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1. The safegard of sailers: or great rutter Containing the courses, distances depthes, soundings, flouds and ebbes, with the markes for the entringes of sundry harboroughs bothe of England, Fraunce, Spaine, Ireland, Flaunders and the sounds of Denmark, with other necessarye rules of common nauigation. Translated out of Dutch into English by Robert Norman hydrographer

2. The schoole of abuse contayning a pleasaunt inuectiue against poets, pipers, players, iesters, and such like caterpillers of a common wealth; setting vp the flagge of defiance to their mischiuous exercise, and ouerthrowing their bulwarkes, by prophane writers, naturall reason and common experience. ... By Stephan Gosson stud. Oxon

7. Een seer grontlijcke antwoort : vol met alderley onderwijsinge ende goeder vermaninghe, op Zylis ende Lemmekes onverdiende lasterlijcke faem rouen, achterclappen ende ongesoltene en[de] bittere Scheltwoorden, ouer onse gront ende leere. Welcke Leere (onses bedunckens) die ongevalschede Gront ende Leere der heyligher Apostolen is, belangende den Ban, Afsonderinghe, ende Mijdinghe

15. A short catechisme for househoulders With prayers to the same adioyning. Heerevnto are added vnder the aunswer vnto euery question, the prooues of the Scripture, for euerie point of the sayd catechisme. Gathered by Iohn Stockwood, schole: master of Tunbridge, according as they vvere noted in the margin by the first authors. For all true Christians, which desire to bring vp their families in the feare of the Lord

16. A short declaration of the ende of traytors, and false conspirators against the state & of the duetie of subiectes to theyr soueraigne gouernour: and wythall, howe necessarie, lawes and execution of iustice are, for the preseruation of the prince and common wealth. Wherein are also breefely touched, sundry offences of the S. Queene, co[m]mitted against the crowne of this land, & the manner of the honorable proceding for her conuiction thereof, and also the reasons & causes alledged & allowed in Parliament, why it was thought dangerous to the state, if she should haue liued. Published by Richard Crompton, an apprentice of the common lawes. Seene and allowed

17. A shorte admonition or warning, vpon the detestable treason vvherevvith Sir VVilliam Stanley and Rovvland Yorke haue betraied and deliuered for monie vnto the Spaniards, the towne of Deuenter, and the sconce of Zutphen. Translated into English by C.C.

19. Les singuliers et nouueaux pourtraicts, du seigneur Federic de Vinciolo Venetien, pour touttes fortes d'ouurages de lingerie. Dedie a la Royne. Derechef et pour la troisiesme fois augmentez, outre le reseau premier & le point coupp'e & lacis, de plusieurs beaux & differens portras de reseau de point cõt'e, auec le nombre des mailles, chose non encor veue ni inuent'ee