1. L'Obituaire de la Collégiale Notre-Dame à Huy Author/Creator: Collégiale Notre-Dame (Huy, Belgium) Publication/Creation: Bruxelles : Palais des académies, 1975 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
2. Obituaire du monastère de Groenendael dans la forêt de Soignes Author/Creator: Groenendaal (Augustinian priory) Publication/Creation: Bruxelles : Palais des académies, 1940 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
3. L'Observateur politique, administratif, historique et littéraire de la Belgique Publication/Creation: A Bruxelles : De l'Imprimerie de P.J. De Mat, 1815-[1820] Format: Journal, Newspaper or Serial Access & Availability: Loading
4. Observations diverses, présentées aux Etats-Unis du Brabant Publication/Creation: Bruxelles : Aux dépens de la Société typographique, Olivier Le May et Compagnie, 1790 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
5. Observations d'un républicain, sur un mémoire publié sous le nom de son A.R. le grand duc de Toscane, comme rédigé du vivant de feu Joseph Second, pour n'être remis qu'après sa mort, aux États de Pays-Bas, ci-devant autrichiens Author/Creator: Linguet, Simon Nicolas Henri, 1736-1794 Publication/Creation: A Bruxelles : De l'Imprimerie de l'auteur : Et se trouve chez Lemaire ..., 1790 Format: Book Is Part Of: Bound with: DC141 .A11 V.25 ; Discours de M. Le Monnier, a l'assemblée de la Société des amis de la constitution séante aux Jacobins, du 25 décembre 1790. Access & Availability: Loading
6. Observations made during a tour in 1816 and 1817 : through that part of the Netherlands, which comprises Ostend, Bruges, Ghent, Brussels, Malines & Antwerp Author/Creator: Smithers, Henry Publication/Creation: Brussels : Printed for the author, [1818?] Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
7. Observations sur le commerce des houilles ou charbon de terre Belge en France : sur la cherté de ce combustible et sur les moyens d'en faire diminuer le prix Publication/Creation: Paris : Dondey-Dupré, 1817 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
8. Observations sur le système des assurances par l'état Author/Creator: Bastiné, Louis, 1812-1888 Publication/Creation: Bruxelles : Imprimerie et lithographie de D. Raes, 1847 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
9. Observations sur quelques écrits publiés dans la Belgique : par lesquels on propose de dépouiller le Roi de France d'un tiers de ses possessions, pour en agrandir les Royaumes voisins Author/Creator: Beaunoir, M. de, 1746-1823 Publication/Creation: [Lille] : [Chez Marlier], [1815?] Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
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11. Occupation et répression militaire allemandes : la politique de "maintien de l'ordre" en Europe occupée, 1939-1945 Publication/Creation: Paris : Autrement : Institut historique allemand, 2006 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
12. Les occupations étrangères en Belgique sous l'ancien régime Author/Creator: Houtte, Hubert van Publication/Creation: Gand : Van Rysselberghe & Rombaut, 1930. Paris : Champion, 1930 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
13. Les occupations étrangères en Belgique sous l'ancien régime... : Tables alphabétiques des noms de personnes et des noms de lieux Author/Creator: Houtte, Hubert van Publication/Creation: Gand : Van Rysselberghe & Rombaut, 1930. Paris : Champion, 1930 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
14. Odilon Delimal : un journaliste franc-tireur au temps de la première Internationale Author/Creator: Bartier, John Publication/Creation: Bruxelles : Éditions de l'Université de Bruxelles, [1983] Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
15. L'Odyssée des animaux : les peintres animaliers flamands au xviie siècle Publication/Creation: Gent : Snoeck, [2016]. Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
16. OECD economic surveys. Belgium Publication/Creation: Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, 2001- Format: Journal, Newspaper or Serial Access & Availability: Loading
17. OECD economic surveys. Belgium-Luxembourg Author/Creator: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Publication/Creation: [Paris] : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Format: Journal, Newspaper or Serial Access & Availability: Loading
18. OECD economic surveys. BLEU Author/Creator: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Publication/Creation: Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Format: Journal, Newspaper or Serial Access & Availability: Loading
19. OECD economic surveys. Belgium-Luxembourg Economic Union Publication/Creation: Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, -1974 Format: Journal, Newspaper or Serial Access & Availability: Loading
20. OECD e-government studies: Belgium 2008 Author/Creator: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Publication/Creation: Paris : OECD Publishing, 2008 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
21. OECD environmental performance reviews. Belgium 2021 Publication/Creation: Paris, France : OECD, 2007 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
22. OECD environmental performance reviews: Belgium 1998 Author/Creator: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Publication/Creation: Paris : OECD Publishing, 1998 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
23. OECD environmental performance reviews: Belgium 2007 Author/Creator: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Publication/Creation: Paris : OECD Publishing, 2007 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
24. OECD financial statistics. Part 2, Financial accounts of OECD countries. Belgium = Statistiques financières de l'OCDE. 2. partie, Comptes financiers des pays de l'OCDE. Belgique Publication/Creation: Paris : OECD, 1991-1997 Format: Journal, Newspaper or Serial Access & Availability: Loading
25. OECD financial statistics. Financial accounts of OECD countries. Belgium = Statistiques financières de l'OCDE. Comptes financiers des pays de l'OCDE. Belgique Publication/Creation: Paris, France : OECD, 1998- Format: Journal, Newspaper or Serial Access & Availability: Loading
26. OECD reviews of vocational education and training: a learning for jobs review of Belgium Flanders 2010 Author/Creator: Kis, Viktória Publication/Creation: Paris : OECD Publishing, 2010 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
27. OECD skills strategy. Flanders assessment and recommendations Publication/Creation: Paris : OECD Publishing, 2019 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
28. OECD360: België 2015 : Hoe doet België het? Author/Creator: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Publication/Creation: Paris : OECD Publishing, 2015 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
29. Oeuvres complètes Author/Creator: Gerlache, Etienne-Constantin, baron de, 1785-1871 Publication/Creation: Bruxelles : H. Goemaere, 1874-1876 Format: Book Edition: 4e édition, corrigé et augmenté. Access & Availability: Loading
30. Of the great treason and syege of Andwerpe that was in July last past by Marten of Rossen which came forth of Gelderlande with xiiii.M. men of armes Author/Creator: Lant, Richard, author Publication/Creation: London : In saynt Pulchres parysh in the Old Bayly, by Rychard Lant, [1542?] Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
31. Office Kersten Geers David Van Severen - seven rooms : [in conjunction with the exhibition: "Office Kersten Geers David Van Severen, Seven Rooms", March 5 - May 3, 2009, deSingel international art campus, Antwerp] Publication/Creation: Ostfildern : Hatje Cantz, 2009 Format: Book Edition: 2nd edition. Access & Availability: Loading
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33. Official catalogue of the Belgian court, 1879 Publication/Creation: [Sydney] : [Thomas Richards, Government Printer], [1879] Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
34. Okkupation und Währung im Ersten Weltkrieg : die deutsche Besatzungspolitik in Belgien und Russisch-Polen 1914-1918 Author/Creator: Zilch, Reinhold Publication/Creation: Goldbach : Keip, [1994] Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
35. Old tunes, dusted down Publication/Creation: [Place of publication not identified] : ARC Music Productions, 2014 Format: Sound Recording Access & Availability: Loading
36. Om beters wille : rederijkerskamers en de stedelijke cultuur in de Zuidelijke Nederlanden 1400-1650 Author/Creator: Bruaene, Anne-Laure van Publication/Creation: Amsterdam : Amsterdam University Press, c2008 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
37. Om beters wille : rederijkerskamers en de stedelijke cultuur in de Zuidelijke Nederlanden 1400-1650 Author/Creator: Bruaene, Anne-Laure van Publication/Creation: Amsterdam : Amsterdam University Press, [2008] Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
38. Om hvitbetssockerbeskattningen inom Tyska tullföreningen, Frankrike och Belgien Author/Creator: Lang, Johan, 1833-1902 Publication/Creation: Lund : H. Ohlssons Boktr, 1873 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
39. On railways in Belgium Author/Creator: Rawson, Rawson William, Sir, 1812-1899 Publication/Creation: [Place of publication not identified] : [publisher not identified], [1839] Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
40. On the trail of Ebola : my life as a virus hunter Author/Creator: Groen, Guido van der, 1942- author Publication/Creation: Tielt, Belgium : Lannoo Publishers, [2016] Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
41. Een Ongehoord Geluid : De Saxofoonklas Van Het Koninklijk Conservatorium Brussel Tussen 1867 En 1904 Author/Creator: Bertels, Kurt Publication/Creation: Brussels : Academic & Scientific Publishers, 2020 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
42. Onhoudbaar verleden : Geschiedenis als politiek instrument tijdens de Franse periode in België Author/Creator: Deseure, Brecht, 1985- author Publication/Creation: Louvain, Belgium : Universitaire Pers Leuven, 2014 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
43. Opening doors : the early Netherlandish triptych reinterpreted Author/Creator: Jacobs, Lynn F., 1955- Publication/Creation: University Park, Pa. : Pennsylvania State University Press, 2011 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
44. Operation Columba : the Secret Pigeon Service : the untold story of World War II resistance in Europe Author/Creator: Corera, Gordon, author Publication/Creation: New York, NY : William Morrow, an imprint of HarperCollinsPublishers, [2018] Format: Book Edition: First U.S. edition. Access & Availability: Loading
45. L'orchidée en Belgique : catalogue de l'exposition Author/Creator: Balis, Jan Publication/Creation: [Brussels] : [Bibliothèque royale de Belgique], [1961] Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
46. Ordannancie ende instructie naer de welcke voort-aen hen moeten reguleren die ghesworen wisselaers ofte collecteurs vande goude ende silvere penningen : wesende verboden gheschroyt te licht oft te seer versleten, ende oversulcx verclaert ende ghehouden voor biloen, daer toe gecommitteert om de selve te leveren inde munten van Sijne Majesteyt, ende al daer bekeert te worden in penninghen van hunnen slaghe Author/Creator: Netherlands Publication/Creation: T' Antwerpen : By Hieronymus Verdussen ..., 1633 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
47. Ordinantie ende placcaet van de Ertzhertoghen ... waer by verboden worde[n] alle vrempde copere munten : oock de stuyuers ende halue stuyuers van siluer gheslagen buyten de landen vande onderdanicheyt van Heure Hoocheden Author/Creator: Netherlands. Sovereign (1598-1621 : Albert and Isabella) Publication/Creation: T' Hantwerpen : By Hieronymus Verdussen ..., 1614 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
48. Ordonnance des archiducqz nos princes souverains pour le passage des moutons venantes des pays estrangers es prouinces de pardeça Author/Creator: Netherlands Publication/Creation: A Bruxelles : Chez Hubert Anthoine ..., 1615 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
49. Ordonnance du roy nostre sire contenant deffence de commerce avec les prouinces rebelles Author/Creator: Netherlands Publication/Creation: A Bruxelles : Chez Hubert Anthoine ..., 1625 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
50. Ordonnance du roy nostre sire par laquelle Sa Majesté deffend le transport des salpetres & pouldres : & donne reiglement sur leur recherche & ce qu'en depend Author/Creator: Netherlands Publication/Creation: A Bruxelles : Chez la vefue de Hubert Anthoine ..., 1631 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
51. Ordonnance et instruction selon laquelle se doibuent conduire & regler doresenauant les changeurs ou collecteurs des pieces d'or & d'argent deffendues, rognées, legieres ou trop vsées : & moiennant ce declairees, & reputées pour billon, à ce commis & sermentez, pour estre liurées és monnoyes de Sa Maiesté, & conuerties en deniers à ses coings & ermes Author/Creator: Netherlands Publication/Creation: En Anvers : Chez Hierosme Verdussen ..., 1633 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
52. Ordonnance et reglement touchant la iouissance de la franchise des toulieux accordée aux bourgeois & habitans de ceste ville de Bruxelles Author/Creator: Netherlands Publication/Creation: A Bruxelles : Chez Hubert Anthoine ..., 1627 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
53. Ordonnantie ende instructie daer op Syne Maiesteyt heeft gheconsenteert, aende dry staeten des landts, ende hertochdoms van Brabant, te lichten vier guldens op elck aeme vvyns incomende in Brabant : ende thien stuyuers op elcke mudde tervve, maet van Louen, die verbacken sal vvorden ... Author/Creator: Netherlands Publication/Creation: Tot Brussel : By Huybrecht Anthoon ..., 1625 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
54. Ordonnantie ons heeren des Conincx by welcke Zijne Majesteyt verbiedt het verdueren vanden salpeter ende buspoyer : ende gheeft reglement op de ondersoeckinghe van diers, ende t' ghene daer aen cleeft Author/Creator: Netherlands Publication/Creation: Tot Brussel : By Huybrecht Anthoon ..., 1630 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
55. Ordonnantie ons Heeren des Conincx, nopende het vuytvoeren ende passagie vande peerden, veulens, ende merrien Author/Creator: Netherlands Publication/Creation: Tot Brussel : By Huybrecht Anthoon ..., 1622 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
56. An organ for princes : restoration of the Great organ of Monaco Publication/Creation: [Place of publication not identified] : Capricorn TV : RTBF, [2011] Format: Video or Visual Material Access & Availability: Loading
57. Organists and organ playing in nineteenth-century France and Belgium Author/Creator: Ochse, Orpha, 1925- Publication/Creation: Bloomington : Indiana University Press, [1994] Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
58. The organization Author/Creator: Commission for Relief in Belgium Publication/Creation: New York : The Commission, [between 1910 and 1919?] Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
59. Les origines de la neutralité de la Belgique et le système de la barrière (1609-1830) Author/Creator: Dollot, René, 1875- Publication/Creation: Paris : F. Alcan, 1902 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
60. Origines ecclesiarum in Belgio reformatorum, sive, Historia ecclesiastica Evangelii seculo decimo sexto in Belgio renovati, doctrinaeque reformatae : quam usque ad excessum Imperatoris Caroli quinti Author/Creator: Gerdes, Daniel, 1698-1765 Publication/Creation: Groningae : Apud Hajonem Spandaw ..., A. 1749 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
61. The origins of modern welfare : Juan Luis Vives, De subventione pauperum, and City of Ypres, Forma subventionis pauperum Publication/Creation: Oxford : Peter Lang, 2010 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
62. Origo & historia Belgicorum tumultuum immanissimaeque crudelitatis per Cliviam & VVestphaliam patratae Author/Creator: Gysius, Johannes, -1652 Publication/Creation: Lugduni Batau : Apud Bartholomeum vander Bild, ad insigne Pegasi, 1619 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
63. Österreicher in der belgischen und französischen Résistance Author/Creator: Spiegel, Tilly, 1906-1988 Publication/Creation: Wien ; Frankfurt ; Zürich : Europa Verl, (1969) Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
64. Otto Vaenius and his emblem books Publication/Creation: Glasgow : Stirling Maxwell Centre for the Study of Word/Image Cultures, University of Glasgow, 2012 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
65. Ou va Bruxelles? : visions pour la capitale Belge et Europeenne Publication/Creation: Brussels, [Belgium] : VUBPRESS, 2013 Format: Book Edition: 1st ed. Access & Availability: Loading
66. Les oubliés de la Grande Guerre Author/Creator: Francken, L. Publication/Creation: Arquennes : MeMogrames, 2016 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
67. De oude Antwerpsche Glasblazerijen : geschiedkundige aanteekeningen = Les anciennes verreries d'Anvers : notes historiques Author/Creator: Génard, P. Publication/Creation: Antwerpen : Wed. [Veuve] De Backer, [between 1880-1883] Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
68. "Our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honour.". Publication/Creation: New York : The British Library of Information, [1940?] Format: Book Is Part Of: World War II pamphlets, v. 7. Access & Availability: Loading
69. Our world. Belgium Author/Creator: Bailey, Ellen Author Publication/Creation: [Place of publication not identified] Great Neck Publishing 2011 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
70. Outrageous fortune : the tragedy of Leopold III of the Belgians, 1901-1941 Author/Creator: Keyes, Roger, 1919- Publication/Creation: London : Secker & Warburg, 1984 Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading
71. Ouvrières du monde = Working women of the world Publication/Creation: [Brooklyn, New York] : [Distributed by] Icarus Films, [2016] Format: Video or Visual Material Access & Availability: Loading
72. Ouvrières du monde = Working women of the world Publication/Creation: Brooklyn, NY : First Run/Icarus Films, 2000 Format: Video or Visual Material Access & Availability: Loading
73. Ouvrir la voix Publication/Creation: [San Francisco, California, USA] : Kanopy Streaming, 2022 Format: Video or Visual Material Access & Availability: Loading
74. Overmeesterd / Un talent de maître / Masterful art / Meisterhaft überwältigt : Vlaamse meesters in situ / Maîtres Flamands in situ / Flemish masters in situ / Flämische Meister in situ Publication/Creation: Sint Niklaas : Openbaar Kunstbezit [2019] Format: Book Access & Availability: Loading