1. The times : a poem Author/Creator: Church, Benjamin, 1734-1778 Publication/Creation: [Boston] : [Printed by Thomas & John Fleet], [1765] Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
2. To the betrayed inhabitants of the city and colony of New-York : My dear fellow citizens and countrymen, In a day when the minions of tyranny and despotism in the mother country, and the colonies, are indefatigable in laying every snare that their malevolent and corrupt hearts can suggest, to enslave a free people ... Author/Creator: Son of Liberty, 1732-1786 Publication/Creation: [New York] : [Printed by James Parker], [1769] Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
3. To the freeholders and freemen, of the city and county of New-York : Gentlemen, From an earnest desire to avoid all occasion of heat and party spirit ... But, as Mr. Livingston, absolutely refused to stand as a candidate ... I take this opportunity of accepting the honour conferred on me ... Author/Creator: Cruger, John, 1710-1791 Publication/Creation: [New York] : [Printed by John Holt], [1769] Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
4. To the freeholders, and freemen of the city and province of New-York : Gentlemen, The method of taking the suffrages of the people, for places of trust, by ballot, is so manifestly conducive to the preservation of liberty, that its opposer must necessarily be eyed with jealousy ... Publication/Creation: [New York] : [publisher not identified], [1769] Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
5. To the freeholders and freemen, of the city of New-York : Gentlemen, We beg leave to return you our most hearty thanks, for the general approbation you have shewn of our past conduct, by nominating your late members as candidates for the ensuing election ... Author/Creator: De Lancey, James, 1732-1800 Publication/Creation: [New York] : [Printed by John Holt], [1769] Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
6. To the freemen and freeholders, of the city of New-York : Gentlemen, as you are now met, I shall open the occasion of your being called together. You all doubtless well remember, that in the latter end of the month of October last, was imported into this city, and deposited in the fort, a quantity of stamped vellum, parchment and paper, intended to be distributed in this province, by virtue of a late act of Parliament ... Publication/Creation: [New York, N.Y.] : [Printed by John Holt], [1766] Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
7. Tuesday last a committee of the honorable House of Representatives waited on his excellency the governour, with the following message, in answer to his excellency's speech at the opening of the present session Author/Creator: Massachusetts. General Court. House of Representatives Publication/Creation: [Boston, Massachusetts] : [publisher not identified], [1766] Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
8. Two papers, on the subject of taxing the British colonies in America : the first entitled, "Some remarks on the most rational and effectual means that can be used in the present conjuncture for the future security and preservation of the trade of Great-Britain, by protecting and advancing her settlements on the north continent of America." : the other, "A proposal for establishing by act of Parliament the duties upon stampt paper and parchment in all the British American colonies.". Publication/Creation: London : Printed for J. Almon, 1767 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading