1. Qin ding qi jing 欽定七經 Author/Creator: Kangxi, Emperor of China, 1654-1722, author康熙, Emperor of China, 1654-1722, author Publication/Creation: [Beijing] : Wu ying dian, Qing Kangxi 54 [1715] Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
2. Seder Hagadah shel Pesaḥ : bi-leshon ha-ḳodesh uvi-leshon Iṭalyano = The Venice Haggadah, 1716 : with Judeo-Italian translation סדר הגדה של פסח : בלשון הקדש ובלשון איטליאנו = The Venice Haggadah, 1716 : with Judeo-Italian translation Publication/Creation: Brooklyn, N.Y. : Diskin Orphan Home of Israel, 1991 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
3. Histrio theologicus: or, an historical-political-theological poetical account of the most remarkable passages and transactions in the life of the late B--p of S--m. Author/Creator: A. B. Publication/Creation: London : Printed and sold by John More, 1715 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
4. The sergeant's letter to his fellow-soldiers, occasion'd by the intended invasion of the pretender. By A.B. sergeant of the guards Author/Creator: A. B. Sergeant of the Guards Publication/Creation: London : Printed for J. Noon and T. Sharpey, at the White Hart, near Mercers-Chappel in Cheapside, J. Roberts at the Oxford-Arms in Warwick-Lane, and J. Harrison at the Royal-Exchange, M.DCC.XV. [1715] Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
5. The gentleman's compleat jockey : with the perfect horse-man and experienc'd farrier. ... To which is added, the art of vermine-killing. By A. S. gent Author/Creator: A. S. Publication/Creation: London : Printed by T. Norris, [1715?] Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
6. Le regne glorieux de J.C. sur la terre : Ou sermon sur le psaume LXXII. Prononcé a St. Patrick, par le Dr. Abbadie Doyen de Killalow, au mois d'Octobre de l'an 1714. Devant le corps des officiers François, qui font en Irlande, Iorsqu'ils communierent, pour préter le sement à sa majesté. Consacré à la gloire de J.C. Nôtre adorable Redempteur, le fils de Dieu, le chef de toute puissance & de toute domination, le Bienheureux & seul Prince de l'immortalité, Roy des Roys, Seigneur des Seigneurs, nouveau David, nouveau Solomon, le Jude & le Roy du monde, le Dieu & le Sauveur de toute la Terre Author/Creator: Abbadie, Jacques, 1654-1727 Publication/Creation: A Londres : Chés Anthoine Meure, Libraire a la Bible d'or proche Beauford Buildings dans le Strand, [1715] Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
7. La tres humble adresse des françois refugiés en Irlande à sa Majesté: et la harangue à son excellence Monseigneur le Comte de Sunderland, Vice-Roy d'Irlande pour sa Majesté. Par Mr. Abbadie Author/Creator: Abbadie, Jacques, 1654-1727 Publication/Creation: Londres : Chez Anthoine Meure, 1715 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
8. The case of impotency as debated in England : in that remarkable tryal an. 1613. between Robert, Earl of Essex, and the Lady Frances Howard, who, after eight years marriage, commenc'd a suit against him for impotency. ... Written by George Abbot, ... In two volumes Author/Creator: Abbot, George, 1562-1633 Publication/Creation: London : Printed for E. Curll, 1715 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
9. A collection of songs in several languages. To be perform'd at Mr. Abell's consort of musick Author/Creator: Abell, John, 1653?-approximately 1716 Publication/Creation: [London] : [publisher not identified], [1715] Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
10. The case of Mountague Earl of Abingdon and Robert Earl Ferrers, upon their bill for explaining and better executing the intentions of a former act, intituled (An act for making provision for the Protestant children of the Earl of Clanricarde and Lord Bophin) and for sale of farther part of the said Earl's estate for payment of the debts and portions remaining, chargeable upon the same Author/Creator: Abingdon, Montagu Venables-Bertie, Earl of, -1743 Publication/Creation: [London?] : [publisher not identified], [1715?]] Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
11. Katherine Lyon, widow, appellant. The Right Honourable John Earl of Aboyne, an infant, and others, respondents. The respondents case Author/Creator: Aboyne, John Gordon, Earl of, -1732 Publication/Creation: [London] : [publisher not identified], [1715] Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
12. An abstract of the remarkable passages in the life of a private gentleman In three parts. Relating to trouble of mind. Some violent temptations, and a recovery: ... With reflexions thereon Publication/Creation: London : Printed and sold by Joseph Downing, 1715 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
13. An account of a dreadful mob at Manchester and other places in England Publication/Creation: Edinburgh : Printed by John Mosman, junior, 1715 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
14. An Account of a dreadful mob at Manchester and other places in England Publication/Creation: Edinburgh : Printed by John Mosman, Junior, Anno Dom. 1715 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
15. An Account of the engagement near Dunblain yesterday the 13th instant, betwixt the King's army under the command of His Grace the Duke of Argyll, and the rebels commanded by Mar Publication/Creation: Edinburgh : Printed by the heirs and successors of Andrew Anderson, Anno Dom M.DCC.XV. [1715] Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
16. An account of the riots, tumults, and other treasonable practices; since His Majesty's accession to the throne : With some remarks, shewing the necessity of strengthening the laws against riots; humbly offered to the consideration of the Parliament Publication/Creation: London : Printed for J. Baker, 1715 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
17. An Account shewing the number of the tickets entitled To benefits in the lottery for 1,400,000 l : With the benefits to which the said number'd tickets are respectively entitled, and the days on which they were severally drawn; distinguish'd in a numerical order, as the said tickets happened to arise in the several classes or degrees of thousands from No. 1, to No. 140000: each classis having the course denoted in which every thousand of the said 140000 tickets (according to the lots drawn for that purpose) are to be paid off and discharged. Published by the special order of the managers and directors of the said lottery Publication/Creation: London : Printed for R. Vincent, at the Crown and Scepter in Fleetstreet, 1715 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
18. Glad tidings to Great Britain. A sermon preach'd at Blewberry in Berkshire, January the 20th 1714/5. ... By Joseph Acres Author/Creator: Acres, Joseph, 1667-1746 Publication/Creation: London : Printed for John Clark, 1715 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
19. National sins and the causes of them; with a proper method to prevent their growth : Being two sermons preach'd at Blewberry in Berkshire, March 13th, 1715. Being the first time of reading His Majesty's proclamation, for the encouragement of piety and virtue, and for the preventing and punishing of vice, prophaneness and immorality. By Joseph Acres, vicar of Blewberry in Berkshire Author/Creator: Acres, Joseph, 1667-1746 Publication/Creation: London : Printed for John Clark, at the Bible and crown in Cheapside near the Poultrey, [1715?] Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
20. Great Britain's jubilee: or, the joyful day. A sermon preach'd at Blewbury, August 1, 1715. ... By Joseph Acres Author/Creator: Acres, Joseph, 1667-1746 Publication/Creation: London : Printed for J. Baker; J. Clark; and Timothy Wesley in Reading, 1715 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading