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2. The danger of neglecting the great sacrifice. A sermon, preached at the Assizes at Cambridge, August 22, 1797. By the Rev. Charles Simeon, M.A. Fellow of King's College, Cambridge
3. David and Jonathan : an account of a conversation, occasioned by a sermon, preached in the chapel in New Street, Canongate, on Mark xvi, 15, 16
4. Davideis : the life of David, King of Israel: a sacred poem. In five books. By Thomas Ellwood. [One line from Horatio].
5. The day of adversity : Reflections suited to the hour of sorrow the bed of sickness, or the loss of beloved relatives. To which is added a short and plain statement of the way of salvation. By Basil Woodd, ...
6. The day of adversity : Reflections suited to the hour of sorrow the bed of sickness, or the loss of beloved relatives. To which is added a short and plain statement of the way of salvation. By Basil Woodd, ...
7. The day of judgment : or, the grand reckoning
8. The day of judgment : or, the grand reckoning
9. Days of chivalry : A romance. ...
10. De jurium et officiorium nexu : dissertatio
11. De la famille : considérée comme l'élément des sociétés
12. De la pensée du gouvernement : par Bertrand Barere, ...
13. De la pensée du gouvernement républicain
14. De la révolution françoise
15. De l'enseignement dans les écoles centrales
16. De miraculis N.T. meletemata
17. De religione naturali, moralitate subnixa, religionis revelatae fulcro, dissertatio ...
18. De Sophocle tragico dissertatio. Cujus partem primam-[tertiam]
19. De titulis regum ecclesiasticis dissertatio historica, ...
20. Death and judgement : A sermon, on Hebrews ix. 27.
21. The death of Abel : in five books
22. The death of Abel : In five books. Attempted from the German of Mr. Gessner
23. The death of Cain, in five books : after the manner of the Death of Abel. By a lady
24. Death's warrant : or the soul's welcome to glory. ... To which is added, the life of the happy man
25. The debates at the East India House : At two general courts, held on Thursday the 29th. of June, & Tuesday the 11th. of July, 1797 for the purpose of further considering a bill for regulating the trade to be carried on with India, by the ships nations at amity with His Majesty; and also on the Madras and Bombay judicature bill. Reported by William Woodfall
26. The debates at the East India House at two general courts held on ... the 21st & ... 27th of June 1797, for the purpose of considering a bill for regulating the trade to be carried on with India by the ships of nations at amity with His Majesty : and also on the Madrass and Bengal judicature bills
27. The debates at the East India House at two general courts held on ... the 29th of June & ... the 11th of July 1797, for the purpose of further considering a bill for regulating the trade to be carried on with India by the ships o[f] nations at amity with His Majesty : and also on the Madras and Bombay judicature bills
28. The debates at the East India House, at two general courts, held on Wednesday the 21st. & Tuesday the 27th. of June, 1797 : For the purpose of considering a bill for regulating the trade to be carried on with India, by the ships of nations at amity with His Majesty; and also on the Madrass and Bengal judicature bills. Reported by William Woodfall
29. Debates of the House of Lords, on the evidence delivered in the trial of Warren Hastings, Esquire : proceedings of the East India Company in consequence of his acquittal, and testimonials of the British and native inhabitants of India, relative to his character and conduct whilst he was Governor General of Fort William in Bengal
30. Debates of the House of Lords, on the evidence delivered in the trial of Warren Hastings, Esquire; proceedings of the East India Company in consequence of his acquittal: and testimonials
31. The deceitfulness of pleasure; or, some account of my Lady Blithe
32. The decisions of the Court of Session, from its first institution to the present time, abridged, and digested under proper heads, in form of a dictionary : Collected from the printed decisions, session-papers, and manuscripts
33. The declaration and retractation : of Francis-Teresa Panisset, ... Translated from the French, ...
34. Declaration. His Majesty's benevolent endeavours to restore to his people the blessings of secure and honorable peace, again repeated without success
35. Declaration of the court of Great Britain respecting the late negotiation
36. Declaration of the court of Great Britain, respecting the late negotiation
37. Declarations de Duverne Dupresle ou Dunant, annexées au registre secret du Directoire exécutif, le 11 ventose an 5.
38. Dedicated, by permission, to His Majesty. Mr. Alderm. Boydell, and Mr. Jos. Boydell, propose to publish by subscription, the picturesque views and scenery of the Thames and the Severn, the Forth and the Clyde. From their sources to the sea; drawn by J. Farington, R.A. and intended to illustrate an original history of those rivers, including all that adorns, dignifies, or enriches, them and their vicinities; whether of art or nature
39. A defence of missions from Christian societies to the heathen world: a sermon, preached before the Edinburgh Missionary Society, on Thursday, Feb.2.1797. By Greville Ewing
40. A defence of revealed religion, in two sermons, preached in the Cathedral Church of Landaff; and a charge, delivered to the clergy of that diocese, in June, 1795. Second edition. By Richard Watson
41. A defence of the constitutions of government of the United States of America : against the attack of M. Turgot in his letter to Dr. Price dated the twenty-second day of March, 1778
42. A defence of the constitutions of government of the United States of America : against the attack of M. Turgot in his letter to Dr. Price, dated the twenty-second day of March, 1778. By John Adams, LL.D. president of the United States. [One line from Pope] In three volumes. Vol. I [-III].
43. A defence of the French emigrants. Addressed to the people of France. By Trophime Gerald de Lally-Tolendal. Translated from the French by John Gifford, Esq
44. A defence of the Old Testament : in a series of letters addressed to Thomas Paine, author of a book entitled, The age of reason, part the second, being an investigation of true and fabulous theology. By David Levi, author of Letters to Dr. Priestley, in answer to his to the Jews, &c. &c. &c. [Two lines of Scripture texts].
45. A defence of the Old Testament, in a series of letters, addressed to Thomas Paine, ... By David Levi
46. A defence of the people denominated Methodists, : ¿b being the substance of an oration, delivered at the Westminster Forum, on Monday evening, the 24th of April, 1797, on the discussion of the following question: "Ought the people denominated Methodists, to be considered as artful hypocrites, gloomy enthusiasts, and contracted bigots, or men of genuine piety, who have revived the great work of religion among mankind?" / ¿c By J.H. Prince ... Ý.
47. A defence of the people denominated Methodists, being the substance of an oration, delivered at the Westminster forum, on Monday evening, the 24th of April, 1797, on the discussion of the following question: "Ought the people denominated Methodists, to be considered as artful hypocrites, gloomy enthusiasts, and contracted bigots, or men of genuine piety, who have revived the great work of religion among mankind?" By J. H. Prince
48. The defence of the prisoners in York Castle : for not paying tithes, against the charges of George Markham, ... contained in his book entitled, "Truth for the seekers.".
49. The defence of the prisoners in York Castle : for not paying tithes, against the charges of George Markham, ... contained in his book entitled, Truth for the seekers
50. The Defence of the prisoners in York Castle, for not paying tithes, against the charges of George Markham ... contained in his book entitled, Truth for the seekers
51. Défense des émigrés francais : adressée au peuple francais
52. Défense des émigrés français adressée au peuple français. Par Trophime Gérard de Lally-Tolendal
53. Défense des émigrés française : adressée au peuple française
54. Dei rapporti politico-economici fra le nazioni libere
55. Del commercio de' Romani, ed Il Colbertismo : memorie due
56. Della navigazione e commercio della repubblica Pisana : ragionamento accademico di Chirone Epidaurico P.A. recitato in Pisa nella pubblica adunanza Arcadica tenuta il di 12. maggio 1789
57. Della pittura veneziana : trattato in cui osservasi l'ordine del Busching, e si conserva la dottrina, e le definizioni del Zanetti
58. Delves : a welch tale
59. Delves, a Welch tale : By Mrs. Gunning. In two volumes. The third edition. ...
60. Democratic principles illustrated by example
61. Le dentiste : vaudeville en un acte et en prose
62. Depot : the debate at the East India-House at a quarterly general court held on ... the 21st of December 1796, for the purpose of declaring a dividend from midsummer last to Christmas : and also for the purpose of taking into consideration the mode of recruiting the company's European army in India
63. Des émigrés française, ou, Réponsé à M. de Lally-Tolendal
64. Des finances publiques de la France : avec un mot sur le sort du Directoire exécutif
65. Des réactions politiques
66. Description and use of the pocket case of mathematical instruments : Wherein are particularly explained the nature and use of all the lines contained on the plain scale, the sector, the gunter, and proportional compasses: also their practical application, exemplified in a variety of mathematical problems; the whole illustrated with copper-plate figures, By B. Martin. A new edition, with corrections, &c. &c. By William Jones, mathematical instrument maker
67. Description of a battle : By Robert Brown, ...
68. A description of A new chart of history : Containing a view of the principal revolutions of empire that have taken place in the world. By Joseph Priestley, ...
69. Description of a plantation, situated at Petit St. Louis, near Port-de-Paix, in the northern part of Hispaniola : with all the buildings, belonging to the same and necessary to carry on the cultivation of such plantation : now offered to be exchanged, by J.B. & L. Samoual, proprietors, for goods, principally East-India, and partly public papers on St. Domingo, properly certified and signed by the public functionaries, and approved by the general in chief, Toussaint
70. A description of above a three hundred animals : Viz. beasts, birds, fishes, serpents & insects. With a particular account of the manner of catching whales in Greenland extracted from the best authors, and adapted to the use of all capacities. Illustrated with 100 elegant copper plates
71. A description of Doctor Monterau's vegetable drops, which are truly efficacious in the cure of scrophula, scurvy, leprosy, and King's evil, ... Prepared and sold by Thomas White, ... at ... No.57, Old Bailey
72. Description of Nuneham-Courtenay, in the county of Oxford
73. A description of St. Winefred's Well, at Holy-Well, in Flintshire, North Wales
74. A description of the genus Cinchona, comprehending the various species of vegetables from which the Peruvian and other barks of a similar quality are taken. ... To which is prefixed Professor Vahl's dissertation on this genus, ... Also a description, ... of a new genus named Hyænanche: or, Hyæna poison
75. A description of the High Peak of Derbyshire : together with an account of Poole's Hole, and some other remarkable places, ... Extracted from A tour through parts of England, Scotland, and Wales
76. Description of the historical picture of Lord St. Vincent's victory over the Spanish fleet, off Cape St. Vincent, on the 14th of February, 1797; in which is commemorated ... the success and gallant conduct of Admiral Sir H. Nelson
77. A description of the road from London to Bath and Bristol : with every thing worth notice in the way. By the Rev. Dr. Trusler
78. A description of the Royal Hospital for seamen, at Greenwich : With a short account of the present establishment of [o]fficers, [p]ensioners, ...t-pensioners, nurses, and boys. With a list of the directors. Published by the chaplains
79. A description of the selenographia : an apparatus for exhibiting the phenomena of the moon. Together with an account of some of the purposes which it may be applied to. By John Russell, R.A.
80. A description of the university, town, and county of Cambridge : containing an account of the colleges, churches, and public buildings, their founders, benefactors, eminent men, libraries, pictures and curiosities : a list of the heads of colleges, professors, university officers, annual prizes, college livings, terms, and other useful tables : a description of the seats, rivers, &c. in the county, with a list of members, militia officers, and quarter sessions: directions concerning the posts, roads, stage coaches, waggons, &c. to and from Cambridge : illustrated with neat views of the public buildings
81. Description topographique, physique, civile, politique et historique de la partie francaise de l'isle Saint-Domingue : Avec des observations généales sur sa population, sur le caractère & les moeurs de ses divers habitans; sur son climat, sa culture ses productions, son administration, &c. &c. Accompagnées des détails les plus propres à faire connaître l'état de cette colonie à l'époque du 18 Octobre 1789; et d'une nouvelle carte de la totalité de l'isle. Par M.L.E. Moreau de Saint-Méry. Tome premier[-second]. Comprenant, outre les objets généraux, la description des vingt & une Paroisses de la partie du nord & de l'Isle la Tortue. [One line of quotation].
82. Description topographique, physique, civile, politique et historique de la partie française de l'isle Saint-Domingue : avec des observations générales sur la population, sur le caractère & les moeurs de ses divers habitans, sur son climat, sa culture, ses productions, son administration, &c. &c.
83. Description topographique, physique, civile, politique et historique de la partie française de l'isle Saint-Domingue : avec des observations générales sur sa population, sur le caractère & les moeurs de ses divers habitans, sur son climat, sa culture, ses productions, son administration, &c. &c. : accompagnées des détails les plus propres à faire connaître l'état de cette colonie à l'époque du 18 Octobre 1789 : et d'une nouvelle carte de la totalité de l'isle
84. Descriptive account of a new method of treating old ulcers of the legs : By Thomas Baynton, ...
85. A descriptive sketch of the present state of Vermont : one of the United States of America
86. A descriptive sketch of the present state of Vermont. One of the United States of America. By J. A. Graham
87. A descriptive sketch of the present state of Vermont. One of the United States of America. By J. A. Graham
88. The detractors convicted; or, Messrs. Coen and Lee refuted: being an address to the Roman Catholics of England. In four parts. By Laurence Franey
89. Deux mots en réponse aux volumineuses observations du cit. Grobert sur les voitures à deux roues, etc., etc., etc
90. A dialogue between a blind man and death
91. A dialogue between James, a member of the old, and Jacob, a member of the new connexion of Methodists
92. A Dialogue between James, a member of the old, and Jacob, a member of the New Connexion of Methodists
93. A dialogue between one of Mr. Burke's 320,000 sound ones : and one of his 80,000 incorrigible, pure Jacobins, ... With an appendix. By one of the Herefordshire Yeomanry, and a member of the Philanthropic Society of that province
94. A dialogue or discourse between Mary & Martha
95. A dialogue or, discourse between Mary & Martha
96. A dialogue or, discourse between Mary & Martha : By Eunice Smith, of Ashfield
97. Dialogues for Sunday evenings : between the principal lady of the village and her neighbours. Translated from a work of Madame Le Prince de Beaumont, called Magasin des pauvres, &c. &c. With alterations
98. Dialogues in a library
99. Dialogues of the dead : By the late Lord (George) Lyttleton
100. Diaries, 1788-90, 1805, 1810,1815-19, 1821-28, 1831-36. 26 vol
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