1. P. Ovidii Nasonis opera tribus tomis comprehensa Author/Creator: Ovid, 43 B.C.-17 A.D. or 18 A.D. Publication/Creation: Londini : Ex officinâ Jacobi Tonson, & Johannis Watts, 1715 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
2. P. Virgilii Maronis opera Author/Creator: Virgil Publication/Creation: Londini : Ex officinâ Jacobi Tonson, & Johannis Watts, 1715 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
3. A panegyrick on our Late Most Gracious Sovereign King William of glorious and immortal memory, as also on His Present Majesty our no less Gracious Sovereign King George : Spoken by James Parkinson one of the scholars of Birmingham School, December 10, 1715, being the day of their breaking up; and publish'd at the desire of some gentlemen that heard it. Author/Creator: Parkinson, James, 1653-1722 Publication/Creation: London : Printed for J. Roberts, near the Oxford-Arms in Warwick-Lane, 1715 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
4. Papismus solatii exper[s] Author/Creator: Danz, Johann Andreas, 1654-1727, praeses Publication/Creation: Jenae [i.e. Jena] : Literis Mullerianis, 1715 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
5. Par fabularum ex historia ecclesiastica exterminatum disputatione publica Author/Creator: Heumann, Christoph August, 1681-1763, praeses Publication/Creation: Isenaci [i.e. Eisenach] : Literis Urbanianis, 1715 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
6. Paradoxvm chymicvm sine igne : i.e. operationes et experimenta physico-chymico-pharmacevtica ... Author/Creator: Struve, Ernst Gotthold, 1679- Publication/Creation: Jenæ : Apud Ernest. Clavd. Bailliar, 1715 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
7. A Paraphrase with some notes, on the Acts of the Apostles, and upon all the Epistles of the New Testament : Being a compleat supplement to Dr. Clark's paraphrase on the four Gospels. With a short preface to each Epistle, shewing the occasion and design of it; the several arguments set at the head of each chapter; and a general index to all the principal matters, words and phrases of the New-Testament, excepting the revelation. For the use of families. By Thomas Pyle, M.A. lecturer of Lyn-Regis in Norfolk. In two volumes Publication/Creation: London : Printed for John Wyat, at the Rose in St. Paul's Church-Yard, MDCCXV. [1715] Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
8. Le parfait negociant, ou, Instruction générale pour ce qui regarde le commerce des marchandises de France, & des pays étrangers : tome second ... Author/Creator: Savary, Jacques, 1622-1690 Publication/Creation: Paris : Chez C. Robustel, 1715 Format: Book Edition: 2. édition / Access & Availability: Loading
9. Pasquin to the Queen's statue at St. Paul's, during the procession, Jan. 20. 1714 Publication/Creation: [London?] : [publisher not identified], [1715] Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
10. The paths that lead to peace. A sermon preach'd at the Lent-assizes holden at Rochester in Kent, ... March the 13th. 1714. By Richard Collins Author/Creator: Collins, Richard, 1679?-1737 Publication/Creation: London : Printed for J. Pemberton, 1715 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
11. The patriot. A poem, humbly dedicated to His grace the Duke of Bolton Publication/Creation: London : Printed for J. Roberts, 1715 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
12. Paul Jacob Marpergers ... Montes pietatis, oder Leÿh-Assistentz- und Hülffs-Häuser, Lehn-Banquen und Lombards wie solche in einer jeden Republic, der gemeinen Bürgerschafft und auch andern Leuten sonderlich aber dem nothleidenden Armuth zum Besten höchst nöthig und nützlich anzulegen Nutzen des Aerarii weit profitabler als bis anhero geschehen anzustellen seyn wobey zugleich der Unterscheid der aufrichtigen und betrüglichen Lotterien entdecket wird Author/Creator: Marperger, Paul Jacob, 1656-1730 Publication/Creation: Leipzig : Verlegts F. Groschuff, 1715 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
13. The peerage of England or, an historical and genealogical account of the present nobility. ... In two parts Author/Creator: Collins, Arthur, 1682?-1760 Publication/Creation: London : Printed by E.J. and sold by Arthur Collins, and J. Morphew, 1715 Format: Book Edition: The third edition corrected, and very much enlarg'd .. Access & Availability: Loading
14. Penn manuscripts, 1683-1817 (1730-1770). Publication/Creation: 1683-1817 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
15. The people the greatest gainers by the duty of loving and esteeming their appointed Minister and teachers : a sermon preach'd at Wisbeech, in the Isle of Ely, first Sunday in Advent, 1714. On occasion of a new Vicar's settling there, and a new Bishop translated to the diocess. By Elisha Smith, A.M. lecturer of Wisbeech. Wherein are some considerations upon the rights of voluntary contribution, and other dues Author/Creator: Smith, Elisha, 1683?-1740 Publication/Creation: London : Printed for J. Churchill, at the Black Swan in Pater-noster-Row, 1715 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
16. The peoples part in blessing their king. : A sermon preach'd at Plymouth on the Thanksgiving-day, January the 20th 1714/5. For his majesty King George's being brought to the peaceable possession of his throne ... Author/Creator: Harding, Nathanael Publication/Creation: London : Printed for J. Clark, 1715 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
17. The peoples part in blessing their King. A sermon preach'd at Plymouth on the thanksgiving-day, January the 20th 1714/5. For His Majesty King George's being brought to the peaceable possession of His throne. By Nathanael Harding Author/Creator: Harding, Nathanael Publication/Creation: London : Printed for John Clark, 1715 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
18. A perfect discovery of the longitude at sea : In compliance with what's propos'd in a late act of Parliament. Being the product of nine years study, and frequent amendments of a mathematician, who has us'd the sea upwards of twenty five years, and has had the experience thereof at sea. And his projection hath been view'd and approv'd on by most of the mathematicians about London Author/Creator: French, John (Mathematician) Publication/Creation: London : Printed by J. Cluer in Bow-Church-Yard; and sold by the author at his house the lower-end of Grays-Inn-Lane, Holborn; and at Mr. Walpool's, mathematick instrument-maker in the minories, 1715 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
19. The perfidious brother : a tragedy: as it is acted at the New Theatre in Little Lincolns-Inn-Fields. By Mr. Theobald Author/Creator: Mestayer, Henry, active 1716 Publication/Creation: London : Printed and sold by Jonas Brown, 1715 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
20. The Perfidious Brother, a Tragedy As It Is Acted At the New Theatre In Little Lincolns-Inn-Fields. By Mr. Theobald Author/Creator: Theobald Mr. (Lewis) Publication/Creation: London : Printed and Sold by Jonas Brown [etc.], 1715 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading