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6. The English creede consenting vvith the true, auncient, catholique, and apostolique Church in al points, and articles of religion, which euerie Christian is to know and beleeue that would be saued. The second part, in most loyal manner to the glorie of God, credit of our Church, and displaieng of al hæresies, and errors, both olde and newe, contrarie to the faith, subscribed vnto by Thomas Rogers. Allowed by auctoritie

8. The Englishemans treasure with the true anatomie of mans bodie: compiled by that excellent chirurgion maister Thomas Vicary Esquier, Sergeant Chirurgion to King Henry the 8. To King Edward the 6. To Queene Mary. And to our soueraigne lady Queene Elizabeth. And also chiefe chirurgion to S. Bartholomewes Hospitall. Whereunto are annexed many secretes appertayning to chirurgerie; with diuers excellent approued remedies for all diseases the which are in man or woman, with emplasters of speciall cure, with other potions and drinkes approued in phisicke. Also the rare treasure of the English bathes: written by William Turner, doctor in phisicke. Gathered and set forth for the benefite of his friendes and countreymen in England by William Bremer, practitioner in physicke and chirurgerie

14. Euphues his censure to Philautus wherein is presented a philosophicall combat betweene Hector and Achylles, discouering in foure discourses, interlaced with diuerse delightfull tragedies, the vertues necessary to be incident in euery gentleman: had in question at the siege of Troy betwixt sondry Grecian and Troian lords: especially debated to discouer the perfection of a souldier. ... Robertus Greene, in artibus magister

15. Euphues. The anatomy of vvit Verie pleasant for all gentlemen to reade, and most necessary to remember. wherein are contained the delightes that with followeth in his youth, by the pleasantnesse of loue, and the happinesse he reapeth in age, by the perfectnesse of wisedome. By Iohn Wylie, Maister of Art

17. An excellent and learned treatise of apostasie made by the most reuerend and godly learned man M. Iohn de l'Espine minister of the word of God in the churche of Angers in the dukedome of Anjou. Directed against the apostates in the churches of France. Written first in the French tongue by the author him selfe, and now faithfully translated into English. The contentes of the booke appeare in the page following

18. The excellent and pleasant worke of Iulius Solinus Polyhistor : contayning the noble actions of humaine creatures, the secretes & prouidence of nature, the description of countries, the maners of the people : with many meruailous things and strange antiquities, seruing for the benefitt and recreation of all sorts of persons

19. The excellent and pleasant worke of Iulius Solinus Polyhistor Contayning the noble actions of humaine creatures, the secretes & prouidence of nature, the description of countries, the maners of the people: with many meruailous things and strange antiquities, seruing for the benefitt and recreation of all sorts of persons. Translated out of Latin into English, by Arthur Golding. Gent

21. Explicationum catecheticarum, quae tractationem locorum theologicorum kat' epitomēn complectuntur, sicuti illæ ex repetitionibus D. Zachariae Vrsini, aliquot deinceps annis Heidelbergæ in sapientiæ collegio ab ipsius discipulis collectæ sunt; editio altera ex maximè, vt haberi illa potuerunt, idoneis exemplaribus, non tantum inter se, sed etiam cum aliis eiusdem authoris lucubrationibus diligenter & fideliter collatis, ordine ac methodo accuratiori retexta, a variis erratis (quæ in priorem nostram editionem, partim exemplaris, partim nostro vitio irrepserant, & adhuc retinentur, multoq́[ue] auctiora facta sunt in vitiosissma illa editione quæ Londini nuperrime excusa est impensis Thomae Chardi) diligenter repurgata, & priori nostra quinta plus partefacta locupletior

22. Explicationum catecheticarum, quae tractationem locorum theologicorum kat' epitomēn complectuntur, sicuti illæ ex repetitionibus D. Zachariae Vrsini, aliquot deinceps annis Heidelbergæ in sapientiæ collegio ab ipsius discipulis collectæ sunt; editio altera ex maximè, vt haberi illa potuerunt, idoneis exemplaribus, non tantum inter se, sed etiam cum aliis eiusdem authoris lucubrationibus diligenter & fideliter collatis, ordine ac methodo accuratiori retexta, a variis erratis (quæ in priorem nostram editionem, partim exemplaris, partim nostro vitio irrepserant, & adhuc retinentur, multoq́[ue] auctiora facta sunt in vitiosissma illa editione quæ Londini nuperrime excusa est impensis Thomae Chardi) diligenter repurgata, & priori nostra quinta plus partefacta locupletior