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2. The Aberdeen journal, and general advertiser for the north of Scotland
3. Abrégé de l'histoire universelle sacrée et profane depuis le commencement du monde jusqu'à Jesus-Christ : Par Guillaume Marie, prêtre françois
4. An abridged account of the embassy to the Emperor of China, undertaken by order of the King of Great Britain : ... by Sir George Staunton, ...
5. An abridgment of all the statutes now in force, relative to the revenue of excise, methodically arranged, and alphabetically digested. By James Huie
6. An abridgment of L. Murray's English grammar : With an appendix, containing an exemplification of the parts of speech. Designed for the use of the youngest class of learners. By Lindley Murray
7. An abridgment of the history of the Bible : Number IV. of tracts published by the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge and practice in the kingdom of Ireland
8. An abridgment of the new broad sword exercise, by W. Pepper, of the Notts Yeomanry Cavalry
9. Abroad and at home. : A comic opera, in three acts. Now performing at the Theatre-Royal, Covent Garden
10. Abroad and at home : A comic opera, in three acts. Now performing at the Theatre-Royal, Covent-Garden. By J.G. Holman
11. An abstract of some important parts of a bill, now depending in Parliament : intituled, "A bill for the better support and maintenance of the poor;" with some practical observations on the effects that will probably be experienced in many parishes particularly those that are large and populous, if the said bill is passed into a law. Prepared by a committee of the joint vestry of the united parishes of St. Giles in the Fields and St. George Bloomsbury; and printed by order of the said vestry
12. An abstract of some important parts of a bill, now depending in Parliament, intituled, "A bill for the better support and maintenance of the poor:" : With some practical observations on the effects that will probably be experienced in many parishes, particularly those that are large and populoue, if the said bill is pasted into a law. Prepared by a committee of the joint vestry of the united parishes of St. Giles in the fields and St. George Bloomsbury: and printed by order of the said vestry
13. An abstract of some important parts of a bill, now depending in Parliament, intituled, A Bill for the better support and maintenance of the poor, with some practical observations on the effects that will probably be experienced in many parishes, particularly those that are large and populous, if the said bill is passed into a law
14. An abstract of some important parts of a bill, now depending in Parliament, intituled, A Bill for the better support and maintenance of the poor, with some practical observations on the effects that will probably be experienced in many parishes, particularly those that are large and populous, if the said bill is passed into a law
15. An abstract of some important parts of a bill, now depending in Parliament, intituled, A Bill for the better support and maintenance of the poor, with some practical observations on the effects that will probably be experienced in many parishes, particularly those that are large and populous, if the said bill is passed into a law
16. An abstract of the Charter of King Edward the Sixth, for founding the Free School in Birmingham : to which are added, remarks on the clause requiring residence; by George Croft, D.D. and an appendix, containing letters from the Rev. Spencer Madan, stating the reasons why he resigned the office of Governour; ...
17. Abstract of the instrument of institution and laws of the Royal Academy of Arts in London : Established December 10, 1768
18. Abstract of the laws against sabbath-breaking, swearing, and drunkeness. Published under the direction of the Committee of special constables, and the Society for the reformation of manners
19. Abstract of the premiums offered by the Society : instituted at London for the encouragement of arts, manufactures, and commerce
20. Abstracts, with comments on the poor bill : now depending in Parliament, by a Hampshire magistrate. Re-published, (by permission of the author) with an introductory letter
21. The academic speaker : or, a selection of parliamentary debates, orations, odes, scenes, and speeches, from the best writers, proper to be read and recited by youth at school. To which are prefixed, elements of gesture; ... The third edition. By John Walker, ...
22. The accomplished housekeeper, and universal cook : Containing all the various branches of cookery; ... By T. Williams, and the principal cooks at the London and Crown and Anchor taverns
23. An accompt of all additions which have been made to the annual charge of the public debt by the interest of annuities of any loan that hath been made, or annuties created subsequent to the passing of an Act 27 Geo. III. Cap. 13 as required by the 72d section of the said act : and also of the produce of the several duties granted for defraying the charge incurred in respect of the same in the year ended the 10th day of October 1797
24. An account of a cottage and garden, near Tadcaster : With observations upon labourers having freehold cottages and gardens, and upon a plan for supplying cottagers with cows. Printed at the desire of the Society for Bettering the Condition, and Increasing the Comforts of the Poor
25. An Account of a divine visitation and blessing : attending the religious care and exercise of the teachers of Waltham Abbey School; with the gracious dealings of the Almighty towards some others in tender years: also, several select poems. [Two lines of Scripture texts].
26. An account of a meat and soup charity : established in the Metropolis, in the year 1797, with observations relative to the situation of the poor, ... By a magistrate
27. An account of a meat and soup charity, established in the metropolis, in the year 1797 : with observations relative to the situation of the poor, and on the means of bettering the condition of the labouring people with regard to food, and of increasing their comforts in other respects, by a more frugal mode of living, particularly in the city of London, and its environs
28. An account of a meat and soup charity, established in the metropolis, in the year 1797 : with observations relative to the situation of the poor, and on the means of bettering the condition of the labouring people with regard to food, and of increasing their comforts in other respects, by a more frugal mode of living, particularly in the city of London, and its environs
29. An account of a meat and soup charity, established in the Metropolis, in the year 1797 : With observations relative to the situation of the poor, and on the means of bettering the condition of the labouring people with regard to food; and of increasing their comforts in other respects, by a more frugal mode of living, particularly in the city of London, and its environs. By a Magistrate
30. An account of a new poor-house : erected in the parish of Boldre, in New Forest, near Lymington,.
31. An account of a proposed mode of combining timber by dovetail treenails, with some hints for its application to naval and other architecture. By James Black
32. An account of Portugal : as it appeared in 1766 to Dumouriez; since a celebrated general in the French army. Printed at Lausanne in 1775
33. An account of the commencement and progress in sinking wells, at Sheerness, Harwich, and Landguard Fort, for supplying those dock-yards and garrisons with fresh water : to which is annexed, the correspondence between the Master-General of the Ordnance and the Commanding Engineer of the those places, Sir Thomas Hyde Page, upon the subject in the years 1778, 1781, and 1783
34. An account of the commencement and progress in sinking wells, at Sheerness, Harwich and Landguard Fort, for supplying those dock-yards and garrisons with fresh water. To which is annexed, the correspondence between the Master-General of the Ordnance and the commanding engineer of those places, (Sir Thomas Hyde Page,) upon the subject, in the years 1778, 1781, and 1783
35. An account of the conversion of the Rev. Mr. John Thayer, lately a Protestant minister at Boston in North America : Who embraced the Roman Catholic religion at Rome, on the 25th May, 1783; Written by himself. To which are annexed several extracts from a letter written to his brother in answer to some-objections. Also, a latter from a young lady lately received by him into the church, written after making her first communion,.
36. An account of the convincement and call to the ministry of Margaret Lucas : late of Leek, in Staffordshire
37. An account of the convincement and call to the ministry of Margaret Lucas : late of Leek, in Staffordshire
38. An account of the discovery of the body of King John : in the cathedral church of Worcester, July 17th, 1797, ... by Valentine Green, ...
39. An account of the expenditure of the several sums of money which have been granted by Parliament for the support of the Board of Agriculture
40. An account of the gospel labours, and Christian experiences of a faithful minister of Christ, John Churchman late of Nottingham, Pennsylvania, deceased. To which is added a short memorial of the life and death of a fellow labourer in thchu
41. An account of the holy life and triumphant death of Mrs. Jane Kerr : Written by her husband, Mr. John Kerr
42. An Account of the improvement of moss, &c : in a letter to a friend
43. An Account of the improvement of Moss, &c. in a letter to a friend
44. An account of the income and expenditure of the Board of Agriculture for the year 1793 [-1796].
45. An account of the institution, progress, and present state of the Scottish Corporation in London, of the foundation of King Charles the Second, Annis MDCLXV & MDCLXXVI. Re-incorporated Anno MDCCLXXV, by His Present Majesty King George the Third : And established ast the hospital in Crane-Court, Fleet-Street. To which is affixed, a list of officers, governors, and patronesses. Published, by order, 1797
46. An account of the life and death of Mr Philip Henry : minister of the Gospel ... Who died June 24, 1696, ... With Dr Bates's dedication
47. An account of the life and death of Mr Philip Henry : minister of the Gospel, ... who died June 24, 1696, ... With Dr Bates's dedication
48. An account of the life and death of Mr Philip Henry : minister of the gospel near Whitchurch, in Shropshire, who died June 24, 1696, in the sixty-fifth year of his age. With Dr. Bates's dedication
49. An account of the life of Muley Liezit, late Emperor of Morocco. Written by a Spanish agent at the Moorish court. ... Translated from the original French. To which is prefixed, a short review of the Moorish history, ... By Robert Heron
50. An account of the most approved mode of draining land : according to the system practised by Mr. Joseph Elkington ... : with an appendix containing hints for the farther improvement of bogs and other marshy ground after draining ... : drawn up for consideration of the Board of Agriculture and Internal Improvement
51. An account of the most approved mode of draining land : according to the system practised by Mr. Joseph Elkington, ... Drawn up for consideration of the Board of agriculture and internal improvement, by John Johnstone, ...
52. An account of the nature and views, of the Philanthropic Society : ... To which are annexed, the laws and regulations of the Society, &c.
53. An account of the ordination of the Rev. Joseph Lamb, to the co-pastoral care of the independent church at Weymouth, Dorset, April 20, 1797
54. An account of the origin and progress of the Society for the Promotion of Industry in the Hundreds of Ongar and Harlow, and the Half Hundred of Waltham, in the county of Essex
55. An account of the origin and progress of the Society for the Promotion of Industry, in the Hundreds of Ongar and Harlow, and the Half Hundred of Waltham, in the County of Essex
56. An account of the receipts and expenditures of the United States, for the year 1796 : Stated in pursuance of the standing order of the House of Representatives of the United States, passed on the thirtieth day of December, one thousand, seven hundred and ninety-one. Published by order of the House of Representatives
57. An account of the rise and progress of the Royal Canal in Ireland, and also of the opposition thereto
58. An account of the Rotherham Independent Academy, which was opened November 5, 1795
59. An account of the salary, allowances, fees, and gratuities received in the Office of the Tellers of the Receipt of His Majesty's Exchequer by the Marquis of Buckingham for the years 1794, 1795, and 1796 : together with an account of all deductions paid out of the same and the names of the persons to whom such payments were made
60. An account of the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge
61. An account of the Society for promoting religious knowledge among the poor : begun Anno 1750
62. An account of the trigonometrical survey carried on in the years 1795, and 1796 : by order of the Right Honourable the Marquis Cornwallis,... By Colonel Edward Williams, and Capt. William Mudge, of the Royal Artillery; and Mr. Isaac Dalby. Communicated by the Duke of Richmond, F.R.S. From the Phliosophical Transactions
63. An account of two cases of the diabetes mellitus : with remarks, as they arose during the progress of the cure. To which are added, A general view of the nature of the disease and its appropriate treatment, ... By John Rollo, M.D. ... In two volumes. ...
64. An account, shewing how the money given for the service of the year ending lady-day 1796 has been disposed of, distinguished under the several heads. Presented by Mr. Burgh, 31 January 1797
65. [Accounts of the Connecticut Land Company].
66. An accurate account of Lord Macartney's embassy to China : carefully abridged from the original work; with alterations and corrections, by the editor, ...
67. An accurate description of Bromley : in Kent, ornamented with views of the church and college, including every thing interesting and amusing in that delightful part of the county, and five miles round, from the works of Camden, Hasted, Harris, Seymour, Philipot &c. &c ... By Thomas Wilson
68. An accurate description of Bromley, In Kent ornamented with views of the church and college, including every thing interesting and amusing in that delightful part of the county, and five miles round : From the works of Camden, Hasted, Harris, Seymour, Philipot, &c. &c. with original anecdotes, observations, &c. &c. By Thomas Wilson
69. Acis et Galatée : ballet-pastoral, en un acte. Composé par M. Didelot; et donné pour la première fois sur le Théâtre du Roi, Haymarket, le 1er. Juin 1797. La musique composée par Signor C. Bossi
70. Act, declaration and testimony, for the whole of our covenanted Reformation, as attained to, and established in Britain and Ireland; ... as also, against all the steps of defection from said reformation, ... by the Reformed Presbytery
71. An act for dividing, allotting, and inclosing a certain parcel or tract of commonable ground, formerly part of King's Sedgmoor, lying in the parish of Street, in the county of Somerset; and also for dividing and allotting a certain parcel or tract of waste land, called Turf Moor, in the parish of Street aforesaid
72. An Act for Dividing, Allotting and Inclosing the Open and Common Fields, Common Meadows, Commons, Marshes, Heaths, Wastes and Commonable Woods, Lands, and Grounds within the Parish of Croydon in the County of Surrey
73. An Act for Dividing and Inclosing the Open and Common Fields, Common Meadows, Common Pastures and other Commonable Lands and Waste Grounds in the Parish of Weston in the County of Hertford
74. An act for granting to his Majesty a duty on auctions, on certain manufacturesof glass, and on paper hangings; and for granting further duties on the importation of corks, glauber-salts, and paper-hangings; and a further duty on licenses to keep malt-houses, ... Monday the twenty-fourth day of April, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-seven, Royal assent given
75. An Act for granting to His Majesty an additional stamp duty on deeds : 19th July 1797
76. An act for regulating and governing the militia of the state of Vermont. : Passed by the legislature at their adjourned session at Rutland, March 10th, 1797
77. An act for regulating the election of members to serve in Parliament, and for repealing the several acts therein mentioned
78. An act for regulating the height between decks of vessels entered outwards for the purpose of carrying slaves from the coast of Africa (19th July, 1797).
79. An act for vesting in new trustees the sum of forty thousand pounds, given by a codicil annexed to the will of John Tempest, Esquire, to Farrer Wren and Robert Shafto, Esquires, upon certain trusts in the said codicil mentioned
80. An act for vesting in trustees the settled estates of George Hassell Esquire, in trust to sell the same, and to lay out the money arising from the sale thereof in the purchase of other estates to be settled to the uses therein mentioned
81. An act laying duties on stamped vellum, parchment, and paper : Approved by the President of the United States, July 8, 1797
82. Act of the Associate Presbytery of Pennsylvania, against occasional communion : To which is added, a justification of the doctrine of this act, digested under the following heads: 1. Objections stated and answered; 2. A brief survey of the Presbyterian churches in America; 3. An essay on the nature and extent of the communion of saints. Together with an appendix, containing a vindication of the Associate Presbytery from the misrepresentations of Dr. Linn, in an appendix to his sermons on the signs of the times. By a member of said Presbytery. [Four lines of Scriptur texts].
83. An act to amend and continue an act passed in the thirtieth year of his present Majesty's reign, entitled, An act to extend the powers of the corporation for paving, cleansing, and lighting the streets of Dublin; and to enable the corporation to build a bridge across the River Anna Lissey at Island Bridge; and to enable the corporation to borrow a certain sum of money for the purposes therein mentioned : Monday the twenty-fourth day of April, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-seven, Royal assent given
84. An act to enable cetain inhabitants of the county of Armagh, who have been injured in their persons or properties, to recover compensation for such injuries by presentment, notwithstanding the time by law prescribed for applying for such presentment be lapsed. Saturday the twenty-fifth day of March, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-seven, Royal assent given
85. An act to provide for the further defence of the ports and harbours of the United States
86. Acts and joint resolutions of the General Assembly of the state of South Carolina
87. Acts and joint resolutions of the general assembly of the state of South Carolina
88. Acts and laws, made and passed in and by the General Court or Assembly of the state of Connecticut, in America : holden at New-Haven, (in said state) on the second Thursday of October, Anno Domini, 1797
89. Acts and laws, passed by the General Court of Massachusetts : begun and held at Boston, in the county of Suffolk, on Tuesday, the thirty-first day of May, anno Domini, 1797
90. Acts and laws, passed by the General Court of Massachusetts : begun and held at Boston, in the county of Suffolk, on Wednesday, the twenty-fifth day of January, anno domini, 1797
91. Acts and resolutions of the General Assembly of the state of Georgia
92. Acts and resolves passed by the General Assembly of the state of Vermont
93. Acts and resolves passed by the General Assembly of the State of Vermont
94. Acts and resolves passed by the General Court of Massachusetts
95. Acts of Jammaica : reformatted from the original and including, Laws of Jamaica (1792-1839, 1841-1961); Permanent laws of Jamaica (1840) ...
96. Acts of New Brunswick
97. The Acts of the General Assembly of Prince Edward Island
98. The acts of the General Assembly of Prince Edward Island
99. Acts of the General Assembly of South-Carolina
100. Acts of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky
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