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2. The Iliad : of Homer, translated by Mr. Pope
3. The Iliad : of Homer. Translated by Mr. Pope
4. The Iliad of Homer
5. The Iliad Of Homer, Translated By Mr. Pope
6. Illustria Davidis facta ex iurisprudentia naturali, illustrata divine numinis auxilio
7. An imitation of the ninth ode of the fourth book of Horace. Inscribed to the Right Honourable James Stanhope, Esq
8. An imitation of the prophecy of Nereus : From Horace Book I. Ode XV.
9. The immorality of the priesthood : being an historical account of the factious and insolent behaviour of the inferior clergy, ever since the Reformation. Shewing, how troublesome and dangerous they have been to the state, ...
10. An impartial enquiry into the Duke of Ormonde's conduct, in the campagne of 1712 : With a plan of the situation of the Confederate and French armies when the Duke refus'd to fight, ...
11. The impartial satyrist. A poem
12. The important letter relating to the affairs of Great-Britain: with proper remarks on them; and on the Lord Bolingbroke's letter therein contained. From a gentleman in town to a friend in North-Britain
13. The important letters relating to the affairs of Great Britain: with proper remarks on them; and on the Lord Bolingbroke's letter therein contained
14. The Impostor painted in his own colours; or, The base birth and parentage of the Chevalier de St. George, alias as the Pretender, now truly brought to light : And made publick to deter jacobites and tories from endeavouring to exchange our happy constitution, liberty and property, for arbitrary power, slavery and wooden shoes
15. In an appeal from the Court of Exchequer. Dyke and others, trustees for the copyholders of the manor of Buckland, appellants. The Bishop of Bath and Wells, respondent. The respondent's case
16. In an appeal from the Court of Exchequer. Dyke and others, trustees for the copyholders of the manor of Buckland, appellants. The Bishop of Bath and Wells, respondent. The respondent's case
17. In imitation of the 5th ode of Horace. Lib [4].
18. Incendiaries no Christians. A sermon preach'd at the Cathedral Church of St. Paul, October the 9th, 1715. By S. Croxall
19. An Index to the Report of the secret committee : by which, in a short view, the reader is presented with the substance of it : in a letter to a friend
20. An index to the report of the Secret committee: by which, in a short view, the reader is presented with the substance of it. In a letter to a friend
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