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2. La Gazette de France
3. General observations and prescriptions in the pratice [sic] of physick. On several persons of quality, &c. By an eminent London physician
4. The gentleman accomptant : or, an essay to unfold the mystery of accompts. By way of debitor and creditor, commonly called merchants accompts; ... By a person of honour
5. The gentleman accomptant, or, An essay to unfold the mystery of accompts : by way of debtor and creditor, commonly called merchants accompts, and applying the same to the concerns of the nobility and gentry of England ...
6. The gentleman's compleat jockey : with the perfect horse-man and experienc'd farrier. ... To which is added, the art of vermine-killing. By A. S. gent
7. The gentleman's library : containing rules for conduct in all parts of life. Written by a gentleman
8. Gentlemen of the South-Sea Company .
9. A genuine letter of advice and consolation, written from Paris by the Lord Viscount Bolingbroke, to the Earl of Oxford. Faithfully publish'd from the original
10. The genuine works of Charles Cotton, Esq : ... Illustrated with many curious cutts, all new design'd, and engraved by the best artists
11. The genuinely secret causes and springs whence, the principles and grounds : Whereon the New Congregational Society in Nottingham, have seperated themselves from the two dissenting churches there. Declar'd and stated in a variety of divers authentick memoirs. And elucidated with sundry proper observes and remarks thereon, either intermixtly or subnectedly such. Whereunto is premonstrated in a concise introductory discourse, some of the evangelical principles of the said society. By Joseph Blunt, a poor despised servant of Jesus Christ in the work of the Gospel
12. Geodæsia : or, the art of surveying and measuring of land made easie. Shewing, by plain and practical rules, how to survey, ... By John Love
13. A geographical, historical description of the shire of Tweeddale : With a miscelany [sic] and curious collection of select Scotish poems. By A. P. M.D.
14. George: a poem. Humbly inscrib'd to the Right Honourable the Earl of Warrington. By Mr. Brereton
15. George, by the grace of God, King of Great Britain, France and Ireland, Defender of the faith. To our lovits macers, messengers at arms, our sheriffs in that part, conjunctly and severally specially constitute, greeting, forasmuch as it is humbly meaned and showen to us by our lovit Sir James Steuart advocate
16. Georgica curiosa aucta, das ist, Umständlicher Bericht und klarer Unterricht von dem vermehrten und verbesserten adelichen Land- und Feld-Leben auf alle in Teutschland übliche Land- und Haus-Wirthschafften gerichtet ... vorgestellet ...al ans Liecht gegeben
17. Georgii Buchanani Scoti, poetarum sui seculi facile principis, Opera omnia, ad optimorum codicum fidem summo studio recognita & castigata : Nunc primum in unum collecta, ab innumeris pene mendis, quibus pleræque omnes editiones antea scatebant, repurgata; ac variis insuper notis aliisque utilissimis accessionibus illustrata & aucta: Quorum omnium syllabus post præfationem exhibetur. Curante Thoma Ruddimanno, A.M.
18. Georgii Ernesti Stahlii Opusculum chymico-physico-medicum, seu Schediasmatum a pluribus annis variis occasionibus in publicum emissorum .
19. The German Atalantis : being, a secret history of many surprizing intrigues, and adventures transacted in several foreign courts. Written by a lady
20. Glad tidings to Great Britain. A sermon preach'd at Blewberry in Berkshire, January the 20th 1714/5. ... By Joseph Acres
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