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2. Obedience rewarded : and prejudice conquered; or, the history of Mortimer Lascells. Written for the instruction and amusement of young people. By Mrs. Pilkington
3. The objections of infidel historians and other writers against Christianity : considered in eight sermons preached at the Bampton lecture at Oxford, in the year MDCCXCVII. To which is added, a sermon preached before the University, on Sunday, Oct. 18, 1795
4. The objections of infidel historians and other writers against Christianity, considered in eight sermons preached at the Bampton Lecture at Oxford, in the year MDCCXCVII. To which is added, A sermon preached before the University, on Sunday, Oct. 18, 1795. By William Finch
5. The obligations of Christians to avoid war as much as possible, and to live in peace one with another : a sermon for the Fast Day, March 8, 1797. By Alexander Hewat, D.D.
6. Observationes De historicis Alexandri Magni
7. Observations and advices for the improvement of the manufacture of muscovado sugar and rum
8. Observations and advices for the improvement of the manufacture of muscovado Sugar and Rum. First part. By Bryan Higgins, M.D.
9. Observations concerning the diet of the common people : recommending a method of living less expensive and more conducive to health, than the present
10. Observations concerning the diet of the common people : recommending a method of living less expensive, and more conducive to health, than the present. By William Buchan, ...
11. Observations concerning the prevention and cure of the venereal disease : Intended to guard the ignorant and unwary against the baneful effects of that insidious malady. With an appendix, ... By W. Buchan, ...
12. Observations de l'administration Lafarge, sur l'opinion présentée au Conseil des anciens par le représentant du peuple Laussat, relative à la résolution du 4 nivôse, concernant les rentes de 200 liv. et au-dessous
13. Observations in defence of a Bill lately brought into Parliament, for erecting the Corporation of Surgeons of London into a College : ... By Thomas Chevalier, ...
14. Observations in defence of a Bill lately brought into Parliament, for erecting the Corporation of Surgeons of London into a college : ... including a sketch of the history of surgery in England. By Thomas Chevalier, ...
15. Observations in defence of a bill, lately brought into Parliament, for erecting the Corporation of Surgeons of London into a college : and for granting and confirming to such college certain rights and privileges : including a sketch of the history of surgery in England
16. Observations of the changeable brightness of the satellites of Jupiter : and of the variation in their apparent magnitudes; with a determination of the time of their rotatory motions on their axes. To which is added, a measure of the diameter of the second satellite, and an estimate of the comparative size of all the four. By William Herschel, LL.D. F.R.S. From the Philosophical transactions
17. Observations on animal electricity : In explanation of the metallic operation of Doctor Perkins. By John Vaughan, M.P.M.S. Fellow of the Medical Society of Delaware. [One line from Dryden].
18. Observations on certain documents contained in no. V & VI of The history of the United States for the year 1796 : in which the charge of speculation against Alexander Hamilton, late secretary of the treasury, is fully refuted
19. Observations on certain documents contained in no. V & VI of "The history of the United States for the year 1796" : in which the charge of speculation against Alexander Hamilton, late secretary of the Treasury, is fully refuted
20. Observations on divers passages of Scripture : Placing many of them in a light altogether new; ... in books of voyages and travels into the east: in two volumes. ... The third edition, corrected with care, and enlarged ... from some MS. papers of the celebrated Sir John Chardin
21. Observations on Doctor Priestley's doctrines of philosophical necessity and materialism : By James Purves
22. Observations on Mr John Sutcliffe's report on a proposed line of canal : from Stella to Hexham. With an appendix, containing remarks on his second report. By William Chapman
23. Observations on Mr. John Sutcliffe's Report on a proposed line of canal, from Stella to Hexham : with an appendix, containing remarks on his second report
24. Observations on the assessment of tolls as a public revenue : to which are added, calculations on the probable amount of some other articles of taxation less liable to exception
25. Observations on the credit and finances of Great Britain : in reply to the thoughts of the Earl of Lauderdale and the appeal of Mr. Morgan
26. Observations on the credit and finances of Great Britain; in reply to the thoughts of the Earl of Lauderdale, and the appeal of Mr. Morgan. By Daniel Wakefield, Esq
27. Observations on the debates of the American congress, on the addresses presented to General Washington, on his resignation : ... By Peter Porcupine, ... To which is prefixed, General Washington's address to Congress; ...
28. Observations on the debates on the American Congress, on the addresses presented to General Washington, on his resignation : with remarks on the timidity of the language held towards France : the seizures of American vessels by Great Britain and France : and, on the relative situations of those countries with America
29. Observations on the declaration of the livery of London
30. Observations on the dispatch written the 16th January 1797 : by Mr. Pickering, secratary [sic] of state of the United States of America, to Mr. Pinkney [sic], minister plenipotentiary of the United Sates [sic] near the French Republic
31. Observations on the dispute between the Tnited [sic] States and France : Addressed by Robert Goodloe Harper, of South Carolina, to his constituents, in May, 1797
32. Observations on the dispute between the United States and France ...
33. Observations on the dispute between the United States and France
34. Observations on the dispute between the United States and France
35. Observations on the dispute between the United States and France
36. Observations on the dispute between the United States and France
37. Observations on the dispute between the United States and France : addressed by Robert Goodloe Harper, of South Carolina, to his constituents, in May, 1797
38. Observations on the dispute between the United States and France, addressed
39. Observations on the dispute between the United States and France, addressed : By Robert Goodloe Harper, Esq. one of the delegates of South Carolina, (a state, at one time, the most devoted to the French interest of any in the union) To his constituents, in May, 1797. Englishmen will find this pamphlet well worth their perusal at the present moment, as containing facts and observations equally applicable to this country. And, as the editor has given the profits to the Philanthropic Society, at whose press it is printed, it is hoped the friends of that benevolent institution will afford every ecouragement to its sale
40. Observations on the effects which carriage wheels, with rims of different shapes, have on the roads : respectfully offered to the consideration of the legislature. By Alexander Cumming, ...
41. Observations on the establishment of the Bank of England : and on the paper circulation of the country. By Sir Francis Baring, Bart. ...
42. Observations on the establishment of the Bank of England : and on the paper circulation of the country. By Sir Francis Baring, Bart
43. Observations on the establishment of the Bank of England and on the paper circulation of the country
44. Observations on the establishment of the Bank of England and on the paper circulation of the country
45. Observations on the increase of infidelity
46. Observations on the increase of infidelity : By Joseph Priestley, L.L.D. F.R.S. &c. &c. To which are added, animadversions on the writings of several modern unbelievers, and especially the Ruins of Mr. Volney. [Three lines in French from Bonnet].
47. Observations on the late act for augmenting the salaries of curates, in four letters to a friend, by Eusebius, vicar of Lilliput
48. Observations on the medical effects of compression by the tourniquet : By George Kellie, ...
49. Observations on the national debt, and an enquiry into its real connection with the general prosperity
50. Observations on the national debt, and an enquiry into its real connection with the general prosperity
51. Observations on the nature and cure of calculus, sea scurvy, consumption, catarrh, and fever : together with conjectures upon several other subjects of physiology and pathology. By Thomas Beddoes, M.D.
52. Observations on the navigation of the eastern seas, by Mr. James Horsburgh : Published at the charge of the East India Company by Dabrymple
53. Observations on the operation of insolvent laws, and imprisonment for debt : Dedicated to Lord Yelverton by Bart. Thomas Duhigg, ...
54. Observations on the present alarming crisis : Addressed to the nobility and clergy. By J. Morfit, ...
55. Observations on the present alarming crisis: addressed to the nobility and clergy. By J. Morfitt
56. Observations on the present state of affairs in Ireland : suggested by a recent report, that the office of concession and pacification was to be entrusted to His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales
57. Observations on the state of society among the Asiatic subjects of Great Britain : particularly with respect to morals, and on the means of improving it
58. Observations on the State of Society among the Asiatic Subjects of Great Britain : Particularly with Respect to Morals; and on the Means of Improving It
59. Observations on the strength of the present government of France : and upon the necessity of rallying round it. Translated from the French of Benjamin Constant, by James Losh
60. Observations on the various systems of canal navigation : with inferences practical and mathematical; ... with four plates. By William Chapman, ...
61. Observations on the various systems of canal navigation with inferences practical and mathematical : in which Mr. Fulton's plan of wheel-boats and the utility of subterraneous and of small canals are particularly investigated : including an account of the canals and inclined planes of China
62. Observations relative chiefly to the natural history, picturesque scenery, and antiquities, of the western counties of England : made in the years 1794 and 1796. Illustrated by a mineralogical map, and sixteen views in aquantinta by Alken. By William George Maton, ...
63. Observations relative to the proposed wet docks of the merchants of London
64. Observations succintes sur l'écrit de M. Malouet daté du 20 décembre 1796, intitulé Examen de cette question ... &c. &c
65. Observations sur la dépêche écrite le 16 Janvier 1797 : par M. Pickering, secrétaire d'état des États Unis de l'Amérique, a M. Pinkney [sic], ministre plénipotentiaire des États-Unis près la République Française. Par C.C. Tanquy de la Boissière
66. Observations sur la validité des transations [sic] entre particuliers
67. Observations sur le discours du représentant du peuple Gibert-Demolières : prononcé à la tribune du Conseil des cinq cents, le 28 thermidor, concernant le rapport du Ministre des finances sur l'état des recettes actuelles du trésor public : avec quelques réflexions générales sur les impôts, et particulièrement de l'impôt sur le sel, perçu à l'extraction des salinés et marais salans
68. Observations upon the oath of allegiance, as prescribed by the enrolling act : Addressed to the inhabitants of the north of Ireland
69. The observer
70. The observer
71. Observer
72. An [o]ccasional assistant to the most serious of parochial duties : Or, Supplement to the established order for the visitation of the sick: to which is added, a collection of prayers on several occasions. By Sir Adam Gordon, bart. M.A. formerly of Christ's Church, Oxford; and rector of West Tilbury, Essex
73. An occasional supplement to the appendix chiefly of Plain reasons for a general reform of our charities
74. O'Connor's letters to Earl Camden : As published in the Courier of Monday, January 29.
75. The oddest of all oddities : being an odd book of all the odd sermons, that have been preached in the fields, and such odd chapels, in every odd year, odd month, or odd day since the odd year seventy one: ... by ... Oddicurious. ...
76. Ode on the fluctuations of civil society. To which is added, An ode to fortune
77. Ode To General Kosciusko, By H. F. Cary
78. Ode to General Kosciusko, by H.F. Cary, A.M. Author of An ode to General Elliott, Sonnets, &c.
79. Odes and elegies, descriptive & sentimental : with The patriot, a poem; by John Corry
80. Odes, by G. Dyer, M. Robinson, A.L. Barbauld, - Rack, J. Ogilvie, R.F. Cheetham, &c.
81. Oeconomy in brewing : The second edition. Concise instructions for brewing in private families. Calculated solely for the use of those who are desirous of brewing their own beer. ... By Wm. Ploughman
82. Oeuvres complètes du cardinal de Bernis, de l'Académie française ...
83. Oeuvres mêlées de M. L. Dutens
84. Of the Hotwell waters, near Bristol : by John Nott, ...
85. Office de l'Eglise hymnal, 1789-1871
86. The office of sheriff : shewing its history and antiquity: the manner of appointing the high sheriff, his under sheriff, and other deputies; together with their respective powers and duties: ... To which are added, the mode of electing coroners, and returning members of Parliament: with many useful precedents, ... fourth edition. By John Impey, of the Inner-Temple, ...
87. The official correspondence relative to the negotiation for peace between Great Britain and the French Republick as laid before both houses of Parliament by His Majesty's command
88. The official correspondence relative to the negotiation for peace, between Great Britain and the French republick. As laid before both Houses of Parliament. By His Majesty's command
89. An oifig chum ceart fhrithealadh an comuin naomh, do reir gnathachadh eaglais na h'alba
90. An old bachelor's reflections on matrimony
91. The old English baron : a Gothic story
92. The old English baron: A gothic story. Embellished with elegant engravings
93. The old English gentleman : a poem, by Mr. Polwhele
94. The Old farmer's almanack
95. An old friend with a new face
96. An old friend with a new face : a novel. In three volumes. By Mrs. Parsons. ...
97. Old South miscellany collection
98. Old Tom Parr : A true story. ...
99. Olney hymns : in three books. ...
100. Olney hymns : in three books. ...
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