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2. Macbeth : a tragedy. Written by William Shakespeare. With notes, by Harry Rowe, ...
3. Madame Angot, ou, La poissarde parvenue : opéra-comique en deux actes, joué sur le théâtre d'Emulation
4. Magazin aller Neuen Erfindungen, Entdeckungen und Verbesserungen, für Fabrikanten, Manufakturisten, Kèunstler, Handwerker und Oekonomen
5. Magazin für den neuesten Zustand der Naturkunde mit Rücksicht auf die dazugehörigen Hülfswissenschaften
6. Magna Charta : edita anno nono H. III
7. Mairis family papers, 1787-1917
8. Le major Palmer : drame, en trois actes, en prose
9. The man in iron; or The substance of a discourse, introduced by an allegory, from David's last words : Delivered by William Franks
10. The man of feeling
11. The man of feeling
12. The man of real sensibility: or, The history of Sir George Ellison : Founded on fact. [Six lines from Sterne].
13. The man of the times: or, A scarcity of cash : A farce. As performed, with universal applause, at the Church-Street Theatre, Charleston. Written by Mr. Beete, comedian
14. The Man Of the Times: Or, a Scarcity Of Cash A Farce. As Performed, With Universal Applause, At the Church-Street Theatre, Charleston
15. Mankind in general, and the clergy in particular, will be greatly pleased, and highly gratified, by having an effectual and ready means put in their hands, of vindicating or defending religion and Christianity
16. The manner pointed out in which the common prayer was read in private by the Late Mr. Garrick : For the instruction of a young clergyman: from whose manuscript notes this pamphlet is composed. By J.W. Anderson, A.M.
17. The manner pointed out in which the common prayer was read in private by the Late Mr. Garrick : For the instruction of a young clergyman: from whose manuscript notes this pamphlet is composed. By J.W. Anderson, A.M.
18. Manual of French grammar. To which is added a small collection from French authors, ... By Lockhart Muirhead, M.A.
19. Manual of the Theophilanthropes, or adorers of God, and friends of men : ... Arranged by certain citizens, and adopted by the Theophilanthropic Societies established in Paris
20. Marchmont
21. The Margate guide, a descriptive poem, with elucidatory notes : Also a general account of Ramsgate, Broadstairs, &c. By an inhabitant
22. Margate Infirmary. Patron His Royal Highness George Prince of Wales : The first anniversary sermon in favour of the sea-bathing infirmary, for the relief of the poor of London and its environs, will be preached ... by the Rev. Archer Thompson, ...
23. The mariner's concert, being a new collection of the most favorite sea songs, written and sung by Dibden [sic], Dignum, Fawcett, &c. and sung at the places of public amusement in the year 1797
24. The Maryland & Virginia almanac; or Washington ephemeris: for the year of our Lord, 1798 : ... Likewise, The way to wealth, Advice to young tradesmen and several useful tables
25. The Maryland Ahiman Rezon, of free and accepted Masons : --containing-- the history of Masonry, from the establishment of the Grand Lodge to the present time; with their ancient charges, addresses, prayers, lectures, prologues, epilogues, songs, &c. Collected from their old records, faithful traditions, & lodge-books. Compiled by order of the Grand Lodge of Maryland, by Brother G. Keatinge, W.M.B.L.
26. The Masonic mirror : to be continued occasionally
27. Masonic. Songs, oratorio, odes, anthems, prologues, epilogues, and toasts : adapted to the different degrees of Masonry
28. The masquerade : A collection of new enigmas, logogriphs, charades, rebusses, queries and transpositions
29. The masquerade. A collection of new enigmas, logogriphs, charades, rebusses, queries and transpositions : Vol. I. ...
30. A mathematical question : propounded by the viceregent of the world; answered by the King of Glory: enigmatically represented, and demonstratively opened. By John Johnson, late of Liverpool, in England. [One line from Psalms].
31. Matrimony. At the day and time appointed for solemnization of matrimony, the persons to be married shall come into the body of the church, with their friends and neighbours: and there standing together, the man on the right hand, and the woman on the left, the priest shall say
32. Maturini Corderii colloquiorum centuria selecta : Notis anglicis adspersa, et a plurimis, quæ vulgares editiones infestas habent, mendis repurgata. A Gulielmo Willymott, A.M. Coll. Regal. Cantab. Socio
33. Maturini Corderii colloquiorum centuria selecta : Or, A select century of M. Cordery's colloquies: with an English translation, as literal as possible. And a large vocabulary, for the assistance of beginners in the study of Latin
34. Maximen, Charakterzüge und Anekdoten
35. Maxims and moral reflections. By the Duke de La Rochefoucault
36. The mayor of Garratt : a comedy in two acts: as performed at the Theatres Royal. Written by the late Samuel Foote, Esq
37. Means for the preservation of public liberty : an oration delivered in the New Dutch Church, on the Fourth of July, 1797, being the twenty-first anniversary of our independence
38. Measures recommended for the support of public credit
39. Measures recommended for the support of public credit : By Captain James Burney
40. The mechanic's guide : or, a treatise on the laws of mechanics, as they relate to wheel machines: ... By William Bigland
41. Medical and chirurgical reform proposed, from a review of the healing art, throughout Europe, particularly Great Britain. With considerations on hospitals, dispensaries, poor-houses, and prisons; ... By T. Champney
42. Medical extracts : on the nature of health, with practical observations: and the laws of the nervous and fibrous systems; by a friend to improvements. Vol. IV.
43. Medical facts and observations
44. A medical glossary : In which the words in the various branches of medicine are deduced from their original languages. Properly accented, and explained. By W. Turton, M.D.
45. Medical inquiries and observations : By Benjamin Rush, M.D. Professor of the institutes of medicine, and of clinical practice in the University of Pennsylvania. Vol. II.
46. Medical, philosophical, and vulgar errors : of various kinds, considered and refuted. By John Jones, ...
47. Medical reports, on the effects of water : cold and warm, as a remedy in fever, and febrile diseases; ... with observations on ... opium, alcohol, and inanition. By James Currie, ...
48. The Medical repository
49. Meditations and contemplations : ... By James Hervey, ...
50. Meditations and contemplations : In two volumes. ... By the late Reverend James Hervey, ...
51. Meditations, representing a glimpse of glory : or, a gospel discovery of Emmanuel's land. Whereunto is subjoined, a spiritual hymn, intituled, the dying saint's song; and some of his last letters. By Mr Andrew Welwood
52. Meine Nachforschungen über den Gang der Natur in der Entwiklung des Menschengeschlechts von dem verfasser Lienhard und Gertrud
53. Mem. Mary, &c, Watsons, &c. against Lieut. Jo. Alex. Græme, &c. Jo. Taylor, W.S. agent. H. Clk. Memorial for Mary, Jean, Patrick, Elizabeth, Alexander, Steuart, and William Watsons, children of the marriage between John Watson, rector of the Grammar-School at Dundee, and Elizabeth Campbell, his wife; and for George Wilkie, merchant in Dundee, husband of the said Jean; and also for Duncan, Margaret, Mary, and Anne Steuarts children of the deceased Alexander Steuart at Auchindarroch; and for Duncan Steuart, husband of the said Mary; Donald Macqueen, Queen husband of the said Margaret; and Donald Macdonald, husband of the said Anne, for their respective rights and interests. Against Lieutenant John Alexander Grm̆e, executor, and Duncan Steuart, of the island of Jamaica, heir at law of the deceased Mrs Elizabeth Bowman, the sister and heir of the deceased Lieutenant Duncan Steuart
54. A memoir of the life of the late Robert Burns; written by R. Heron
55. Mémoire du général de brigade André Rigaud, en réfutation des écrits calomnieux contre les citoyens de couleur de Saint-Domingue
56. Mémoire sur le projet de l'Empereur Léopold : avec une analyse de l'histoire politique de l'Europe depuis 1756, montrant la nécessité d'une coopération financiale et militaire entre l'Angleterre et certaines puissances continentales, pour assurer leur salut réciproque, et soutenir l'ordre de la civilisation dans la crise actuelle
57. Mémoire sur les finances, et sur les moyens de pourvoir aux besoins urgens de la République : présenté aux Commissions des finances des deux Conseils, et au Directoire exécutif, le 23 fructidor, an 5 de la République
58. Mémoire sur les travaux ordonnés dans les carrières sous Paris, et plaines adjacentes, et Exposé des opérations faites pour leur réparation
59. Memoires : ou, Essais sur la musique
60. Mémoires pour servir a l'histoire du jacobinisme
61. Mémoires pour servir à l'histoire du Jacobinisme : par Mr. l'Abbé Barruel. ...
62. Mémoires secrets pour servir a l'histoire de la dernière année du règne de Louis XVI : ... Par Ant.-Fr. Bertrand-de-Molleville, ...
63. Mémoires sur la Révolution française : Par le marquis de Bouillé
64. Memoires sur la vie de Jean Racine
65. Memoirs : illustrating the history of Jacobinism
66. Memoirs, illustrating the history of Jacobinism. A translation from the French of the Abbé Barruel
67. Memoirs of a peg-top. By the Author of Adventures of a pincushion
68. Memoirs of Charette, chief of the Royal and Christian Armies in the interior of France: containing anecdotes of his private life, and details of the war in la Vendée. By an emigrant of distinction. Translated from the French
69. Memoirs of Richard Parker, the mutineer : together with an account at large of his trial by Court Martial, defence, sentence, and execution and a narrative of the mutiny at The Nore and Sheerness, from its commencement to its final termination
70. Memoirs of Richard Parker, the mutineer, together with an account at Large of his trial by court martial, defence, sentence, and execution, and a narrative of the mutiny at the Nore and Sheerness, from its commencement to its final termination
71. Memoirs of Robert Burns
72. Memoirs of the administration of the Right Honourable William Pitt : or an inquiry into the causes and consequences of his conduct, ... In a letter to the Right Hon. the Earl of Suffolk, ... By David Gam, Esq
73. Memoirs of the House of Medici, from its origin to the death of Francesco, the second Grand Duke of Tuscany, ... From the French of Mr. Tenhove, with notes and observations, by Sir Richard Clayton
74. Memoirs of the illustrious house of Medici : from Giovanni, the founder of their greatness, ... to the death of Giovanni-Gaston, the last Grand Duke of Tuscany, ... Illustrated with several genealogical tables. By Mark Noble, ...
75. Memoirs of the Late Colonel Frederick, son of Theodore, King of Corsica : Written by a gentleman who knew him many years, and accompanied with a character of himself, drawn up by his own hand
76. Memoirs of the life of Catherine Phillips: : to which are added some of her epistles
77. Memoirs of the life of Catherine Phillips : to which are added some of her epistles
78. Memoirs of the life of Catherine Phillips: to which are added some of her epistles
79. Memoirs of the life of Richard Burdsall; shewing the mercy of god in Christ Jesus, to a sinner; ... Written by himself, in the years 1796-7.
80. Memoirs of the life of Simon Lord Lovat
81. Memoirs of the life of Simon Lord Lovat : written by himself, in the French language; and now first translated, from the original manuscript
82. Memoirs of the present Countess of Derby : (late Miss Farren); including anecdotes of several distinguished persons, ... By Petronius Arbiter, Esq
83. Memoirs of the present Countess of Derby : (late Miss Farren); including anecdotes of several distinguished persons, ... By Petronius Arbiter, Esq
84. Memoirs of the present Countess of Derby : (late Miss Farren); including anecdotes of several distinguished persons, ... By Petronius Arbiter, Esq
85. Memoirs of the present Countess of Derby : (late Miss Farren); including anecdotes of several distinguished persons, ... With a postscript extraordinary! By Petronius Arbiter, Esq
86. Memoirs of the present Countess of Derby : (late Miss Farren); including anecdotes of several distinguished persons, ... With a postscript extraordinary! By Petronius Arbiter, Esq
87. The memoirs of the present Countess of Derby, rescued by truth from the assassinating pen of Petronius Arbiter; and proving the stage, ... to have been always considered as a school for morality. ... By Scriptor Veritatis
88. The memoirs of the present Countess of Derby, rescued by truth from the assassinating pen of Petronius Arbiter; and proving the stage, ... to have been always considered as a school for morality. ... By Scriptor Veritatis
89. Memoirs of the revolution; or, an apology for my conduct, in the public employments which I have held. By D. J. Garat; ... Translated from the French by R. Heron
90. Memoirs of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke : or, an impartial review of his private life, his public conduct, his speeches in Parliament, and the different productions of his pen, whether political or literary. ... By Charles McCormick, LL.B.
91. Memoirs of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke, or, An impartial review of his private life, his public conduct ... interspersed with a variety of curious anecdotes, and extracts from his secret correspondence ...
92. Memoirs relating to the French Revolution : By the Marquis de Bouillé. Translated from the French manuscript
93. A memorandum book, 1774-1815
94. Memoria sobre los medios de destruir la mendicidad y de socorrer los verdaderos pobres de esta capital
95. The memorial and address of the people called Quakers, from their yearly meeting held in Philadelphia, by adjournments, from the 25th of the 9th month, to the 29th of the same inclusive, 1797 respectfully sheweth ...
96. A Memorial for the present age, and information to posterity, of the loyality, patriotic zeal, and spirited exertions of the citizens of Bristol : Being an account of the cause, rise, progress, and military improvement of the volunteers of the said city. With a correct list of the names of officers, and every soldier of the cavalry and infantry
97. Memorial of the Illinois and Wabash Land Company : 13th January, 1797, referred to Mr. Jeremiah Smith, Mr. Kittera, and Mr. Baldwin. Published by order of the House of Representatives
98. Memorial on the subject of a mission to Bengal, addressed to the directors of the honourable the East-India Company
99. Memorias históricas sobre la legislacion, y gobierno del comercio de los españoles con sus colonias en las Indias occidentales
100. Memorias históricas sobre la legislacion, y gobierno del comercio de los españoles con sus colonias en las Indias occidentales
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