651. [sic]

66. L. Davis's sale, 1773. A catalogue of the libraries of several learned persons lately deceased, particularly the Rev. Mr. Humphrey Chetham; Francis Swinhow, ... William Cooper, ... with the law library of the late Edward Chetham, Esq. Which will begin to be sold ... in May, 1773, ... by Lockyer Davis, ... Catalogues to be had of Mr. Robson ... Mr. Leacroft ... Mr. Owen ... Mr. Brotherton ... and at the place of sale

86. L' Express de Madagascar

90. L. Frank Baum

92. L*** G***** S********'s vindication of himself : in a letter to Colonel Fitzroy, one of the aids de camp to Prince Ferdinand: with Colonel Fitzroy's answer; and the declaration of Captain Smith, one of the aids de camp to L*** G*****. Containing a full and particular account of every thing that passed, relative to L*** G***** S********'s conduct and behaviour at the Battle of Thornhausen, on the first of August, 1759