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2. To the ends of the earth : the epic story of how ancient explorers, scientists, soldiers, and traders connected the world
3. Pytheas of Massalia : texts, translation, and commentary
4. Pytheas of Massalia : texts, translation, and commentary
5. Le bateau de Palmyre : quand les mondes anciens se rencontraient, VIe siècle av. J.-C.-VIe siècle ap. J.-C.
6. Toponymy on the periphery : placenames of the Eastern Desert, Red Sea, and south Sinai in Egyptian documents from the early dynastic until the end of the New Kingdom
7. Wissensvermittler - Kritiker - Autor : Joachim Vadians Kommentare zu Pomponius Mela (Basel, 1522)
8. al-Jughrāfyā : sabʻat ʻashar kitāban fī juzʼayn. al-Juzʼ al-awwal 1 - 10
الجغرافيا : سبعة عشر كتابا في جزأين. الجزء الأول 1 - 10