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2. Review of EPA's draft approaches for deriving numeric nutrient criteria for Florida's estuaries, coastal waters, and southern inland flowing waters
3. Comparative hydrology, water quality, and ecology of selected natural and augmented freshwater wetlands in west-central Florida
4. Florida in a tank : the role of experiments in ecosystem restoration
5. Spatial decision support systems for landscape ecological evaluations in the southwest Florida feasibility study
6. Hydrogeology and water-quality characteristics of the Lower Floridan aquifer in east-central Florida
7. Water quality in the Georgia-Florida coastal plain, Georgia and Florida, 1992-96
8. Water quality in the Georgia-Florida coastal plain, Georgia and Florida, 1992-96
9. Water quality, pesticide occurrence, and effects of irrigation with reclaimed water at golf courses in Florida
10. Water quality of surficial aquifers in the Georgia-Florida Coastal Plain
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