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2. Background note, the Netherlands
3. Background notes, the Netherlands
4. Background reports. World communist movement. Europe. Netherlands
5. Balance-of-payments adjustment policies, Japan, Germany, and the Netherlands
6. Bali in the early nineteenth century : the ethnographic accounts of Pierre Dubois
7. Bali in the Early Nineteenth Century : the Ethnographic Accounts of Pierre Dubois
8. The banishment of Beverland : sex, sin, and scholarship in the seventeenth-century Dutch Republic
9. The banishment of Beverland : sex, sin, and scholarship in the seventeenth-century Dutch Republic
10. De banken van leening in Noord-Nederland tot het einde der achttiende eeuw : academisch proefschrift, ter verkrijging van den graad van doctor in het Romeinsch en Hedendaagsch Recht, aan de hoogeschool te leiden, op gezag van den rector magnificus Dr. C. Evers, hoogleeraar in de Faculteit der Geneeskunde, op Maandag den 28sten Juni 1869, des voormiddags te elf uren, in het openbaar te verdedigen
11. Banking and securities regulation in the Netherlands
12. Banking in Russia, Austro-Hungary, the Netherlands and Japan
13. Banking in Russia, Austro-Hungary, the Netherlands and Japan
14. Banking in Russia, Austro-Hungary, the Netherlands and Japan
15. Banking supervision at the crossroads
16. La banque d'Amsterdam et le florin européen : au temps de la République néerlandaise (1610-1820)
17. Barbaren, rebellen en mandarijnen : de VOC in de slag met China in de Gouden Eeuw
18. Barges and capitalism : passenger transportation in the Dutch economy, 1632-1839
19. Barockmalerie in den germanischen Ländern
20. The Barrier-treaty vindicated
21. Barukh Shpinozah = Baruch Spinoza
ברוך שפינוזה = Baruch Spinoza
22. Basic law of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, 1983 : as amended through Staatsblad 273, law of 27 June 2008
23. The basis of citizenship in the nationality laws of selected foreign countries : Australia, Canada, People's Republic of China, Czech Republic, Egypt, Germany, Greece, Indonesia, Israel, Italy, Japan, The Netherlands, Russian Federation, Sweden, Turkey
24. Basisvorming in het onderwijs
25. Baskent diasporic refuges
26. Bataven en buitenlanders : 20 eeuwen immigratie in Nederland
27. Les Bataves
28. Batavia illustrata, or, A view of the policy and commerce of the United Provinces : containing a particular account of their government both civil and ecclesiastical, of the office of stadtholder ... of the Dutch fisheries and manufactures, of the rise and progress of their East and West India companies, of their trade to Denmark ... also to Germany ... of their alliance with the late emperor ... including in the latter, a comparison between the commerce of the English and Dutch ... with a brief account of the manner in which the Dutch carry on the herring fishery
29. Batavia illustrata, or, A view of the policy and commerce of the United Provinces, particularly of Holland : with an enquiry into the alliances of the States General with the Emperor, France, Spain, and Great Britain ...
30. Batavia illustrata, or, A view of the policy and commerce of the United Provinces, particularly of Holland : with an enquiry into the alliances of the States General with the Emperor, France, Spain, and Great Britain ...
31. Batavia, or, the Hollander displayed: beeing thre [sic] weeks observations of the Low Country, especially Holland. : In brief characters & observations of the people & country, the gouvernement of their state & private families, their virtues and vicies [sic]. : Also a perfect description of the people & country of Scotland
32. Batavia, or, The Hollander displayed being thre weeks observations of the low countrry, especially Holland, in brief characters & observations of the people & country, the gouvernement of their state & private families, their virtues and vices : also a perfect description of the people & country of Scotland
33. Batavia, or, The Hollander displayed being three weeks observations of thes [sic] Low Country, especially Holland : in brief characters & observations of the people & country, the gouvernement [sic] of their state & private description of the people & country of Scotland
34. Batavia, or, The Hollander displayed in brief characters & observations of the people & country, the government of their state & private families, their virtues and vices : also, A perfect description of the people & country of Scotland
35. The Batavian Arcadia : pastoral themes in seventeenth century Dutch art
36. Battle for the Escaut 1940 : the France and Flanders campaign
37. The battle for the Sabbath in the Dutch Reformation : devotion or desecration?
38. The Battle of the floods : Holland in February 1953
39. Battleground Western Europe : intelligence operations in Germany and the Netherlands in the twentieth century
40. Bauernsatiren : Entstehung und Entwicklung des bäuerlichen Genres in der deutschen und niederländischen Kunst ca. 1470-1570
41. Beantwoording van Eenige weinige vraagen
42. The Beauty & the actor : ukiyo-e : Japanese prints from the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam and the Rijksmuseum voor Volkenkunde Leiden
43. Beauty or statistics : practice and science in Dutch livestock breeding, 1900-2000
44. Beauty or Statistics : Practice and Science in Dutch Livestock Breeding, 1900–2000
45. Bébés et employeurs - Comment réconcilier travail et vie de famille (Volume 1) : Australie, Danemark et Pays-Bas
46. Becoming a European Homegrown Jihadist
47. Becoming a European homegrown jihadist : a multilevel analysis of involvement in the Dutch Hofstadgroup, 2002-2005
48. Bedenckinghen over den staet vande Vereenichde Nederlanden : nopende de zee-vaert, coop-handel, ende de gemeyne neeringe inde selve, ingevalle den peys met de aerts-hertogen inde aen-staende vrede-handelingde getroffen wert
49. Bedenkingen over de Nederlandsche financiën
50. Bedenkingen over de vrijheid der Schelde : door den keizer gevorderd : over de oorzaaken en waarschijnlijke gevolgen van deze vordering
51. Bedenkingen over het crediet
52. Bedenkingen over het ontwerp van wet : tot daarstelling van middelen ter dekking van de buitengewone staatsbehoeften, over 1832
53. Bedenkingen over het ontwerp van wet, tot daarstelling van middelen ter dekking van de buitengewone staatsbehoeften, over 1832
54. Die Bedeutung ehebedingter Bedürfnislagen für das Recht des nachehelichen Unterhalts in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und den Niederlanden
55. Bedrijfscollecties in Nederland = Corporate art collections in the Netherlands
56. Bedrijfsdoelen verduurzamen
57. Bedrijfsdoelen verduurzamen
58. Beeld en zelfbeeld in de Nederlandse kunst, 1550-1750 = Image and self-image in Netherlandish art, 1550-1750
59. Beelden in de late middeleeuwen en renaissance
60. De beeldhouwers de Nole te Kamerijk, te Utrecht en te Antwerpen
61. Begegnungen mit der deutschen Kultur : niederländisch-deutsche Beziehungen zwischen 1780 und 1920
62. Beggars, Iconoclasts, and Civic Patriots : The Political Culture of the Dutch Revolt
63. Beggars, iconoclasts, and civic patriots : the political culture of the Dutch Revolt
64. The beggars of Holland and the grandees of Spain : a history of the Reformation in the Netherlands, from A.D. 1200 to 1578
65. Beggars' revolt : a historical novel
66. The beginning, progresse, and increase of the sect of the remonstrants and Arminian faction, in the Vnited Provinces of the Low-Countries. Together with the meanes used by the power and authority of the civill magistrate for the suppressing thereof, and the happy successe which it had by their endeavours. Whereunto are annexed the severall edicts and proclamations (for that end and purpose) set forth by the Estates General there forbidding them under the penalties of pecuniarie mulcts, imprisonment and banishment, all meetings and conventicles, for preaching, administring of sacraments, &c. to bee inflicted on the offendors, both ministers and others, according to the severall natures and degrees of their offences
67. The beginnings of Netherlandish canvas painting, 1400-1530
68. The beginnings of the Indonesian-Dutch negotiations and the Hoge Veluwe talks
69. Behind the scenes of science gender practices in the recruitment and selection of professors in the Netherlands
70. Bei yi wu de Taiwan : He Zheng Tai jiang jue zhan shi mo ji
被遺誤的台灣 : 荷鄭台江決戰始末記