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2. O fye for shame, sung by Mr. Vernon, at Vauxhall
3. O Lust, allen alles zu sein : dt. Modelektüre um 1800
4. O rare country lasses, the true loving sailor. Duchess of Newcastle, the dandy O. The murm'ring bride
5. O Rathaille
6. O ravishing delight : [English songs of the 17th and 18th centuries].
7. O razvitii khudozhestvennogo myshlenii͡a v russkoĭ literature : konet͡s XVIII-pervai͡a polovina XIX v.
8. O saisons, ô châteaux : châteaux et littérature des lumières à l'aube de la modernité, 1764-1914
9. O spet͡sifike razvitii͡a russkoĭ literatury XI--pervoĭ treti XVIII veka : stadii i format͡sii
О специфике развития русской литературы XI--первой трети XVIII века : стадии и формации