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2. The ladies' diary : or woman's almanack, for the year of our Lord 1797; being the first after bissextile, or leap-year. Containing new improvements in arts and sciences, and many entertaining particulars: designed for the use and diversion of the fair-sex. The ninety-fourth almanack published of this kind
3. The Ladies' own memorandum-book; or, Daily pocket journal, for the year 1798 : Designed as a methodical register of the transactions of business, as well as amusement. Containing, I. Introductory address. II. Country dances for the year 1798. III. Useful market tables. IV. Chronological notes in 1796. V. Birth-days and years of the royal family. VI. Birth-days of the sovereigns in Europe. VII. Rules for finding the moveable feasts, &c. VIII. A perpetual diary. IX. Answers to last year's enigmas, charades, and rebuses. X. New enigmas. XI. New Charades. XII. New rebuses. XIII. Favourite new songs, sung at Vauxhall, &c. in 1797. XIV. Original pieces
4. The ladies' philosophy of love : a poem, in four cantos
5. The ladies' philosophy of love : A poem, in four cantos. Written in 1774. By Charles Stearns, A.B. since Pastor of the church, and preceptor of the Liberal School in Lincoln. Now first published--according to act of Congress
6. The lady and the pye; or, know thyself
7. The lady's miscellany; or, Pleasing essays, poems, stories, and examples, for the instruction and entertainment of the female sex in general, in every station of life .
8. The lady's miscellany; or Pleasing essays, poems, stories, and examples, for the instruction and entertainment of the female sex in general, in every station of life : By George Wright, Esq. Author of The rural Christian, Pleasing melancholy, Gentleman's miscellany. [Two lines of verse].
9. The Lady's pocket library : containing, 1. Miss More's Essays. 2. Dr. Gregory's Legacy to his daughters. 3. Lady Pennington's Unfortunate mother's advice to her daughters. 4. Rudiments of taste, by the Countess of Carlisle. 5. Mrs. Chapone's Letter on the government of th temper. 6. Swift's Letter to a young lady newly married. 7. Moore's Fables for the female sex
10. The laity's directory : for the church service ... for the year of our Lord MDCCXCVIII. ... To which is added, ... times for gaining indulgences, obituary, and New Year's gift, &c. ...
11. Lancaster canal
12. The Last confession and dying speech of Peter Porcupine : with an account of his dissection
13. The Last confession and dying speech of Peter Porcupine : with an account of his dissection
14. The Last confession and dying speech of Peter Porcupine : with an account of his dissection
15. The Last confession and dying speech of Peter Porcupine : with an account of his dissection
16. The Last confession and dying speech of Peter Porcupine : with an account of his dissection
17. The last dying speech, and confession, life, character, and behaviour, of the unfortunate malefactors, executed this day for the murder of Mr. Duncan Robinson, near Smart's Buildings, Holborn
18. The last letter of James M'kaen, which he wrote to his wife and children four days before his execution
19. The last letters of Thomas Potts, who was executed, at Paisley, August 17, 1797. Written to his wife and friends, while under sentence of death
20. The last speech and dying declaration of William Orr : who was executed on Saturday the 15th instant, near Carrickfergus, (Ireland) for the crime of treason, and delivered by himself at the place of execution
21. The late glorious victory : Journal of the proceedings of His Majesty's fleet, under the command of Sir John Jervis, K.B. on the 14th February 1797. Illustrated with an engraved plan of the action: to which are added, interesting letters from officers who were in the action
22. Laugh and be fat, or The merry Jester : containing the newest, drollest, queerest, completest, most commical, most facetious, and best collection, over offered to the inhabitants of Great-Britain, and Ireland, of diverting jests funny jokes frolicsoms stores humourous sayings entertaining tales lively bonmots pleasant adventures keen repartees merry waggeries excellent puns curious buils, English, Irish, and Scotch smart quibbles agreeable humbugs witty gibs, and other flashes of merriment. To which are added, the following humourous and agreeable articles, viz. new, merry, and ingenuous conundrums, rebuffes, riddles, epigrams, epitaphs, poems, acrosticks and other witticisms. Together with an entire new selection of toasts, sentiments, hobnabs. &c. at this time used in the best companies in London and Westminster. Calculated for both sexes, to kill care, to banish sorrow, and promote mirth, fun, jolity, and good humour: almost the whole of this work being really new, and written on purpose. To which is perfixed, the bad bargain on both sides
23. Lavater's essays on physiognomy : With ornamental caricatures, and finished portraits. Translated from the last Paris edition, by the Rev. C. Moore, ...
24. The law of nations : or, principles of the law of nature, applied to the conduct and affairs of nations and sovereigns. From the French of Monsieur de Vattel
25. The law of nations, or, Principles of the law of nature : applied to the conduct and affairs of nations and sovereigns
26. The law of nature, or Principles of morality, deduced from the physical constitution of mankind and the universe : By C-F. Volney. [Two lines from Pope].
27. The law-dictionary : explaining the rise, progress, and present state, of the English law, in theory and practice : defining and interpreting the terms or words of art : and comprising copious information, historical, political, and commercial, on the subjects of our law, trade, and government
28. The law-dictionary : explaining the rise, progress, and present state, of the English law, in theory and practice; ... Originally compiled by Giles Jacob; and continued by him, and other editors, through ten editions: now greatly enlarged and improved, ... by T. E. Tomlins, ... In two volumes. ...
29. The law-priest; or, Quibus dissected. In a series of letters, to a friend. By Rusticus
30. The laws and regulations of the Huntingdonshire Book Club Society established at Huntingdon, in the year 1742 : Revised and submitted to the consideration of the members, assembled at the George Inn. October 4, 1797; and then approved and ordered to be printed
31. Laws made and passed by the General Assembly of the state of Maryland
32. The laws of a Book Society, established at York : with a catalogue of the books, &c.
33. Laws of the Bahamas : reformatted from the original and including, Laws of the Bahamas ...
34. Laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts
35. Laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
36. Laws of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
37. Laws of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania passed at the session of ...
38. Laws of the state of Delaware
39. Laws of the state of Delaware : from the fourteenth day of October, one thousand seven hundred, to the eighteenth day of August, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-seven. In two volumes. ... Published by authority
40. Laws of the state of Delaware : from the fourteenth day of October, one thousand seven hundred, to the eighteenth day of August, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-seven. In two volumes. ... Published by authority
41. Laws of the state of Delaware ... General Assembly
42. Laws of the state of Delaware : tfrom the fourteenth day of October, one thousand seven hundred, to the eighteenth day of August, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-seven
43. Laws of the state of Delaware, passed at a session of the General Assembly, which was begun and held at Dover, on Tuesday, the third day of January, and ended on Tuesday, the twenty-fourth day of the same month, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety-seven, and of the independence of the United States of America the twenty-first : Published by authority
44. Laws of the State of Maryland
45. Laws of the state of New Hampshire
46. Laws of the state of New Hampshire
47. Laws of the state of New York
48. The laws of the state of New-Hampshire, the Constitution of the state of New-Hampshire, and the Constitution of the United States, with its proposed amendments : Printed by order of the Honorable the General-Court
49. The laws of the state of New-Hampshire, the Constitution of the state of New-Hampshire, and the Constitution of the United States, with its proposed amendments : Printed by order of the Honorable the General-Court
50. Laws of the state of New-York : comprising the Constitution and the acts of the legislature since the Revolution, from the first to the fifteenth session inclusive
51. Laws of the state of New-York : comprising the constitution, and the Acts of the legislature, since the revolution, from the first to the twentieth session, inclusive. In three volumes. Volume III
52. Laws of the state of North Carolina
53. Laws of the State of Tennessee
54. A layman's protest against the Profane blasphemy, false charges, and illiberal invective of Thomas Paine, author of a book, entitled "The age of reason, part I. And II : Being an investigation of true and fabulous theology." By I. Padman, Jun
55. A layman's protest against the profane blasphemy, false charges and illiberal invective of Thomas Paine, author of a book entitled The age of reason, part I. and II., being an investigation of true and fabulous theology
56. A Lecture, exhibiting the calamities which proceed from the union of the systems of church and state
57. A lecture introductory to a course of popular instruction on the constitution and management of the human body. By Thomas Beddoes
58. A lecture on the preservation of health : By T. Garnett, ...
59. Lectures shewing the several sources of that pleasure which the human mind receives from poetry. By the Rev. James Hurdis
60. Lectures shewing the several sources of that pleasure which the human mind receives from poetry. By the Rev. James Hurdis
61. Lectures upon part and portions of the Psalms of David, as composed for, and, in substance, delivered in the parochial church of Chirnside, and now revised and enlarged. By Walter Anderson
62. The legacy of the father of his country : Address of George Washington, president of the United States, to his fellow citizens, on declining being considered a candidate for their future suffrages. [One line from Shakespeare].
63. Legislative acts including appropriation acts passed and joint and concurrent resilutions adopted by the ... General Assembly of Ohio
64. Legislative journal - House : reformatted from the original and including, A journal of the votes and proceedings of the House of Representatives of the province of Pennsylvania ...
65. Legislative journal - Senate : reformatted from the original and including, Journal of the Senate of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania ...
66. The Lemon
67. The lemon : a poem, by Pat. Pindar; in answer to a scandalous libel, entitled The orange; written, (tho' anonymous,) by the Rev. Dr. Bobadil
68. The lemon : a poem, by Pat. Pindar, in answer to a scandalous libel, entitled, The orange; written (Tho' anonymous) by the Reverend Dr. Bobadil
69. Lenore Ballade von Bürger in drei englischen Übersetzungen
70. Lessons in elocution: or A selection of pieces, in prose and verse : for the improvement of youth in reading and speaking. By William Scott. To which are prefixed, Elements of gesture, illustrated by four elegant copper-plates; and Rules for expressing, with propriety, the various passions and emotions of the mind
71. A letter addressed to the community of Old Dissenters; being an answer to a pamphlet lately published, and entituled "An address to the Christian people under the inspection of the Reformed Presbytery, ..." ... By John Courtas
72. Letter addressed to the legislators of the several states composing the federal union : recommending an uniform continental currency : with rules for calculating in dollars and cents : also a table shewing the weight and value of sundry coins, & c in the same
73. Letter, addressed to the legislators of the several states, composing the federal union : recommending an uniform continental currency : with rules for calculating in dollars and cents : also, a table shewing the weight and value of sundry coins, &c., in the same
74. Letter, addressed to the legislators of the several states, composing the federal union; recommending an uniform continental currency : With rules for calculating in dollars and cents; also, a table shewing the weight and value of sundry coins, &c. in the same. By the author of The stranger's assistant, and The intercourse of nations
75. A letter, addressed to the opponents of Parliamentary reform, in either kingdom, pointing out the dangerous effects produced by their opposition, and encreased by their delay of reform : Shewing the necessity of it, and that by reform alone, permanent tranquillity and greatness can be restored to the British empire. By a Barrister
76. [Letter], Birmingham / 1797 Nov. 29.
77. [Letter book of Secretary of the Treasury, Oliver Wolcott, Jr.].
78. A Letter from *** ***, Esq. to the Hon. *** *** : containing, an account of the origin and progress of the unfortunate differences which have for some time subsisted, between Sir Cuthbert Shafto of Bavington, and his lady
79. A letter from a father to his son, a United Irishman : in the barony of Ards, in the county of Down
80. A letter from a naval officer to a friend : on the late alarming mutiny aboard the fleet
81. Letter from Gabriel Snodgrass, Esq : to the Right Honorable Henry Dundas, ... And to the ... Chairman, the Deputy Chairman, and Court of Directors of the East India Company, on the mode of improving the navy of Great Britain: to which is added an appendix
82. Letter from Gabriel Snodgrass, Esq. to the Right Honorable Henry Dundas ... and to the ... chairman ... of the East-India Company on the mode of improving the Navy of Great Britain .
83. A letter from Germany, to the princess royal of England; on the English and German languages ...
84. A letter from His Grace the Duke of Richmond : to Lieutenant-Colonel Sharman, Chairman to the Committee of correspondence, appointed by the delegates of forty-five corps of volunteers, assembled at Lisburn in Ireland. With notes, by a member of the Society for Constitutional Information
85. A letter from Mr. Pickering, secretary of state, to Mr. Pinckney, minister plenipotentiary at Paris : in answer to the complaints communicated by Mr. Adet, minister of the French republic, against the United States of America
86. Letter from Mr. Pickering, secretary of state, to the Chevalier de Yrujo, envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary of His Catholic Majesty to the United States of America. August 8th, 1797
87. A letter from Ralph Anderson, Esq. to Sir John Sinclair, Bart. M.P.&c. on the necessity of an instant change of ministry, and an immediate peace
88. A letter from the archbishops and bishops of the province of Dublin to his holiness, Pius VI : On the constitution announcing the condemnation of the errors of the synod of Pistoria; with the answer which they recieved by order of his holiness. To which is added a letter from the Sacred congregation of propaganda fide, to the eccesiastical trustees on the establishment and regulations of the Royal College of St. Patrick, at Maynoth; with the answer of the trustees to the said brief; and the elegant original Latin as was printed by the college printer, by order of the trustees
89. Letter from the director of the Mint, accompanying a report, and sundry statements, numbered 1, 3, and 4, made in pursuance of a resolution of the House of the 18th instant : December 19, 1797
90. A letter from the Right Hon. Edmund Burke to His Grace the Duke of Portland, on the conduct of the minority in Parliament, containing fifty-four articles of impeachment against the Right Hon. C. J. Fox. From the original copy, in the possession of the noble Duke
91. A letter from the Rt. Honourable Edmund Burke to His Grace the Duke of Portland : on the conduct of the minority in Parliament. Containing fifty-four articles of impeachment against the Rt. Hon. C. J. Fox. From the original copy, in the possesion [sic] of the noble duke
92. A letter from the Rt. Honourable Edmund Burke to His Grace the Duke of Portland : on the conduct of the minority in Parliament. Containing fifty-four articles of impeachment against the Rt. Hon. C. J. Fox. From the original copy, in the possession of the noble duke
93. A letter from the Rt. Honourable Edmund Burke to His Grace the Duke of Portland : on the conduct of the minority in Parliament. Containing fifty-four articles of impeachment against the Rt. Hon. C. J. Fox. From the original copy, in the possession of the noble duke
94. A letter from the Rt. Honourable Edmund Burke to His Grace the Duke of Portland on the conduct of the minority in Parliament : containing fifty-four articles of impeachment against the Rt. Hon. C.J. Fox : from the original copy in the possession of the noble duke
95. A letter from the Rt. Honourable Edmund Burke to His Grace the Duke of Portland, on the conduct of the minority in Parliament : Containing fifty-four articles of impeachment against the Rt. Hon. C.J. Fox. From the original copy, in the possession of the noble duke
96. A letter from the Rt. Honourable Edmund Burke to His Grace the Duke of Portland, on the conduct of the minority in Parliament : containing fifty-four articles of impeachment against the Rt. Hon. C.J. Fox. From the original copy, in the possession of the noble duke
97. A letter from the Rt. Honourable Edmund Burke to His Grace, the Duke of Portland, on the conduct of the minority in Parliament, containing fifty-four articles of impeachment against the Rt. Hon. C.J. Fox, from the original copy in the possession of the noble duke
98. Letter from the secretary of state to Charles C. Pinckney, Esq : in answer to the complaints of the French minister against the government of the United States, contained in his notes to the secretary of state, dated the 27th of October, and 15th of November, 1796
99. Letter from the secretary of state to Charles C. Pinckney, esq. in answer to the complaints of the French minister against the government of the United States, contained in his notes to the secretary of state, dated the 27th of October, and 15th of November, 1796
100. Letter from the secretary of the Treasury, accompanied with his report and estimates of the sums necessary to be appropriated for the service of the year 1798 : also, a statement of receipts and expenditures at the Treasury of the United States, for one year, preceding the first of October, 1797. 11th December, 1797, referred to the Committee of Ways and Means. Published by order of the House of Representatives
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